O-321-65 General Budget $ 874, 000. 00
Golf Course Budget 486, 000. 00
1, 360, 000. 00
One Millproduces 66, 995. 00
1966-67 BUDGET
Page Page
Building & Zoning 5 Administrative zi
Council z Bar Operations Z4
Finance 6 Club House zz
Fire 13 Course Maintenance Z6
Inspection Stations 12 Dining Room 23
Legal 3 Golf Activities Z5
Library 19 Recap-Revenue,
Lot Cleaning 17 Appropriations 20
Manager 4 Swimming Pool Z7
Municipal Court 9 Tennis Courts Z8
Non-Dept. Exp. 10
Parks 14
Personnel 7
Police 11
Appropriations 1
Recreation 18
Streets 15
Village Hall 8
Waste 16
The law requires two changes in the Village tax procedures
this year-, (1) Dade County assumes the assessment and collection
of taxes. (Determination of I the millage or tax rate remains the
authority of the Village Council. ) (2) State law requires that when
a tax assessment roll is revised upward the tax rate must be re-
duced proportionately,
Millage formula for 1966 tax roll-
1966 Real Estate non-exe-m-pt valuation $65, 407, 635. 00
Less new construction for formula 681, 981. 00
$64, 7251, 654. 00
1966 Personal Property non-exempt value $ 4, 19$, 121. 00
Total Real & Personal Property �8, 923, 775, 00
1965 Real--an-d Personal P�rOpC`rty 3-5, 575, 7-60. 00
Millage reduction - ercentage = 1966 valuation
p 1965 valuation 1. 94
1965 millage - 11 divided by reduction O/o of 1. 94 1966 Tnillage - 5. 67
Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes, Less 3- 3/47o
5. 67 mills Disc unt
1966 Real Estate Non-exempt vatuation $ 65, 407, 635. 00 3701861. 29 356, 954. 00
1966 Personal Property non-exerript 4, 198, 121. 00 Z3, $03. 35 22, 911. 00
$ 69, 605, 756. 00 394, 664, 64 379, 865. 00
October 1, 1966 to September 30, 1967
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Est. Rev. Actual Rev. Est. Rev.
12 Mos� 9 Mos� 12 Mos,
Cash at beginning of year 126, 0W 00 134, 970� 50 140, 0W �0
Taxes - Real 345, 5W 00 347, 077� 43 357, OW 00
Taxes - Personal 30, 000, 00 29, 997. 43 23, OW 00
Occupational Licenses 33, 000. 00 22, 846� 00 33, 000. 00
Permit Fees 10, 000, 00 6, 582, 10 10, 000, 00
Golf Course 20, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 20, 000. 00
Cigarette Taxes 76, 000, 00 56, 605, 24 76, 000. oo
Miscellaneous 4, 000. 00 8, 628. 72 6, 500. 00
Fines and. Forfeitures 20, 000. 00 16, 359, 22 20, 000. 00
Auto Inspection Station #1 23, 000. 00 18, 565� 50 24, 000, 00
Auto Inspection Station #2 37, 000, 00 29, 503. 75 38, 000. 00
Parking Meters 7, 000. 00 5, 254. 82 7, 000. 00
Electric Franchise 59, 000. 00 --- 59, 000. 00
Garbage Fees 78, 000. 00 79, 393. 17 79, 000, 00
Lot Cleaning & Mowing 1, 500. 00 1, 553, 30 1, 500. 00
TOTAL 870, 000. 00 777, 337, 18 894, 000. 00
Less reserved. surplus for
operating before taxes 40, 000. 00 20, 000. 00
830, 000. 00 874, 000. 00
Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed. Capital
Department Services Services Supplies Charges Outlay TOTALS
1. Council 5� 00 646. 00 1, 700. 00 --- --- 2, 351. 00
2. Legal --- 4, 600. 00 --- --- --- 4, 600. 00
3. Manager 18, 377� 00 40. 00 1, 650. 00 -- - --- 20, 067, 00
4. Bld.g. & Zon. 6, 720. 00 360. 00 880, 00 --- --- 7, 960. 00
5. Finance 12, 898. 00 1, 800. 00 2, 075� 00 --- 16, 773. 00
6. Personnel 12, 992. 00 30. 00 3W 00 --- --- 13, 322. 00
7. Village Hall 3, 952, 00 2, 600. 00 1, 000. 00 4, 500, 00 6W 00 12, 652. 00
8. Municipal Court --- 200. 00 --- --- --- 200. 00
9. Non-Dept. --- 17, 109. 00 3, 000. 00 86, 000. 00 --- 106, 109. 00
10. Police 180, 838� 00 4, 380. 00 12, 050, 00 3, 038. 00 16, 000. oo 216, 306. 00
Insp, Sta. #1 13, 206. 00 --- 1, 000. 00 --- --- 14, 206. 00
Insp. Sta. #2 13, 2W 00 --- 2, 000, 00 490. 00 --- 15, 780. 00
11. Fire 19, 815� 00 700, 00 575. 00 1W 00 550. 00 21, 740. 00
12. Parks 78, 446� 00 --- 15, 050, 00 2, 940. 00 1, 400. 00 97, 836. 00
13. Streets 8, 892. 00 --- 21, 840. 00 31, 060, 00 22, 737. 00 84, 529. 00
14. Wa ste 96, 044. 00 --- 13, 070. 00 14, 300, 00 10, 212� 00 133, 626. 00
15. Lot Clean, 1, 150. 00 --- 350. 00 --- --- 1, 500. 00
16. Recreation 41, 152, 00 4, 400. 00 8, 200. 00 2, 820. 00 11, 871. 00 68, 443. 00
17. Library --- --- --- 36, 000. 00 --- 362000. 00
TOTALS 507, 777, 00 36, 865. 00 84, 740� 00 181, 248� 00 63, 370. 00 874, 000. 0-0
COUNCIL De-'Dt, #1 Function - General Government
The municipal government provided. by the Village Charter is known
Js the "Council.-Manager" gov�-rnment. Pursuant to its provisions and. subject
only to the limitations irnpoE;ed by tl�.c G(onstitution of the State of Florida and.
by this Charter,, allpowers of the Village are vested. in an elective Council
which enacts local legislation, ad.opts bad.gets', determines policies and. appoints
a Village Manager who shall, execute the laws and. administer the government
of the Village,
Meetings are held. twice monthly on the first and. third. Tuesd.ays at
4,00 P. M. at the "Village Hall, The fiscal year is October lst to September
30t-h- The Council hold.s a public hearing on the proposed. bud.get prior to
the first of the fiscal year.
Tax assessments, tax billings and, collections are hand.led. by the
Metropolitan Dade County Tax Department, After the Village d.etermines its
annual bud.get it d.eterTnines the ta.x rate which is certified. to the County Tax
COUNCIL - Dept, #
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud.get 9 n-i o s. Budget
1. 5 Councilmen at $1, 00 yr. 55. 00 45. 00 5. 00
1. Nat'l. Municipal League dues 5A0
Fla. League of Mun. dues 375. 00
Dade League of Mun. dues ?,66. oo 646. 00 375. 00 646. 00
1. Office supplies (letterheads,
pictures, etc, ) 200. 00 74, 88 200. 00
2. Miscellaneous city meetings 750, 00 942, 17 1, 500� 00
950. 00 1, 017, 05 1, 700. 00
TOTALS 1, 651� 00 1, 437A5 2, 351. 00
LEGAL - Dept. #2 Function - General Government
The Village Attorney, who is appointed by the Council, repre-
sents the Village in all legal matters and litigation and acts as legal
advisor to the Council, the Village Manager and the department heads.
