2020-11-10 FAC MINUTESMinutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on November 10, 2020. Members present: Susan Ackley Tia Bowman Victor Bruce Luis Crump Michael Stock Members absent: Beth Boone Jewel Malone The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm. The meeting began with self-introductions of the new Commission members. Ms. Ackley gave a brief rundown of previous Fine Arts Art in Public Places projects including the Sculpture Garden at Optimist Park, the 9/11 Memorial at Memorial Park, the Britto Ball at the Aquatic Center, the mural wall on the north lawn of Village Hall and art installations in the lobby of Village Hall. It was also noted that Fine Arts sponsors three outdoor concerts each year. Mr. Stock made a motion to approve the minutes of March 10, 2020 minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Crump and unanimously approved. Ms. Ackley related that she has contacted artist Luis Valle about an online presentation of his murals throughout South Florida. Ms. Bowman said that musical artists are hosting live music concerts via Instagram Live. There are multiple platforms being used now from Zoom, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Webex, to name a few. Events could be marketed from users sharing a specific event to their users. Ms. Bowman added that the Commission could offer these events on a monthly basis; launch a few monthly events to see the results and go from there. It was noted the events should be live and not recorded. The platforms would be free to utilize; only the artists would need to be paid. Ms. Bowman suggested playing a pre-recorded Commission event. Ms. Dorney agreed it would be a good idea to begin recording Commission events to create a library of past events. It was suggested that Commission members bring ideas of future online events to the December meeting. Mr. Stock will also contact bands about broadcasting a live event. Ms. Ackley suggested a budget of $1,000 for Luis Valle online mural presentation. Ms. Bowman felt that a fee $1,000 is too high for a 30 minute presentation. Ms. Dorney also suggested that criteria/guidelines need to be established for selecting artists. Mr. Crump said that $1,000 is a fair fee for artists, as they are struggling through the pandemic. Ms. Bowman suggested offering Mr. Valle less money since it is a controlled presentation. Ms. Bowman suggested $500 for a 30-35 minute presentation. Mr. Stock suggested a $300 fee for the artist. Mr. Bruce made a suggestion of $450 for a 45-minute presentation. Ms. Dorney will inquire about the logistics of hosting an Instagram Live or Facebook Live event with the Village. Mr. Bruce made a motion that the online event be named Art Experiences, italics on the word Experiences, for a 45-minute presentation for $450. Motion seconded by Mr. Stock and unanimously approved. Mr. Crump likes the idea of the event on Fridays. Ms. Bowman added that this event would be targeting residents who are staying home on Friday evenings. January 15, 2021 was selected as the date of the online event with Luis Valle. A concert event would be the targeted online event for February. As February is Black History Month, it was suggested contacting Black Violin, an instrumental duo. It was noted that the current meeting time of 6:00pm is fine with all present Commission members. Turning to new business, Mr. Bruce’s book club, expressed interest in creating a lending library. The details of the structure have yet to be decided. However, Mr. Bruce thought that the Commission might be interested in being artistically involved in the creation of the structure. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.