2014-12-09 FAC Minutes Revised Minutes of the Fine Arts Commission held on December 9, 2014. Members present: Susan Ackley Victor Bruce Janet Goodman Neil Kodsi Miryam Rojas Members absent: Alan Poppe Michael Stock Also present: Jerry Estep, Recreation Director Leslie Rackl, Executive Assistant The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Mr. Estep reported that the Commission has $5595 remaining in their FY 2015 budget and the donation account has $2386. At this time nominations for chair/vice chair of the Commission were held. Mr. Kodsi nominated Susan Ackley for chair. With no other nominations, Ms. Ackley was unanimously selected as chair of the Commission. Ms. Ackley nominated Janet Goodman as vice chair. With no other nominations, Ms. Goodman was unanimously selected as vice chair of the Commission. At this time discussion turned to the Brockway Library’s parking meters. Entries were distributed to Commission members. Mr. Kodsi suggested picking two entries from each school to be fair to everyone. Entries were received from Doctor’s Charter School, Miami Shores Elementary, St. Rose of Lima and Miami Shores Presbyterian Church School. Twelve entries were selected for nine meters. The Library Board will need to eliminate three of the entries. Discussion turned to the Village Hall Lobby installation. There are two possible artists: Stuart Sheldon who has 21x16 and 30x40 pieces and Pedro Rubio who would like to do an Everglades mural series on the walls. Mr. Bruce feels the lighter shaded pictures from Mr. Sheldon are a better fit for the lobby. Ms. Rojas is in agreement. Mr. Rubio would provide a storyboard mural; two over the counter and one on the north wall. Ms. Goodman feels that murals are better suited to the library. Ms. Rojas suggested Mr. Rubio for a 2016 exhibit in Village Hall’s Lobby. Mr. Rubio is also the selected artist for January’s library exhibit. Ms. Rojas suggested Mr. Shelton for the 2015 Village Hall Lobby exhibit. It was noted that Gallery Night will also include the unveiling of the art in public places North Lawn sculpture at Village Hall. It was suggested that the flutist perform on the outside steps of the library weather permitting; if not, inside the lobby. Mr. Kodsi volunteered to see about wifi for the flutist to pipe music into the library. It was related that the Chamber has asked the Commission to collaborate on a photo contest with the winner to be featured on the cover of the Egret. Ms. Rojas suggested bartering with the Chamber for a free ad in exchange for the Commisison’s F.A.C. mtg., 12/9/14, pg. 2 of 2 collaboration/marketing on a photo contest. It was noted that a juried contest may be more effective than a public vote for a winner. A theme for the contest is needed. Discussion turned to ‘updating’ library exhibit procedures. Ms. Rojas would like to extend the length of time the exhibit is displayed. Ms. Rojas offered to go speak at a Library Board meeting and ask about extending exhibits from four weeks to six weeks. Mr. Kodsi also suggested leaving blanks under section ‘c’ which can be filled in when exhibit dates are confirmed. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to add blanks to the existing library procedure so that dates can be added. Motion seconded by Ms. Rojas and unanimously approved. Suggestions for bands for the spring concert include a Beatles Tribute band, Tito Gonzalez and the Asbury Park Tribute band ‘The Livesays’. It was noted that a previously suggested performer, Chloe Dolandis, is better suited to a Friday Night Live event. Tito Gonzalez was also taken off the list. A CD of ‘Livesays’ was played for the Commission. They are a five piece band. Ms. Goodman offered the band $1500 to see if they would be available to play; unsure if this includes a sound technician. Ms. Rojas noted that both the Beatles and Asbury Park Tribute bands would be good to sing along with. Mr. Kodsi made a motion to approve the Asbury Park Tribute band ‘The Livesays’ with sound for $1500. Motion seconded by Ms. Goodman and unanimously approved. Mr. Estep said the the Recreation’s sound system is not working well. Tentative spring concert dates are March 22 and March 29. Ms. Goodman will check with the band for a date of March 22. Discussion turned to the Unite Miami Shores grant application. A subcommittee for the grant was formed consisting of Ms. Ackley and Mr. Kodsi. Ms. Ackley would like to ask for $5000. Concerts usually cost between $4500-5000. Prior grants for spring concerts were received from the Miami Shores Community Alliance. It was suggested that two grants be applied for; on for art in public places and one for the spring concert. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.