He attends Council meetings as an advisor, writes ordinances and
gives written opinions when asked by the administration.
In law suits where extra work is involved he is paid extra fees.
LEGAL Dept. #2
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bu�.get 9 mos.- B d.get
1. Village Attorney fee 3, 600. 00 2, 700. 00 3, 600. 00
2. Special Legal Costs 1, 000. 00 247. 50 1, 000. 00
4, 600A0 2, 947. 50 4, 600. 00
TOTALS 4, 600. 00 2, 947. 50 4, 600. 00
MANAGER's - Dcpt� #3 Function - General Government
The Village Manager is responsible for carrying out policies
established !.�ry the Council and the ordinat-.ces of the Vi_ilaj�,e under the
regulations of the Charter, The Chai-tei gives the Village Manager
the responsibility for the proper administration of all affairs of the
Village. Specifically, lie appoints ar�d removes all employees, pre-
pares the tentative budget to submit to the Cokincii., administers the
budget after adoption, submits to the Council a complete report on the
linances and administration for the year, keeps the Council advised of
the finaticia.1 condition and the ful.-,.,re needs- of the Village. The Village
Manager investigates and rerned-IC-'s, 11 poz:.sible, all comalaints voiced
1)y the citizens, He attends meetings on behalf' of the _�Iillage and serves
on committees of local governmental agencies and performs other
duties as may be prescribed by the Charter or required by the Council.
As the administrative head of the Village, the Village Manager
is responsible for and directs through the dc-.partment heads all the
activities oi municipal government,
The Chal'tE-r position of Vil_'�age Clerk is administered in this
department by the Manager's secretary. The Clerk is responsible for
recording and filing Council minutes, resolutions and ordinances, voting
registrations and elections. Besides acting as the Village Manager's
secretary she edits the monthly Village Bulletin and acts as secretary
to the Planning and Zoning Board.
MANAGER'S - Dept, #3
1965.-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos� Budget
1. Manager 12, 5woo 9, 374. 94 13, 125. 00
2. Clerk-Secretary - 101. 00 wk. 4; 992, 00 3, 744. 00 5, 252. 00
17, 492, 00 13, 11& 94 18, 377� 00
1. Typewriter Service Contract 40. 00 32� 71 40. 00
1. Office Supplies & Manager's lExpense 1, 2w 00 419A6 1, 200. 00
2. Auto Expense 250. 00 133A4 250. 00
3. Dues & Subscriptions 200A0 126, 50 2W 00
i, 65o, oo 679. 40 1, 650. 00
1. Typewriter 525. 00 531A0 ---
2. Auto 1, 8moo 1, 797. 24 ---
2, 325. 00 2, 328. 24
TOTALS 21, 507, 00 16, 159. 29 20, 067. 00
BUILDING AND ZONING - Dept. #4 Function - General Government
This department enforces the South Florida Building Code and the
Miami Shores Zoning Ordinance #270. The Building Inspector examines
all construction plans ior compliance with the Code and the Zoning
Ordinance. He issues new construction, plumbing, electrical and
building alteration permits, and makes inspections of construction
for compliance with the codes.
The Building and Zoning Department bills and issues occupational
licenses to all businesses located in the Village. The Building Inspector
designs and supervises construction of buildings on Village property and
helps the Manager in planning and specification writing on all Village
The department head meets with and acts in an advisory capacity
to the Planning and Zoning Board which meets on the second and fourth
Thursday evenings of each month.
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud8,�t _ 9 mos. Bud.get
1. Director - 560, 00 mo, 6, 408, 00 4, 806. 00 6, 720. 00
2. Building Clerk 1, 020, 00 19 020. 00 ---
7, 428, 00 5, 826� 00 6, 7ZO. 00
1. Planning Board, Secretary Service 360� 00 270. 00 360. 00
1. Office Supplies 350� 00 244, 44 350. 00
2. Auto Expense 4M00 360. 00 480. 00
3. Dues & Subscriptions 50, 00 --- 50, 00
880, 00 604, 44 880. 00
TOTALS 8, 668,� 00 6, 700 44 7, 960� 00
FINANCE - Dept #5 Function - General Government
The Finance Department maintains all general accounting records,
pre-audits all receipts and disbursements; disburses all city monies, It
maintains property, personnel, insurance, group hospitalization and
pension records and administers them for the Village. The department
administers the debt retirement, temporary investments of funds and
helps the Village Manager prepare and administer the budget,
Monthly budget reports of the Village and Golf Course and a
monthly balance sheet on all funds are prepared for the Council, Manager
and department heads,
The Director of Finance is secretary to the Pension Board,
treasurer of the employees credit union, and acts in the capacity of
Village Manager when he is out of town,
The cashier, in addition to receiving revenues, takes incoming
phone calls, keeps the garbage payment records and does duplicating
and mailing,
' FINANCE_:__D #5
1465-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget qmoo EH�ke t
EDVICEG�l. Director 8, 60O, 00 6, 449. 94 9' 030. 0O
2. Cashier & Duplicating Clerk -72. 00 wk.
for 5 mos. ' 76. 0O for 7 mos. 3 '060 08 2, 724. 00 3. 868. 00
13, 26O. 8O 9, 173. 94 12, 898. 00
1. Auditing 1, 100. 00 1. 100. 0O 1, 100. 00
8' Equipment Service Contracts izzcI'
Xerox rental at 22, 50 zon' 70O' 00424. 94 700. 00
l, 800. 0O l, 524' 94 l, 880. 00
1. Office Supplies q00, 00 594. 55 900. 0O
2. Duplicating Supplies l' 00O' 00 864. 86 l' 000. 00
3. I}oee' Subscriptions & Short Course 175, 00 l68' 00 175. 00
3, U75' 80 1, 627. 41 %, 075. O0
TO][AI,8 16, 135. 00 I2, 326' zq l6, 773. 00
PERSONNEL - Dept. #6 Function - General Government
This department number was previously known as the Tax Depart-
ment. Dade County, beginning with this year, will handle all tax assess-
ments and collections. However, the former tax clerk will continue to
handle a good many tax functions such as checking the County rolls when
we receive coDies and will be required to handle our special bills for
lot cleaning which cannot be handled by the County. This employee has
also been doing personnel work in conjunction with the tax work such
as pay roll preparation and records and various reports.
The Administrative Assistant listed in this department is a new
person and we plan to employ a young graduate in Public Administration
who will be able to assist generally in the administration of Village affairs,
do research and analysis work, update and re-establish our personnel
record system, etc.
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budge 9 mos, Budget
1. Administrative Assistant 8, 000. 00
2. Personnel Clerk - 96, 00 wk. 4, 784. 00 3, 588. 00 4, 992. 00
12, 99Z, 00
1. Information Service 65� 00 55� 50 ---
2. Machine Service Contracts 245A0 --- 30. 00
3. Tax Sale Adv, 75, 00 --- ---
T8-57 0-0 55� 50 30. 00
1. Office Supplies 300, 00 61� ii 300, 00
TOTALS 5, 469, 00 3, 704. 61 13, 322. 00
VILLAGE HALL - Dept, #7 Function - General Government
In this department are budgeted the appropriations for the
necessary e�menditures for upkeep and expenses of the Village Hall
building. The building houses all, the administrative offices of the
Village, the Police Department, the Fire Department with quarters
on the second floor and the Council Chamber which is used by the Council
as well as a meeting place for many erganizations. The Council
Chamber is used three days per week by the Metropolitan Dade County
Traffic Court to handle the traffic cases of ten other cities in the
northern part of the County for which use we receive no rent.
The building also houses the auto inspection station manned by
Village employees.
