2021-03-01 RAC Minutes Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Committee held on March 1, 2021. Members present: Kendra Borja Sandra Carro Christian Dunham Alise Henry Michael O’Hara Gayle Mercado Jacqueline O’Donnell Lisa Sotir Natasha White Members absent: Jacqueline O’Donnell Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director Tom Benton, Village Manager Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney Jacquelyn Villagran, Recreation Superintendent Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Corrections to the minutes of the February 1, 2021 minutes. Page one, Paragraph three, Line three; change ‘FY2021’ to ‘five years’. Page two, Paragraph three, Line seven; add ‘Mr. Benton agreed to have Ms. Dorney provide status of capital projects from 2016 -2020’. Ms. Henry made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2021 meeting with corrections. Motion seconded by Ms. White and unanimously approved. At this time Village Attorney Richard Sarafan gave his legal opinion of the responsibilities of the Committee. Mr. Sarafan noted that the Committee is not a board but rather a committee with no direct authority who works cooperatively with the recreation department. Mr. Sarafan added that the Committee are to be representatives of the participants in programs and bring recommendations to staff. Mr. Benton said that he had asked Mr. Sarafan to give his legal opinion on the Committee and their responsibilities. Mr. Sarafan clarified that the function of the Committee is to advise and make recommendations concerning activities and programs; the Committee is not part of the capital and budget side of recreation. It was added that the Council chooses a representative group of people to have diversity within the Committee. Mr. Sarafan added that it is helpful to recreation staff to receive feedback on programs offered. Mr. Dunham said that information is lacking from the recreation department. Mr. O’Hara added that the Committee has made requests to recreation, but not directives. Mr. Dunham asked if the Committee can request information; Mr. Sarafan said that any resident can ask for information. Ms. Borja said she does not wish to micromanage the recreation department. Ms. Borja has recommended that the recreation department put out information proact ively to allay questions that arise; for example, when a sexual predator was coaching on the recreation fields. Mr. Benton said that it is not within the purview of the Committee to be involved in the capital side of things in recreation. Mr. Dunham said the Committee is simply asking for information. Mr. Sarafan attempted to ask Mr. Dunham a question; but as Mr. Sarafan was repeatedly disruptive and argumentative with the Committee, Mr. O’Hara did not allow the question, citing his purview as the chair of the Committee. Mr. Dunham said the crux of the issue is that the Committee is not receiving information from recreation. In response to a question, Mr. Sarafan said that the Committee is entitled to some information but not all information, noting t here are very many exceptions to the Sunshine Law. Mr. Sarafan added that nothing is being hidden from the Committee. Ms. Sotir commented that this discussion was resolved last month and felt the Committee had moved past this topic. Mr. Sarafan said in reading over previous Committee minutes that it seemed members had expressed frustration in not being involved with capital projects. Mr. Sarafan suggested that the Committee members attend the budget workshops to express opinions. Mr. Benton suggested that the Committee gather feedback from the community and present it to the recreation department. Mr. O’Hara noted that the recreation department wants community feedback but not recommendations from the board members. Mr. O’Hara added that the recreation facilities are falling apart. Mr. Benton said that the budget comes down to priorities adding that the entire Village needs to be budgeted, not just recreation. Mr. Benton added that the recreation department and the library are always last ; the police department and public works will always be giving priority in the budgeting process. Mr. Benton added that each department submits a wishlist of what the department needs. Ms. Henry would like the ability to give an opinion. Mr. O’Hara said it would be helpful to the Committee to know when a capital project is cancelled so that the funds could be allocated to other projects. Mr. Benton said that if the money for a capital project is not used, it goes back into the general fund. Mr. Benton added that the budget process is run to keep the millage rate low; currently, there are no funds available to improve the recreation department. It was noted that $325,000 was put in capital as a project for a new tot lot in 2025 to alert the Council of what planned for the future. Mr. Benton added that in three years there may not be money in the budget for a new tot lot. Mr. O’Hara would like to develop a plan to renovate the current community center and alert Council that at least $750,000 is needed for renovations. Mr. Benton noted that at this time no one is coming to council meetings to voice concerns for a new facility. The community, at large, would need to approve a bond for improvements for this amount. Mr. O’Hara said the Committee is here to fight for the needs of the community center. Ms. Dorney noted that in hindsight, not speaking with the Committee on some issues was not intentional. Mr. O’Hara said the Committee was upset that capital was submitted without the Committee’s knowledge. Ms. Borja would like to move forward and see how certain renovations can be prioritized. Mr. Benton said this is a great idea but noted there is no funding currently to accomplish this. Mr. Benton added that the state projects another lean year for the Village, but said this is the forum to bring new ideas or projects. At this time Ms. Villagran updated the Committee on programming and discussed the new Egg My Yard event. In regard to the pool opening, Ms. Dorney said that the Red Cross is not recommending recertifying lifeguards currently. The Village is actively looking for lifeguards. The goal is to open the pool June 1. Ms. Borja suggested proactively advising the residents on the pool opening. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.