2021-10-12 FAC Minutes Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on October 12, 2021. Members present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce Luis Crump Michael Stock Members absent: Beth Boone Tia Bowman Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Superintendent Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2021 meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved. Discussion turned to the first draft of an open call to artists for outdoor sculptures. Mr. Crump related that on Instagram there was an artist, Alex Yanes, who creates whimsical pop art sculptures from recycled materials. Discussion turned to the site specific guidelines for NW 2nd Avenue artists. It was noted that NW 2nd Avenue is a county road and will need approval by the county. Ms. Dorney said the cost of a crane rental also needs to be included in the installation costs; $5000 is strictly the artist’s compensation. It was noted that if the weight of the art piece is 750 pounds, a crane may be necessary. At this time samples of Ms. Einhorn’s design of the back of the mural wall was discussed; the samples showed different fonts on different colored backgrounds. Mr. Bruce noted that the designs are unclear. Mr. Crump suggested painting the back wall a solid color. Ms. Ackley will speak with Ms. Einhorn about submitting another design with hand drawn lettering. The design also needs to address the fact that the wall is comprised of two-panels. A suggestion was made to have a reception that coincides with the painting of the back of the mural wall, which would take place prior to a Council meeting. Mr. Stock noted his disagreement to a reception. At this time the displayed art work in Village Hall’s lobby was explained to the Commission. It was noted that the art is typically changed yearly and the current work has been on display over two years, due to Covid. It was noted that artist Mary Larsen had already been approved for this project. Once Ms. Larsen’s work is installed there will be a Council reception. Ms. Ackley offered to speak to Ms. Larsen in regards to the dimensions of the art pieces. It was related that February is Black History Month. Ms. Ackley suggested collaborating wit h South Florida People of Color since the last joint event featuring singer Leesa Richards was so successful. It was suggested having Reggae music for the March spring concert. At this time Mr. Bruce introduced a new concept; a free standing permanent structure for concerts equipped with a roof, good acoustics and electric. Mr. Bruce showed the Commission a 3D image of one that he has seen. The cost would be approximately $20,000. Mr. Bruce will bring in a sketch of this bandshell - type structure to the next meeting. Ms. Dorney also noted that the Commission will need to include permitting costs of $700 per event for a tent. The date for the January Moonlight Concert with Sol and The Tribu is January 14th. Discussion turned to the Fireside Concert with the group French Horn Collective. Mr. Stock made a motion for Michael Stock to negotiate with French Horn Collective for the February Fireside Concert on February 18th up to $2000, including sound. Motion seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved. Discussion turned to Reggae bank Artikal for a March 20th Spring Concert. Mr. Stock will provide options at the November meeting. Ms. Ackley related that she and Mr. Bruce had a meeting with the Village Manager and discussed visually freshening up the Village, including entry signage, the façade of the 9900 building, landscape designs and mural walls. Discussion included eliminating parallel parking and widening the sidewalks for outdoor dining. Mr. Bruce had suggested keeping some of the parallel parki ng spaces. At the meeting public works related that signage for streets is being done in stages. It was also noted that there is no designated funding for Village entry signs. Ms. Ackley said that design standards will be discussed at the next meeting. Discussion turned to new business. An idea for an upcoming event is to have Barry students perform selections from an opera. It was noted that it is customary to pay a stipend to the school since the performers are students. Mr. Crump also suggested that students could perform Broadway musical selections. Ms. Ackley offered to discuss this with the musical director. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.