The janitor is the only employee of this department.
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Buq.Ret 9 mos. et_
1, Janitor -76. 00 wk, 3, 744, 00 2, 808, 00 3, 95ZA0
1. Building Maintenance 2, om 00 55, 04 2, 000, oo
2. Furniture Fixture Maintenance 600A0 151 , 29 60ol' oo
2, 600. 00 206, 33 2, 600, 00
1. Operating Supplies 1, 000, 00 824, 01 1, 000A0
1. Communi cations - 130, 00 mo. 1, 560. 00 1 . 346. 58 1, 56o, oo
2. Power - 200� 00 mo. 2, 640, 00 1, 713. 09 2, 400, 00
3. Gas - 15, 00 mo, 180, 00 109, 59 180. 00
4. Water - 30. 00 mo. 360, 00 237. 59 360, 00
4, 740. 00 3, 406, 85 4, 500, 00
1. Reserve for Hurricane Damage 600, 00 600. 00 600, 00
2. Addition 15, OM 00 --- ---
15, 600. 00 600. 00 600. 00
TOTALS 27, 684, 00 T, 845� 19 12, 652. 00
MUNICIPAL COURT - Dept. #8 Function - General Government
In this department are budgeted the expense necessary to
operate the Municipal Court. As the County operates the traffic court,
there is not much activity in this department. Municipal judges are
paid a fee at the rate of $3� 00 per case.
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1. Fee Costs Z00. 00 39. 00 200. 00
TOTALS 200. 00 39. 00 200. 00
NON-DEPARTMENTA.L EXPENSE - Dept. #9 . Function - General Gov't.
- applicable to any of the other departments are
The expense's not
budgeted under this classification. Appropriations are always made to
a contingency account which is used for hurricane clean-up or re,appro-
priated by the Council for any needed emergency. Insurance, employer's
Social Security, the Village contribution toward the employees' pension,
fund and group insurance, are found under this classification.
1965,66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud get 9 mos� Budget
1. Contributions -
Humane Society 480, 00
Xmas Decorations 375A0 855. 00 589� 29 855� 00
2. Election Expense --- --- 300. 00
3. Contingency 10, 573, 00 1, 360A9 12, 954A0
4. Comprehensive Planning Study --- --- 3, 000. 00
11, 428A0 1, 9 50.,i'8 17, 109. 00
1. Postage 3, 000. 00 1, 436A4 2, 500. 00
2. Employees' Kitchen Exp, 500. 00 308. 55 500. 00
3, 500. 00 1, 744. 89 3, 000. 00
1. All Insurance 25, 000. 00 20, 126. 86 20, 000. 00
2. Social Security 17, 000. 00 10, 908. 41 20, 000. 00
3. Pension 34, 198. 00 34, 198. 00 35, 000. 00
4. Group Insurance 11, 000. 00 8, 812. 30 11, 000. 00
87, 198A0 74, 045.�7 '�-6, 000. 00
TOTALS 102, 126. 00 77, 740. 64 io6, ioq. 00
POLICE - Dept. #10 Funcion - Public Safety
The Police Department, with a complement of Chief, Lieutenant,
three Sergeants, thirteen patrolmcn, one motorman, cne clerk and six
detectives, opera-es three eight-hou-r shifts, One shift operates two
uniform cars and one detective car and a motorcycle. The second shift
operates three uniform cars and one detective car which is also true of
the third shift.
About 14, 000 miles are covered by Police cars per month. The
department handles approximately 300 complaints each month, 30 acci-
dents and 400 summonses and arrests. They also handle approximately
20 calls each month out of the Village limits. Also, an a-verage of about
ZOO court case appearances are made by the officers of this department.
Each squad car carries a basic first aid kit, riot gun, rescue rope,
fire extinguisher, battery jumper cable and portable spot lights, Two
cars carry oxygen. resusitators which have saved many lives, An alcometer
is used for sobriety tests by the department,
The officers in the Detective Bureau, when not involved in primary
or follow-up investigation work, maintains a routine plainclothes patrol in
the three shifts. Regular duties of the detectives are,, all criminal court
cases, checking crime scenes for latent fingerprints, cooperating with
other departments on cases of mutual interest, interrogating all persons
and checking of vacant homes,
POLICE - Dept. #10
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud get 9 mos, Bud.&St
1. Chief 9, 000. 00 6, 750. 00 9, 450. 00
Z� I Lieut. , 3 Sgts. (incl. 7 holidays) 27, 949� 00 20, 937. 00 30, 815� 00
3. 13 Uniform Patrolmen (incl. 7 holidays) 76, 667. 00 57, 434. 50 85, 281� 00
4. 1 Det. Sgt. , 5 Plainclothes Patrol-
men (incl. 7 holidays) 41, 751. 00 31, 277. 00 46 029. 00
5� 2 School Policemen 2, 600� 00 2, 325. 43 3: 069. 00
6. Shooting Award.s 650. 00,
overtime 1, 200. 00 650. 00 508. 00 19 850. 00
7� Office Clerk - 362, 00 mo. 4, 128, 00 3, 096. 00 4, 344. 00
162, 745. 00 122, 327� 93 180, 838� 00
1. Prisoner Confinement - 2. 50 day 500, 00 217. 50 500. 00
2. Car and. Motorcycle Repairs 3, 800. 00 5, 085. 28 3, 800. 00
3. Investigations 80. 00 5. 00 80. 00
4, 380. 00 5, 307. 78 4, 380� 00
1. Office and Operating Supplies 3, 000. 00 2, 256. 83 3, 000. 00
2. Gas, Oil and Tires 5, 600. 00 4, 069. 03 5, 600. 00
3. Uniforms 2, 600. 00 1, 238. 50 2, 600. 00
4. Fire Arms Training Supplies 500. 00 12. 60 500. 00
5. Parking Meter Supplies 150. 00� 17, 89 150. 00
6. Pistol Range Parts 200. 00 109. 93 200� 00
12, 050� 00 7, 704. 78 12, 050. 00
1. Communications 2, 938. 00 1, 114� 24 2, 938. 00
2. Auxiliary Police 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00
3, 038. 00 1, 214. 2i 3, 038. 00
1. Office Equipment 500. 00 --- 500. 00
2. Police Cars 7-- 15, 500. 00
TO-070-0 16, 000. 00
TOTALS 182, 713. 00 136, 554. 73 216, 306. 00
INSPECTION STATIONS Function - PubliL_f;lfety
Inspection Station #1 is housed at the southwest corner of the
Village Hall and Station #2 is located on Village property at 10450
N. W. 17th Avenue, All expenditure- are charged to the Village and
all revenue goes into the general funds,
On the average about 6, 000 vehicles are inspected each month
by the two stations. Inspection Station #Z, which is a large 100 x 46 ft.
modern building, is equipped to inspect two lines at the same time.
