RC-16-1461U Permit Number CONFIRMATION OF DROP'f J�S'I' pc,-.�S-4 -1�561 Address q I ova"/S �� 1` �� 1 ' �Cfi ✓�+r` �oreg 331 3 c� VQIJIPMF,NT USED: Y �MANOMETER TIME: STAI-Z,Y �7%� F1NIS1.1 WC: 9 P- 1f 1� 2- 1 1;g*Z--V�V-60 live completed the above drop test in accordance 1%,ilh NFPA 54 and Florida Bl.61ding Code (Fuel (,'as) and by signing this statement, I declare under penalties of' pel jury that the test performed to be true, correct, antl colliple(c. STATE 0 ,OI2 A JN AMI-DADS r Print Name Sworn to and s►ibserihed 1)efore n►e this (d Sil;nalure of Notary Public_ Stale o1' hlorida Sca I: I'crsonally kII II _ OR, Produced Identification Type of Idenlilicaliou Produced of Se_ �! Y1Jo 201q Y Notary PubAe Stale of FbrxM Maria E. Bre#oMY Corrxninm GG 129054 Expires 07272021 N PlZo)I':1INI: 3800 NW5911I s`ri1 b, ET, MIAM1, FL. 33142 (305) 635-4127