EAB Meeting Minutes 2019-09-05EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE HALL 6:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm by Mr. Netto with the following members present: Tiffany Anderson Leslie Fraser Dana Vignale Daniel Jimenez Sylvie Duerkopf Douglas Garber arrived after roll call. Absent: Patricia Walker Also present: Ysabely Rodriguez, Village Clerk 1. Ms. Anderson moved to approve the July 18, 2019 minutes, Mr. Jimenez seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously. 2. Public Comments: No public comments were offered. 3. Mr. Netto provided an overview of the Cambridge Parent Meeting held on August 21, 2019 and answered questions posed by individual board members. Mr. Jimenez, who also attended the meeting, informed parents raised questions regarding teacher accountability and program development indicators for parents. 4. Mr. Netto discussed the upcoming board annual report scheduled for September 17 and asked for recommendations as to the information that should be reported to the Village Council. The board agreed to provide highlights of the board’s progress with respect to engaging resident input concerning MSES. There was a recommendation to propose MSES provide a representative of the school to attend board meetings in addition to the PTA member representation. 5. The board discussed ways to improve lines of communication between MSES and the board. The board further expanded on sponsoring a breakfast for MSES teachers on September 27 (Teacher Planning Day) and possible funding options. 6. Ms. Vignale provided an update on the PASS Grant, explaining Ms. Swain, if interested, will need to fill out the grant application. Ms. Vignale stated the only information she needs from Village administration concerning the PASS Grant process is confirmation of the aggregate amount the Village will contribute to MSES for the Cambridge Program. Once she receives such information, Ms. Vignale confirmed no further information or action is needed from the Village at this time with respect to moving the PASS Grant forward. 7. The board discussed inviting Ms. Swain to provide an update on the Cambridge Program at the October 1 Council Meeting. Ms. Rodriguez compiled a list of prospective questions offered by the board for Ms. Swain to address, specifically as it relates to the teacher stipend, hourly planning, marketing strategies, and metrics. Ms. Rodriguez was also asked by the board to reach out to Mayor Wagar to extend the invitation to Ms. Swain. Next meeting: Thursday, September 19, 2019, at 6:00pm in the Village Hall Conference Room.