One line is for cars and small trucks and the other has a very large
brake testing machine which can be used for the largest of semi-trailer
The number of cars and trucks inspected in the two stations
during the year was over eighty thousand,
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1. 1 Supervisor - 438. 00 mo. 5, o 16. oo 5, 256. oo
1 Inspector 9 mos. at 380. 00
3 mos. at 398. 00 4, 185A0 4, 614. 00
I Clerk 4 mos. at 270. 00
8 mos. at 282. 00 3, Z40. 00 3, 336. 00
12, 441. 00 9, 956. 20 13, 206. 00
1. Operating Supplies 1, 500. 00 i, o64. 49 1, 000. 00
TOTALS 13, 941A0 ii, o2o. 69 14, 206. 00
1� I Inspector 418. 00 mo. 5, 016. 00
1 Inspector 3 mos. at 380. 00
9 mos. at 398. 00 9, 075. 00 4, 722. 00
1 Clerk - 296. 00 mo. 3, 240. 00 3, 552. 00
12, 315. 00 9, 179. 00 13, 290. 00
1. Operating Supplies 2, 500. 00 1, 544. 81 2, 000. 00
1. Power 300, 00 ZZIA5 300. 00
2. Telephone 190. 0,10 134. 85 190. 00
�90, 00 356. 70 490. 00
TOTALS 15, 305. 00 11, 080. 51, 15, 780. 00
FIRE - Dept. #11 Function - Public Safety
The Fire Department is stationcd at the south end of the
Village Hall and has two Seagraves pumpers, eacb equipped with
15 0 0 ft. of 2-I /2 in, ho s e, two 12 fz. 4 hand s uction ho s e s and
wet water. One pumper has a portable smoke. ejector, flood lights
and a portable power unit to operate them, Three firerricn alternate
on 24 hr. shifts so that one is on du"y at a�l Umes. The police officers
are trained as firemen and go to the scene of a fire immediately in
the squad cars. In addition, the department has about 15 volunteer
About 50 or 60 fire calls are made each year, The department
has a regularly scheduled fire prevention inspection of all business
properties in the Village twice a year,
FIRE - Dept. #11
J965-66 1965-66 1966-67
tud.get 9 mos� Bu�s�t
1, 3 Firemen from 438, 00 to 534, 00
plus vacation relief, plus 500. 00
sick relief, plus 7 holidays 18, 607� 00 14, 230� 00 19, 815. 00
1. Fire Truck Repair 40M0 470A4 400. 00
2. Fire Hyd.rant Repair 30M0 76� 16 300. 00
700A0 547. 00 700. 00
1. Station Supplies 250� 00 277. 16 250. 00
2. Uniforms 2M00 166� 15 2M00
3. Gas, Oil and. Tires 125. 00 74. 22 125. 00
575. 00 517� 53 575A0
1. Volunteer Expense 100. 00 100, 00 100. 00
1. Fire Hose 20MO 372. 95 2M00
2. Operating Equipment 150. 00 155. 00 150� 00
3. Fire Hyd.rants 200. 00 --- 200. 00
550. 00 527. 95 55M0
TOTALS 20, 532. 00 ��5, 9ZZ, 48 21, 740A0
PARKS - Dept. #12 Function - Public Ser-,;-ice
This department is one of the Village maintenance departments,
segregated from the others to give Council and. management the cost of
servicing defficated. parks, parkways and. lawns surrounding public
The services of the department includ.e., street tree trimming,
grass cutting, watering new trees and shrubs, planting new areas and.
in general, keeping the public-owned land. maintained and. clean. Equip-
ment operated. by this d.epartment includ.es',, a station wagon, two pick-up
trucks, a tree crane a truck with ladder, a truck with water tank and two
other trucks.
The salary of the Superintend.ent of Public Services is shown in
this d.epartment although he is also in charge of the streets and, waste
departments. One crane operator, three d.rivers, ten helpers and. two
mechanics make up the personnel of this d.epartment. When other
maintenance d.epartments are understaffed. because of illness or vacations
personnel from this department are used to carry on the work of the
more important sanitary functions.
PARKS - Dept. #12
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Bud get
1. Superintendent 8, 200. 00 6, 149. 88 8, 610. 00
2. Crane Operator - 92. 00 wk. 4, 108. 00 3, 665. 60 4, 784. 00
3. 3 Drivers 2 at 88. 00, 1 at 84. 00 wk. 12, 584. 00 7, 668. 10 13, 5ZO. 00
4. 10 Helpers 8 at 79. 00
2 at 72. 00 wk. 38, 064. 00 27, 377. 48 40, 352. 00
5. 1 Mechanic at 123. 00 wk.
1 Mechanic at 94. 00 wk, 10, 192. 00 7, 473. 20 11, 180. 00
73, 148. 00 52, 334. 26 78, 446. 00
1. Office Supplies 50. 00 9. 87 50. 00
2. Operating Parts �z Supplies -
300. 00 mo. 3, 600. 00 3, 242. 68 3, 600. 00
3. Gas, Oil & Tires - ZOO. 00 Mo. 2, 400. 00 1, 037. 54 Z, 400. 00
4. Bld.g. Maintenance Supplies 2, 000. 00 1, 230. 99 1, 000. 00
5. Landscaping 8, 000. 00 3, 476. 66 8, 000. 00
16, 050. 00 8, 997. 74 15, 050. 00
1. Communications 20. 00 mo. 240. 00 177. 88 240. 00
2. Power 1, 200. 00 708. 32 1, 200. 00
3. Water & Ice 1, 800. 00 976. 71 1, 500. 00
3, Z40� 00 1, 862. 91 2, 940. 00
1. Tools 500. 00 245. 96 500. 00
2. Steam Cleaner 900. 00 851. 58 ---
3. 2 Mowers 800. 00 746. OZ ---
4. Riding Mower 900. 00
Z, 200. 00 1, 843. 56 1, 400. 00
TOTALS 94, 638. 00 65, 038. 47 97, 836. 00
STREETS - Dept. #13 Function - Public Service
This department's main activities are street patching, street
cleaning, the cleaning of storm drains and the erection of street signs.
In some undertakings this department is augmented by personnel from
the Parks Dept. as it only has a staff of two persons.
In the two and one-half square miles within the Village there
are about 48 miles of paved streets and about ZO miles of paved alleys.
The equipment used is as follows: a vanette for sign work, two trucks,
a diaphrarn pump for cleaning storm sewers and an air compressor
with tools.
About eight tons of asphaltic concrete are used monthly for
patching streets. The Village provides 761 street lights of which Z16
are Whiteway underground lights.
The first item under Debt Retirement is for the street and alley
paving program of 1952 which will be paid up in 1967. The second item
is for payment on the parking lot immediately west of N. E. 2nd Avenue
between 97th and 98th Streets, 100 ft. wide,
A. street sweeper is used to clean all curbed streets weekly.
STREETS - Dept, #13
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1. Street Machine Operator at 92. 00 wk. 4, 368. 00 3, 301. 20 4, 784. 00
2. 1 Man at 79. 00 wk. 3, 744� 00 2, 772. 00 4, 108. 00
8, 112. 00 6, 073. 20 8, 892. 60
1, Truck & Sweeper parts - 75. 00 mo. 780. 00 606. 90 900. 00
2. Operating Supplies - 200. 00 mo, 2, 400. 00 1, 515. 54 2, 400. 00
3. Gas, Oil & Tires - 45. 00 mo. 540� 00 238. 78 540. 00
4. Street Surfacing & Sidewalk repair 14, 000. 00 1, 949. 37 15, 000. 00
5. Alley Surfacing 5, 000. 00 6, 096. 00 3, 000. 00
22, 720. 00 10, 406. 59 21, 840. 00
1. Ice - 5t';00 mo, 60. 00 47, 56 60. 00
2. Street Lights 31, 000. 00 21, 198. 63 31, 000. 00
31, 060. 00 21, 246. ig 31, 060. 00
1. Street Drainage 6, 000. 00 7, 678. 67 10, 000. 00
1. Truck 2, 250. 00 2, 365. 88 ---
1. Revenue Certificate Payments 9, 540. 00 — 9, 270. 00
2. Parking Lot Certificate Payments 3, 6W 00 3, 600. oi 3, 467. 00
3. Street Sweeper Payments 3, 575. 00 3, 467. 05 ---
16, 715. 00 7, 067. 06 12, 737. 00
TOTALS 86, 857. 00 54, 837. 59 84, 529. 00
Last payment on current certificate.
