R-323-52 w ti y� RSWVMON W. 3e� G V Upon notion of C ,4 MAgo,v � Auly eeaomdod,- the following resolution was nnantsaously adoptedt WMMMo In the opinion of this Village Coonan of Mimi Shores 1612e0e, a sMloilral corporation of the State of Florida$ it to deed advis- able wA neceseary for Hismi Shores VillaV to obtain from SCOTT M. WMN and #701W V. KWINO as Trustees of the property of Ylorida Ust Coast Ba°ilwey Ooq - eay, and not individually, the right and privilege to use ,round opwo on the Railways* right of way at Mimi Shores Village, norlds, for golf eowso tees, and beautification, /said ground apaeo 'being more f l2y described as follevot Three parcel,s of land on the right of wq of theRail— way In Miami Shores Village, florlds, mo" partietaarly de- sttrlw as fol,lowst A ante lar� eheped parcel of gland ILS feet ride northwesterly and southeasterly by 209 feet long northeast- arly ,and southwesterly, an the right of way of the Railway on the northwesterly Beide of its main tracks, with north- easterly end locate 3700 fest southwesterly from the Rail- y'a Mile Post Ike. 358 from Jackeourills, Florida., and southeasterly and northwesterly lines located parallel with and 39.5 feet and 50.0 feet distant northwesterly respeat- Ively from the center line of the i.lvey's northbtnd main track, said northwesterly line colzoidIng with the northwesterly limit of said right of way of the Railway, also A rectangwlar.sbapsd passel, of lend 14.8 feet wide north- westerly and southeasterly ty 104 fest long northeasterly sad southwesterly, on the right of wey of the lailwar On, the southeasterly side of its main traoke, with northeasterly end located 3758 feet soutbaste►rly from the $+tt2wWos mile Post No., 356 from $aeksowilla, Plorids, and nortkv*Asr3y and, southeasterly lines located parallel with and 35.2 .feet and 50.0 feet distant antbeasterlymspectively from the center line of the llssilwayi s northbowd main, track, timid south- easterly line coinciding with the .soatheastorly limit of said right of tray of the 1_lreey, also ` L A roeten ar shayed parcel of land j5+5 feet wide zePtbo, westerly and soutbeasterly Iby 236 feast hang northeasterly atd eouther"Wlyo ee the right of V&Y of the Railway on this t theasterly side of its main tree} with: northessterly end .eensed 4fto feet southost,erly from the Railway' Mile Poet 90. 338 Priam d'acksouville, florldaa, and no>rtbubsterly ebd. a 011tbeaartOr Y Uses located patllsl with. and 34.,E feet and 50.0 vest distant a outh"ItterIj res edtively from the center '1t" of the R811W6710, Wrtftomd main trabko said wathetst- GAY line dolsolding with the southeasterly limit of said ar3.ght off' ww of the RalIwaay. All as shote► colored yellow upon %In* print of part of the S&UwWls p2m V3-3"o dated A twt 150 1951# &tt d to said reeaaent and 'ty reference tharsto meds a pert hereof. t, TWOMM 1T RMZVIM tw the VIIUV Co it of Ximl dhO►re$ Vinages n WOUiCIP&I00r rStion of the State of Plorids, ** follower 14. Ust Iftwd Shore* Village,, as munjelpa oorpsaratlon of the State of Florida, does hereby agree to end enter into an agreement with Scott M. loftier and soba W,, lartin. as Trustees of the proporty of Vlorld* East Coast I4IIVSV Co m, OVA not Indirid lly, wbe in and whereby Miami Wires YillaV Is given the right sxA privilege to use the ground qwe for golf course tees and leautifLeation. at the locations aforesal+i W19a the conditions end tons$ all as set forth SVA contained in copy of proposed. swesmmt attadbed hereto 9M made at pert hereof. . That the Vi1lop r, with the attestation of the VSnqo Clerk# is Land thsy 004U are hereby a ubhorlsed,and directed to execute eaPdd APSOMIRt for ftd an Uhaalt of Miami Shares Villste. That this resolution shall 'became effeertiwe jmwdj&t0ly Upon its possess. MesU6f Miant Sho � p`i W60ounall. STATE OF =111DA, 00aff OP. Box Mt SBO&MS 'TI S. } MAP , Til]aMe Clerk of Miami Ob6ros Village, a wanloip*l corporation of the State of norl.da, do boretalr ,deify that the foroVinM resolution to ati trme and correct copy of orlg&n4 resolution of Miami Shores Villoo, acting V end thron& its 'films,. COW1011 and Rased$at i! w �.�L�9 C meeting of the said Village doij ell hold on the ..,.�.., day of V A. D. 195..ZZ;r as the eat appears in Book of the records of said Miami Shores 9'ill.ago in goy off-IA eanstodl, IN WITRXSS WMMFp i howl, hereunto, Beet seg head and the offloial. $W of said Miami $bores. Village in the St4taq Conaty and Village aforesaid, this dam ofA. D. 195..x. . Qlork of t Sb res Ifins6.