R-258-43 • � ;a: f`. .gym- f k K 1 LAMX SHMM VILLAGE BBSOLUTION NO.,__P� _ a A RESOLUTION ENDORSIX& JUDGE PAUL D. BARNS FOR APPOINTMENT, TO THE OFFICE OF JUDGE OF k THE UNITED STAGS DISTRICT COURT FOR THIN } - SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA; AI RlSMT_ g" FULLY REQUESTING THAT SENATORR' CLJUD k . PRPPIR AND C.;. 41. ANDR13WS FAVORABLY R10090ND $AID ZUDGI FOR APPOINTMENT AS UNITED" STATES DISTRICT COMT JVDGX'. A: W AW, 'we are advised that a vacancy will exist in tha: office of Judge ,of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida;, and WflZREASO. i.t appears that this office has not boon Iaeldby a resident of the lower last ,Coast, since the appointment in .1B7E, , by.Fresident Grant, of Honorable James W. Locke, of 3 t ty Wes,t, Florida, and - we foal that recognition .,should be given thin ar es, .by the .aelection, of a resident thereof, for judicial p ref eraant, -and, VIAS, Jud'ge•Paul D. Berns has been Circuit' C©urt Juftw-,i V,,Dade and Monroe Countiesfor many years, and discharged the duties of that office with ability and: integrity, now F !` THERE= BE IT AERUT RESOLYD BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGR* That we D. Hants for appointment to 'sumii "Judgeship, and respectfully request that Senators .Claude ti Z Pepper and C. O .4ndrewn favorably recommend Judge Paul, Di Barns z' ' for appciMmont as United States -District Court Judge. FASSIP AND APOPT at N`iami Shores Village, Florida,, � r this .., ,day`.of Jams 7 A. D. 1943. r yoP ... ATTEST: w ago ager #� I•r � E x