WASTE - Dept. #14 Function - Sanitation
The Waste Department is responsibIc for garbage and. trash
pickups in the Village, A foreman, 8 drivers,, 12 helpers and. one
mechanic, under the Superintendent of Public Services, comprise the
staff of this department.
Each residence receives two pickups each week of garbage and.
an average of two pickups per month of trash. The garbage crew uses
four packers and the trash crew uses four packers and. eight dump trucks
and. two brush chippers. The foreman who coordinates the crews uses
a pickup truck.
The chipper which is pulled. behind. a truck chops up brush into
small pieces and. throws it into the truck. By filling a truck with
chippings instead. of the regular brush about seven times more trash
can be hauled in a truck.
Over twenty thousand. yards of garbage are hauled. to the dump
each month and. about the same number of loads of trash are hauled. to
the trash dump. The cost of disposal of garbage at the dump is ZZ� a
cubic yard. and. the cost of trash disposal is 25� a cubic yard..
The note payable on the two packers will be paid up on January
14, 1967.
WASTE - Dept. #14
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget__ 9 mos. Budget
1 , 1 Foreman at 96, 00 wk. 4, 784� 00 1, 496. 00 4, 99Z, 00
2. 8 Drivers at 88. 00 wk. 34, 424. 00 Z5, 576. 20 36, 608, 00
3. 12 Helpers - 1 at 76. 00, 3 at 7Z. 00,
8 at 79, 00 wk. 45, 552. 00 28, 590. 82 48, 048. 00
4. 1 Mechanic-,at 123. 00 wk, 5, 8Z4. 00 4, 417. 80 6, 396-. 00
90, 584, 00 60, 080. 8Z 96, 044. 00
1. Office Supplies 500, 00 92, 46 50. 00
Z, Truck Parts - 400� 00 mo. 4, 800� 00 3, lZ9. 22 4, 800. 00
3, Operating Supplies - 85. 00 mo, 1, 020, 00 419� 64 1, 0Z0. 00
4. Gas, Oil & Tires 6M 00 mo. 7, 200, 00 5, 443. 55 7, 200. 00
13, 5ZO� 00 9, 084. 87 13, 070. 00
J, Ice - 25� 00 mo, 300,, 00 - 236. 00 300. 00
Z, bisposal Costs 14,,00b. oo .9, 454. .A7 14, 000. 00
14, 300. 00 9, 69 0. 3 7 14, 300, 00
1', Cab and Chassis 21800. 00
1, Note Payments on 2 Packers 7, 66Z. 00 7, 661, 92 7, 412. 00
TOTALS 126, 066� 00 86, 517, 98 133, 626, 00
LOT CLEANING - Dept. #15 Function - Sanitation
Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 34, passed on October
ZZ, 1935, provides that properties must be kept free from surplus
grass and weeds, rubbish and excavations or the Village will place
a lien on the property and be reimbursed for the expenses of cleaning
up the property, Yearly the expenses are budgeted for this work and
a charge made against the property, The estimated revenue offsets
the appropriations in the budget.
Today there are only about 220 unimproved lots left which are
being charged for this service. A. tractor with rotary mower attached
is used for this operation three or four times a year. As this is not
a full-time operation, only part-time salary is charged to this depart-
LOT CLEANING - Dept. #15
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1. 1 Man part of year only 1, 150. 00 1' 150� 00 1, 150. 00
1. Equipment Parts 14o. 00 56. 93 140. 00
2. Gas, Oil & Tires 210� 00 105� 85 210, 00
350. 00 162� 78 350. 00
TOTALS 1, 500. 00 1, 312. 78 1, 500. 00
RECREATION - Dept. #16 Function - Recreation
This d.epartment plans, organiz#:.7z,,, supervises, and. coordinates
activities in recreation to meet the nceds of all age groups in Miami
Shores. Throughout the year, we are represented, by the following- 27
baseball teams, 14 basketball teams, 19 soccer teams, 4 track squad.s,
4 tackle football teams as well as tag and. 6 man teams. Our teams
compete in intramurals and with other recreation centers throughout
the county. These sports are seasonal in nature.
Throughout the year scheduled. activities at the Community Center
include: splash parties, horseback riding, tennis, fishing, riflery, roller
skating, ice skating, bowling, archery, volleyball, badminton, Fun Club
(age 7-8-9) tap and ballet, arts and crafts, chess knitting, story telling,
square d.ancing, hobby clubs, nature study, teen-age dances, teen nights,
charm club, Jr. Hostesses, physical fitness, tumbling, wrestling,
sewing, cheerlead.ing, baton, educational trips and. fencing. Unscheduled.
activities which are available includ.e�, Bumper pool, Knok hockey,
tetherball, paddle tennis, checkers, shuffleboard. and. ping pong.
In the evenings or when the children are in school, the Community
House is used. by the Miami Shores Gard.en Club, the Radio Club, the
Coin Club, the Brid.ge Club and. for activities by various organizations.
Personnel includes the Director, Athletic Director, Tennis Pro,
2 maintenance men, 1 secretary, 6 men coaches, 2 girl coaches and.
during the summer, 3 counselors in training. All employees are part
time with the exception of the tennis pro and. the maintenance men.
School teachers are used. almost exclusively for part time coaches
because of their knowled.ge of teaching and. because their off time corres-
ponds with the off time of the children.
The Department also has a bus which is used. to transport child.ren
to other parks for games and for field. trips of various kind.s.
RECREATION - Dept, #16
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos�
L Director - 420� 00 mo, 4, 560. 00 3, 420. 00 5, 040. 00
2� Athletic Director - 2� 50 hr. 2, 675, 00 2, 053. 67 2, 916. 00
3. 3 Ladies - 2 at I� 90 hr.
I at 1. 25 hr. 5, 664. 00 4, 003. 29 5, 947, 00
4, 6 Men at 2. 25 hr, 13, 000. 00 8, 623. 07 14, 877� 00
5� 2 Boys at 80� hr, 1, 600, 00 1, 449. 28 1, 608. 00
6� Maintenance Foreman at 96, 00 wk.
MaintenanGe man at 76. oo wk.
