R-285-48 E RF90?ITION NO* 285 MESa JTION PROVIDING FOR TBE IBSUANG99 SUBJECT TO TW ELECTION MMW PROVIDED FOR* OF $1259000 BONUS OF SEOREB VTrz FOR TRE PUAP08E OF PANG TBE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AM DWIPPING A BUILDING FOR VILt6E OFFICES ASID A'U9 AIG ORERING A SPECIAL BOND Z=TION TO BE MD IN SAID MONICIPAISTY TO VOTE ON TBE QUESTION OF IMING SAID BOWS& Miami Shares Village lacks adequate office facilities for the administration of the Village and there is an imperative need for a building Which will provide such facilities; now# therefore* BE IT RESOLVED by Miesni Shores 'Pillages Section le For the purpose of paying the cost of constructing and equipping a building for village offices and administration* there #ball be issued# subject to the election hereinafter provided fors the negotiable coupon bonds of Miami Shores Village in the a&regate principal amount of $12590009 bear- Ing interest at the rate of five per centum, (5%) per annum, unless the Village Council shall be able to sell all or part of the bonds bearing interest at a lower rate or rated such interest being payable semirannua.31Y on the first days of May and Noiember in each year.* and maturing annual3ys May 16 $6,,OOO iu each of the years 1949 to 19639 Inalusive9 and $79000 in each of the years 1964 to 19689 inclusive. Section 2e A special election is hereby ordered to be held on Tuesdays March 169 1948# for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Miami Shores Village who are freeholders therein the question whether such bonds shall be issued* Section,3, Notice of said special bond election shall be given (a) by publication in the MIAMItom. a newspaper published in Dade County and of general circulation in the Villages there being no newspaper published in the Villages such publication to be made at least once in each week for four consecutive weeks before said eleetiong the date of the first publication in such newspaper to be at leant thirty days before said elections and (b) by pasting copies of said notice in at least ten different public places Within the territorial limits of the Village at least thirty days before said elections which notice shall be in substantially the following forms NOTIGE OF SPECIAL BMW RATION MIAII MDRES VILLAI 9 FLORIDA MARcs 169 1948 As ordered by a resolution duly adopted by the Village Council of Miami Shares Villages Dade Countys Floridas an February los 19489 a special bond election will be held on T�DAY9 It►lWRCR 169 1948 between the hours of 7 o'clock AJds and 7 o'clock PJ1*9 Eastern Standard Times at which election there will be submitted to the qualified electors of Miami Shores Villages Dade County*, Florida, who are freeholders therein, the following questions. Shall Miami Shores Village* a municipal corporation in Dade Couatys Floridas issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1259000s bearing in- terest at the rate of five per centum (5%) per anra&m$ unless the Village Council shall be able to sell all or part of the bonds bearing interest at a lower rate or rates$ such interest being payable semiannually on the first days of May and November in each years and maturing annuallys May 19 $69000 in each of the years 1949 to 19639 inclusives and $79000 in each of the years 1964 to 1968& inclusive, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing mad equipping a building for village offices and administration? Said election will: be held at the Municipal Office of Miami Shares Village* the place where elections are usually held in said Miamd. Shores Village* The registration books will. be open at the office of the Village Manager from 9&00 o'clock AvM. until 1200 Bet, and from 2sO0 o'clock Pad. until 5800 o'clock Psme on each days Sundays* holidays and half holidayssexeepteds until and including March 10s 19189 far the registration of personas ..qualified to vote at said elections who shall submit proof by affidavit that they are freeholders who are qualified electors residing in said Miami Shores Village. The following election officers have been appointed to conduct said elections dAR7 tTR Sr Impactor _.. He M. GST * Inspector IM L.. DUTTON � Clerk If said bonds shall be issued, an ad valorem tax will be levied annually upon all taxable property in Miami Shores Village sufficient to pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds as such interest and principal shall become due. _ ROY BCIE Mayor of Miami Shores Village Section 49 Said special bond election will be held at the Municipal 2w Office of Miami. Shares Villages and Arthur Be Puller and G_,are hereby appointed as Inspectors of Election and Earle U Dutton as Clerk of Election for said special bond elections each of wham is a resident and registered quali- fied elector of the Village. Section 59 Only qualified electors of Mimi Shores Village who are freeholders therein will be permitted to vote at said special bond elections and the Village ptanager is hereby directed to furnish to the Inspectors of Election and Clerk of Eledtion herein appointed a certified list of all the qualified electors who are freeholders residing within said Villages Section 6. The form for the ballot to be used at said election shall be substantially as followss OFFICIAL BALLOT SPIAL BOND EM71ON p1 c= SHOmmums, FLORML QCs 16s 1948 niMUCTIONS TO vOTW is To vote in favor of the proposed bonds snake a cross (S) mark in the square to the left of the wards •For Bands°s 2. To vote against the proposed bonds., make a cross (X) mark in the square to the left of the words 9Against Bonds"• Shall Miami. Shares Village issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $125.000# bearing interest at the rate of five per oentum (5%) per annum• unless the Village Counoil shall be able to sell all ar part of the bonds bearing interest at a lower rate or rates* such interest being payable semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each years and maturing annually* May is $6*000 in each of the years 1949 to 1963• inclusives and $7x000 in each of the years 1964 to 19689 inclusive* for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing and equipping a building for village offices and administration? s a FOR BONDS s s s s AGAUW BOICS s s Section 79 This resolution shall be effective Immediately upon its passages PASSE AND ADOPM this 10th day of Februarys 1948e Mayor of Miami. Shores Vill ge C1 - 3 -