X w = l Miami Shores, Florida J-6 . X
Village rIgr.
I, C. Lawton VeCall 9rmwe4mwy of
Ili.ami. Shores Village a municipal
, corporation
do hereby certify that the following is a true copy of a resolution dulya opted by the Board of
Directors of said corporation at a meeting personally attended by a quo um of said Board of
Directors, which meeting was duly called in conformity with the by-la s of said corporation
and was held at
P!iami Shores Village stall
on the 19th day of April , 19
"Resolved, that the officers of this corporation be and they ar ereby
authorized and directed to deposit the funds of this corporatio f `om time to
time in the Peoples National Bank of Miami Shores, at Miami'Sh res,, Florida,
and until further order of the Board of Directors to withdraw he ame from
time to time upon check or other order of the corporation signed in the name
of the corporation by its
Mayor and Village 11anager, on the foll g accounts
Miami Shores Village, general Account y
Miami Shores Village, Payroll Account
IMI&Mml Shores VlMget uigarette Tax unKe-countj
Miami Shores Village, Hurrican Insurance Fund Ac oust
am ores V11 e, 011ce z cera RetliemeffflFund AceFu—nt
Miami Shores Village, Prockuay Library Account
that said bank be and is hereby authorized and requested
to accept, honor and pay without further inquiry, and until the deliverytD'it
of written notice of the revocation of the authority hereby granted, all checks.
and other orders for the payment or withdrawal of money deposited with said
bank in the name of this corporation, including checks drawn to the individual. "
order of the officers signing same and including also all such instruments
payable or indorsed to the order of this corporation, when such checks or'
other orders for money shall be signed or indorsed in the name of this Cor-
poration by its officers hereinbefore named. "
I further certify that the foregoing resolustion has not been modified or changedin
any way and is at the date of this certificate in full force and effect; and that the following
are the genuine signatures of the persons holding the offices in said corporation mentioned
in the foregoing resolution, their respective offices being set opposite their signatures.
SIGNATURE: / Title: Mayor
SIGNATURE e Title: Village Manager
---- gni ores F,quired ----
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of
said corporation this S day of ,Q a 19 S S
(Corporate Seal) Village A-1anager
I �RTIFY that t fJ���/°gegoang is correct
Mayor Rye €r ent —
BATE July,--ll- 1.955
Peoples Natiopal.Bank
-Miami Shores, .Florida
This is to advise-that at a meetin of-the Hoard of Directors
of the Mia i Shor s Village: , Inc. held on. the 19
Y�PY/Y4/ Y�I} �iY�o♦Vi0
day of April . , Al! Lie i 9 s 5 , the following resolution
was adopted:
"RESOLVED That the Village Manager of the
Miami Shores Village ,Inc., be and he is hereby
au*arized to lease a Safety Deposit Box in the name of said corpora-
tion from the PEOPLES NATIONAL BANE, and that either the said
Village Manager -� the i;...Mo.or
.�.r. i.r....�■ -, i 1 . i .�. :'.. .,:...i..ra� a.�Yra.�...
shall have the right of access to said box, as well as the right to ter-
minate the lease thereof, and in the event of termination., signa proper.
and sufficient releasee n
Very trvl yours,
Pis• nt agar
S Vil. ge Mgr.