Part time Janitor at 35. 00 wk, 8, 528, 00 6, 868, 50 10, 764. 00
36, 027� 00 26, 417. 81 41, 152. 00
1. Tennis Pro at 365. 00 mo, 4, 200� 00 3, 150� 00 4, 400. 00
L Office Supplies 300� 00 253. 78 500. 00
2. Game Equipment 3, 000� 00 3, 792. 38 2, 000, 00
3, Building Supplies & Maintenance 2, 500� 00 1, 038. 83 1, 500. 00
4. Grounds Maintenance 4, 000. 00 3, 51Q. 42 3, 000. 00
5� Transportation Expense 1' 20mo 774� 39 1, 200. 00
11, 000. 00 9, 369. 80 8, 200. 00
1. Power - 180� 00 mo. 2, 040, 00 1, 183. 84 2, 160. 00
2. Telephone - 35. 00 mo, 540� 00 281. 25 420. 00
3. Water - 20. 00 mo, 240� 00 167. 49 240. 00
2, 820� 00 1, 632. 58 2, 8Z0. 00
F - BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS.- 10, 000. 00 --- 10, 000. 00
1, Lawn Mower 440� 00 149� 50 200. 00
1. Certificate of Indebtedness Blk. 107 1, 723. 00 --- 1, 671. 00
TOTALS 66, 210. 00 40, 719. 69 68, 443. 00
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos, - Budget
Village Appropriation 34, 198. 00 34, 198. 00 36, 000. 00
Fines z, 600. oo 1, 851. 23 2, 600. 00
Fees 1, 800. 00 1, 283� 50 11 800. 00
Lost and Paid 300. 00 245. 93 3W00
Donations 500. 00 761� 55 500� 00
Miscellaneous 150. 00 113. 43 150. 00
39, 548. 00 38, 453� 64 41, 350, 00
Librarian 7, 416, 00 7, 787. 00
Children's Librarian 96. 00 wk. 4, 784. 00 4, 992. 00
Aide (Sr. Clerk) 79. 00 wk. 3, 952. 00 4, 108. 00
Aide 68. 00 wk. 3, 224. 00 3, 536. 00
Aide 62. 00 wk. 3, 224. 00 3, 224. 00:
Maid 42. 00 wk. 2, 080. 00 2, 184- 00
Part-time Help (3) at 1. 00 - 1. 50 hr. 1, 741. 00 1, 841. 00
6, 42 1. 00 20,'282, 34 27, 672. 00
1. Exterminator 108. 00 81. 00 108. 00
2. Air Conditioning Service 458. 00 65, 00 530. 00
3. Photo-charger Service 68. 00 389. 35 80. 0&
634. 00 535. 35 718. 00
Books 5, 000. 00 3, 672. 26 5, 000, 00
Magazines 458. 00 438. 60 458, 00
Binding 500. 00 152. 71 500..00
Office Supplies 800. 00 689� 51 800, 00
Janitor Supplies 200. 00 313. 56 200. 06
Repair Equipment ZOO. 00 405. 05 200. 00
Contingent 384� 00 567. 44 353. 00
7, 542. 00 239, 13 7, 511. 00
Insurance 800� 00 696. 80 800, 00
Utilities 2. 500. 00 1, 643. 35
a, 500. 00
Social Security 920. 00 678� 77 1, 218. 00
Group Insurance 531� 00 --- 531. 00
4, 751, 00 3, 018. 92 5, 049. 00
Equipment - Typewrtier & Machines 200. 00 730. 40 400. 00
TOTALS 3 /), 548 00 30, 806� 14 41, 350. 00
LIBRARY - Dept. #17
1965-66 1966-67
Bud.get Bud.get
1. Appropriation for fiscal year 34, 198. 00 36, 000. 00
TOTALS 34, 198. 00 36, 000. 00
LIBRARY - Dept. #17 Function Library
This mod.ern, air-conditioned. 7200 sq. ft. building just across the street from
the Village Hall, is a well-lighted., comfortable and. attractive library. It has a staff of
Librarian, Child.ren's Librarian and. three aid.es plus three part-time employees. It
has a total of 40, 227 volumes, 8000 of which are in the child.ren's room, open reference
library of 2600 volumes and. a closed. reference library of 2000 volumes. Circulation is
approximately 78, 000 volumes per year,
Weekly activities are.- child,ren's story hour and. literary discussion group.
Special activities are: hobby club, art exhibits and. open house. Hours are 9 to 9
Monday through Thursday, Q. to 6 on Friday and. 9 to I p. m. on Saturd.ay,
The library operation is directed, by a Board. of fi-;ve citizens appointed. by the
Miami Shores Village (20)
October 1, 1966 to September 30, 1967
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Est. Revenue Actual Rev. Est. Revenue
12 Mos� 9 Mos. 12 Mos.
Miscellaneous 500. 00 1, 000� 14 500. 00
Cotillion Income 1, 000. 00 1, 483� 00 1, 000, 00
Dining Room Gross Income 70, 000, 00 '74, 478� 63 76, 000. 00
Bar Gross Income 85, 000, 00 73, 999� 60 88, 000� 00
Guest Fees 48, 000� 00 45, 711� 00 50, 00mo
Pull Cart Rental 500� 00 436� 50 500� 00
Locker Rental 2, 500. 00 2, 415, 00 3, 000. 00
Membership Annual Fees 120, 000. 00 114, 385� 22 125, 000. 00
Swimming Pool Annual Fees 15' 000� 00 12, 399� 03 15, 000. 00
Swimming Fees 3, 000, 00 1, 276� 85 2, 500� 00
Electric Carts 90, 000, 00 81, 671. 50 98, 000. 00
Citizens I. D. Card.s 9, 500. 00 10, 120, 00 Z0, 000. 00
Tennis Court Annual Fees 7, 500. 00 4, 874. 50 6, 000. 00
Tennis Court Daily Fees 300. 00 403. 00 500. 00
TOTALS 452, 800. 00 424, 653. 97 486, 000. 00
066-67 Bud.get
Personal Contract, Materials, Fixed, Capital
Department Services Services Supplies Charges Outlay TOTALS
A. B C D E, F, G, H
Administrative 30, 550. 00 22, 500, 00 14, 415. 00 30, 350. 00 --- 97, 815. 00
Club House 15, 574. 00 4ZO� 00 22, 440. 00 9, 300. 00 26, 000. 00 73, 734. 00
Dining Room 62, 063. 00 3, 640. 00 12, 100. 00 2, 200. 00 --- 80$ 003. 00
Bar Operations 36, 792. 00 3, 200� 00 - 1, 555. 00- --- 41, 547. 00
Golf Activities 26, 542. 00 --- 14,-920. 00 2, 500� 00 14, 694. 00 58, 656. 00
Course Maint. 65, 520. 00 500� 00 21,700. 00 3, 312. 00 10, 355, 00 101, 387. 00
SwimmingPool 10, 256� 00 --- 7, 540. 00 5, 700� 00 --- 23, 496. 00
Tennis Courts 5, 256. 00 --- 3, 690. 00 416, 00 --- 9, 362. 00
TOTALS 252, 553, 00 27, 060. 00 100, 005. 00 55, 333, 00 51, 049. 00 486, 000. 00
The Administrative Department is made up of the Club Manager
and his office staff of secretary, two bookkeepers, cashier and reception-
The first of the outside services needed for this department of
the Country Club is the auditing services which include a monthly inven,
tory and income and expense statement on the dining room and bar
operations, and a yearly audit. The second is the service agreements
for the upkeep of the bookkeeping and office machines used at the Club.
The third, Village Services, is an appropriation set by the Council to
offset the services rendered by the Village personnel, such as, mana-
gerial, accounting, garbage and trash collection, police and fire pro-
tection, engineering services and pension fund expense.
Other expenses of this department include supplies, a contingent
account for emergencies, workmen's compensation and insurance on
buildings, the employer's portion of Social Security and group insurance.
Country Club (21)
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1. Manager 9, 000. 00 6, 749. 73 9, 450. 00
2. Secretary - 101. 00 wk. 4, 992. 00 3, 811. 20 5, 252. 00
3. Bookkeeper I at 72. 00 wk.
Bookkeeper II at 79. 00 wk. 3, 888. 00 3, 829. 34 7, 852. 00
4. Cashier at 79. 00 wk. 3, 888. 00 3, 000. 20 4, 108. 00
5. Receptionist - 72. 00 wk. plus
vacation relief 3, 672. 00 2, 743. 85 3, 888. 00
25, 440. 00 20, 134. 32 30, 550. 00
1. Auditing Service 2, 100. 00 1, 600. 00 2, 100. 00
2. Machine Service Contracts 200. 00 62. 02 400. 00
3. Village Services Z0, 000. 00 Z0, 000. 00 20, 000. 00
22, 300. 00 21, 662. 02 22, 500. 00
1. Auto Expense 60. 00 mo. 720. 00 540. 00 720. 00
2. Entertainment 750. 00 412. 15 600. 00
3. Dues & Subscriptions 150. 00 158. 60 150. 00
4. Office Supplies 900. 00 975, 51 1, 000. 00
5. Postage 1, 700. 00 1, 139. 66 1, 700. 00
6. Contingent 8, 931. 00 26, 790. 04 8, 945. 00
7. P rinting 1, 300. 00 714. 64 1, 3QO. 00
14, 451. 00 30, 730. 6"� 14, 415. 00
1. Insurance 14, 000. 00 11, 018. 84 13, 000. 00
2. Telephone Z, 200. 00 1, 105. 27 2, 350. 00
3. Social Security 9, 000. 00 6, 156. 97 9, 500. 00
4. Group Insurance 5, 500. 00 4, 388. 89 5, 500. 00
.30, 700, 00 22, 669. 97 30, 350. 00
TOTALS 92, 891. 00 95, 196. 91 97, 815. 00
This department accounts for the expenses of upkeep of the
physical properties and the retirement of debt for improvements and
additions, The night watchman, two maintenance men and a gardener
make up the personnel that are charged directly to the Club House.
