2018-08-22 Subcommittee Meeting Minutes Fine Arts Commission Sub-Committee meeting held on August 22, 2018. Members present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce Miryam Rojas Also present: Angela Dorney, Recreation Director The annual report, to be given at the September 4th Council meeting, was discussed and corrections given. Some of the text of the October artist invitation was changed. The contractor for the sculpture park has been changed to RHR of Miami. A request has been sent to Alberto Cavalieri to attach titles of the sculptures to the bases. A liability contract and a scope of work contract is needed. The forklift and crane are within budget. Sculptures will be transported to the location and crane will place the sculptures. Public Works will cone off the street. The Commission will use local artists for the utility boxes. There will be three boxes. Commission members will ride by van to view the locations.