Each year seven to ten thousand dollars are budgeted for build-
ing repairs and improvements and when borrowing is necessary for
large improvements, the principal and interest payments are paid
from this department. The account ''Music and Functions" is used for
orchestras and entertainment for club functions and for the necessary
flowers and decorations for parties.
During the season the Club sponsors a Cotillion for children
each Monday evening.
The Certificate of Indebtedness is the annual appropriation for
principal and interest on improvements to the Club House.
Country Club (22)
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud.get 9 mos. Bud.get
1. Nightwatchman - 65. 00 wk. plus
relief of 10. 00 for 52 wks.
plus vacation 3, 868. 00 2, 720. 00 4, 030. 00
2. Maintenance men - I at 62. 00 wk.
1 at 101. 00 8, 216. 00 6, 189. 81 8, 476. 00
3. Gard.ener - 59. 00 wk. 2, 808. 00 ?,, 169. 00 3, 068. 00
14, 892. 00 11, 078. 81 15, 574. 00
1. Exterminating 420. 00 315. 00 420. 00
1. Cleaning Supplies - 120. 00 mo. 1, 320. 00 1, 105. 65 1, 440. 00
2. Miscellaneous Expense 2, 000. 00 1, 618. 96 2, 000. 00
3. Bld.g. Repairs & Improvements 7, 000. 00 5, 076. 98 10, 000. 00
4. Music & Functions 8, 000. 00 8, 416. 09 9, 000. 00
18, 320. 00 16, 217. 68 22, 440. 00
1. Electricity 7, 800, 00 5, 167. 00 7, 800. 00
2. Fuel Oil - 75. 00 mo. 960. 00 661. 50 900. 00
3. City Water - 50. 00 mo. 600. 00 431. 04 600. 00
9, 360. 00 6, 259. 54 9, 300. 00
1. Locker Room Air Conditioning 3, 000. 00
1. Certificate of Ind.ebted.ness 20, 975. 00 15, 787. 50 23, 000. 00
TOTALS 63, 967. 00 49, 658. 53 73, 734. 00
DIN I ING ROOM - Dept. #103
All the expenses for the kitchen -3nd the dining room functions
are budgeted in this department except the cost of food which is closed
out each month with income from the dining room into a gross profit
account. The food cost percentage runs between 55 and 58%. Each
month an independent auditing firm takes the inventory and prepares
an operating statement for the administration. There is a small net
profit made each year on this operation.
Eighteen service and civic clubs hold their meetings through-
out the year at the Country Club. Approximately 15 club dinner dances
are held each year. Many private parties which are sponsored by
club members are held each year and clubs and societies hold fashion
shows and card parties weekly. Regular Sunday night buffets are
served and lunches are served every day except Monday.
Country Club (23)
DINING ROOM - Dept. #103
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud&et 9 mos. Bud.get
1. Chef at 750. 75 mo. 8, 580. 00 6, 435. 00 9, 009. 00
2. Second. Cook 106. 00 wk. 5, 512. 00
Fry Cook 79. 00 wk. 9, 204. 00 6, 903. 00 4, 108. 00
3. Pantryman - 76. 00 wk. 3, 952. 00 2, 951. 36 3, 952. 00
4. Dishwashers - 4 at 59. 00 wk. 11, 232. 00 8, 748. 14 12, 272. 00
5. 1 Cashier-Hostess 72. 00 wk, 3, 744. 00
4 Waitresses at 110. 00 mo. 5, 220. 00 2, 670. 00 5, 280. 00
6. Shack Waitress 51. 00 wk. plus 7. 00 wk.
relief, plus vacation 2, 996. 00 2, 234. 26 3, 118. 00
7. Maintenance man at 59. 00 wk. 21912. 00 1, 524. 59 3, 068. 00
8, Extra Help & Overtime 7, 000. 00 11, 835. 54 12, 000. 00
51, 096. 00 43, 301. 89 62, 063. 00
1. Degreasing Ovens 240. 00 105. 00 240. 00
2. Air Cond.itioning, Refrig, & Ice
Machine Service Contract plus
parts 3, 400. 00 2, 940. 27 3, 400. 00
3, 640. 00 3, 045. 27 3, 640. 00
1. Dish Replacement 600. 00 674. 40 700. 00
2. Repairs 400. 00 390. 63 400. 00
3. Silver Replacement - 25. 00 mo. 300. 00 294. 45 300. 00
4. Kitchen Utensils 300. 00 111. 08 200. 00
5. Miscellaneous Supplies 3, 000. 00 2, 749. 12 3, 000. 00
6. Laundry 6, 500. 00 6, 233. 84 7, 500. 00
11, 100. 00 10, 453. 52 12, 100. 00
1. Licenses 100. 00 --- 100. 00
2. Gas for cooking & Heating 175. 00 mo. 1, 800. 00 1, 593. 06 2, 100. 00
1, 900. 00 1, 593. 06 2, 200. 00
TOTALS 67, 736. 00 58, 393. 74 80, 003. 00
This department serves the main lounge and the men's
lounge adjacent to the locker rooms plus special bars set up in
the dining rooms for parties. Four full-time bartenders are used
and extra help hired as needed, Gross profit percentage runs
between 61 and 65% on a net profit of about $45, 000, 00 per year.
Country Club (24)
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Bud.get
1. Bartenders - 2 at 84. 00 wk. , 1 at
7 9. 0 0, 1 at 7 6. 0 0 wk. 15, 912. 00 12, 140. 00 16, 796. 00
2. Bar Hostess 174. 00 mo.
Bar Waitress 122. 00 mo. 4, 692. 00 3, 543. 00 3, 552. 00
3. 2 Maintenance men - 62. 00 wk.
59. 00 5, 980. 00 4, 499. 00 6, 292. 00
4. Extra Help and. Overtime 7, 000. 00 6, 254. 32 7, 500. 00
5. 1 Waiter at 51. 00 wk. 2, 548. 00 2, 093. 74 2, 652. 00
36, 132. 00 28, 530. OW 36, 792. 00
1. Repairs - 20. 00 mo. 240. 00 706. 29 240. 00
2. Glass Replacement - 30. 00 mo. 360. 00 271. 45 360. 00
3. Bar Supplies 2, 500. 00 2, 172. 63 2, 500. 00
4. Uniforms and. Towels 150. 00 31. 52 100. 00
3, 250. 00 3, 181. 89 3, 200. 00
1. Licenses 1, 555. 00 54. 00 1, 555. 00
TOTALS 40, 937. 00 31, 765. 95 41, 547. 00
The expenditures that have to do specifically with golfing are
accounted for in this department, The golf professional, starter,
ranger, electric cart attendant and the locker room attendants make
up the personnel serving the golfers.
Tournament expense and-junior golf activities share the cost
of prizes for tournaments. About two tournaments a month are
averaged throughout the year.
Golf play for the year totaled approximately forty-four
thousand rounds, Guest play makes up about twenty percent of the
forty-four thousand total golf play.
Country Club (25)
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1. Professional - 400. 00 mo. 4, 800. 00 3, 600. 00 4, 800. 00
2. Starter - 6 days 96. 00 wk. plus
relief at 140. 00 5, 132, 00 3, 942. 00 5, 132. 00
3. Ranger Patrol 1, 500. 00 --- ---
4. Ladies Locker Attendant 56. 00 wk,
plus vacation 2, 916. 00 2, 398. 00 3� 024� 00
5. Men's Locker A.ttendant 79. 00 wk.
plus vacation 4, 104. 00 3, 128. 66 4, 266. 00
6. Electric Cart Attendant 560. 00 mo,
plus relief at 2600. 00 yr. 9, 008. 00 6, 711. 00 9, 320. 00
27, 460. 00 19, 779. 66 26, 542. 00
1. Laundry - 250. 00 mo. 2, 500. 00 2, 276. 54 3, 000. 00
2. Miscellaneous Expense 150. 00 mo. 1, 000. 00 1, 272. 29 1, 800. 00
3. Printing & Stationery 900. 00 325. 25 750. 00
4. Tournament Expense 4, 000. 00 3, 547. 20 4, 500. 00
5. Electric Cart Supplies 385. 00 mo. 5, 500. 00 3, 395. 01 4, 620. 00
6. Junior Golf Activities 500. 00 53. 26 250. 00
14, 400. 00 10, 869. 55 142 920. 00
1. Drinking Fountains 200. 00 65. 87 100. 00
2. Electric Cart Power - 200. 00 mo. 2, 400. 00 1, 800. 00 2, 400. 00
2, 600. 00 1, 865. 87 2, 500. 00
1. Electric Golf Cart Payment (11 -1 -66) 6, 500, 00 6, 500. 00 7, 194. 00
2. New Cart Financing 7, 500. 00
14, 694. 00
TO TA.LS 50, 960. 00 39, 015. 08 58, 656. 00
A superintendent and 13 men rraintain tll-ds 18-hole, 1ZZ acre
abundantly landscaped golf course. Thev .--,-,-)rk out of the olf course
1 9
shops located on Club Drive and 100th Street, Two shop buildings
house the equipment and supplies, The rolling stock includes: 2 pickups..
I dump truck, 1 truckster, 4 toro tractors, 1 tractor with loading and
other attachments, and I small farm-type tractor. Other equipment
used includes: 2 gang mower units for fairways, 7 greensmowers, 2
rough mowers, 2 large fairway fertilizer distributors, 3 verticut
mowers, 1 tractor with mounted mowers, 1 litter lift, 4 spikers, Z
spray rings and 1 power fertilizer distribiitor for greens, besides
many small pieces of equipment, O-ur shop does all of the equipment
About 100 tons of fertilizer are used each year and three
6-inch wells and one 10-inch well furnish the water supply.
Country Club (26)
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Budget
1, Superintendent 8, 200. 00 6, 149. 89 8, 610. 00
2. Mechanic - 106. 00 wk. plus holiday pay
Mechanic - 84. 00 it if 11 9' 2Z2. 00 5, 490. 38 9, 996. 00
3, Foreman - 101. 00 it If if 4, 840. 00 4, 140. 00 5, 314. 00
4. 8 Greensmen - 76. 00 to 79. 00 wk. plus
holiday pay 30, 093. 00 23, 796. 81 32, 460. 00
5. 2 Night Watermen - 84. 00 & 88. 00 wk.
plus holiday pay 8, 243. 00 6, 567. 52 9, 140. 00
ZO, 598. 00 46, 144. 6o 65, 520. 00
1. Machine Rental 500. 00 500. 00
1. Seed and. Grass Stoles 500. 00 --- 500. 00
2. Fertilizer 8, 500. 00 4, 933. 57 8, 500. 00
3. Top Soil & Sand. 1, 000. 00 243. 44 750. 00
4. Repairs and. Supplies 4, 500. 00 2, 851. 95 4, 000. 00
5. Irrigation Supplies 500. 00 581. 09 750. 00
6. Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides 4, 000. 00 3, 545. 45 4, 000. 00
7. Gas, Oil & Tires 2, 000. 00 1, 041. 79 1, 700. 00
8, Building Repairs 1, 500. 00 664. 33 1, 000. 00
9. Dues, Subs. & Turf Conference 450. 00 457. 55 500. 00
22, 950. 00 14, 319. 17 21, 700. 00
1. Power - 35. 00 mo. 420. 00 314. 25 420. 00
2. Power for Pumps - 200. 00 mo. 2, 400. 00 1, 619. 52 2, 400. 00
3. Telephone - 21. 00 mo. 252. 00 178. 55 252. 00
4. City Water 20. 00 mo. 300. 00 137. 97 240. 00
3, 372. 00 2, 250. 29 3, 312. 00
1. Course Improvements 5, 000. 00 2, 024. 20 5, 000. 00
1. 2 Greensmowers 900. 00
2. Truckster 1, 500. 00
3. Fertilizer Broadcaster 945. 00
4. Greensaire 1, 300. 00
5, 20" Rotary Mower Z10. 00
6. Tools 500. 00
9, 504. 00 7, 090. 44 5, 355. 00
. ....70TALS 101, 924. 00 71, 828. 70 101, 387. 00
SWIMMING POOL - Dept. #107
The pool is operated by a Pool Manager and life guards are
hired as needed during the year, Statistics show about 20, 000 swims
during a year!s time with most of it during the summer. Hours open
during the summer are every day from 10:30 a. m, to 5�00 p. m. ,
except Sunday which is noon to 5:00 p. m. Night swimming takes
place during the surnme r vacation f rom 8:00 to 10-0 0 p. m. on Tue s-
day and Thursday evenings for children and on Wednesday evenings
for adults only. During the winter season the pool operates from
11:00 a. m. to 5,00 p. m. and is closed all day Monday.
The pool itself is 100 x 40 ft. with a capacity of 250, 000 gallons.
It has a one meter and a three meter diving board.
The swimming teams which have produced national champions
and one Olympic champion, have about 24 swim meets a year.
Lessons are available and life saving is taught. The Recreation Depart-
ment has the pool available one afternoon a week.
Country Club
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Budget 9 mos. Bud.get
1. Pool Manager at 438. 00 mo. 4, 776. 00 3, 582. 00 5, 256. 00
2. Life Guards 4, 500. 00 4, 183. 53 5, 000. 00
9, 276! 00 7, 765. 53 10, 256. 00
1. Pool Chemicals - 120. 00 mo. 1, 200. 00 1, 028. 21 1, 440. 00
2. Miscellaneous Supplies 1, 000. 00 568. 61 1, 000. 00
3. Painting & Maintenance 2, 500. 00 750. 47 3, 100. 00
4. Swimming Events 1, 000. 00 980. 74 Z1000. 00
5, 700. 00 3, 328. 03 7, 540. 00
1. City Water - 75. 00 mo. 1, 080. 00 609. 28 900. 00
2. Power - 300. 00 mo, 3, 600. 00 2P556. 90 3, 600. 00
3. Heater Gas 700. 00 1, 077. 69 1, 200. 00
5, 380. 00 4, 243. 87 5, 700. 00
TOTALS 20, 356. 00 15, 337. 43 23, 496. 00
TENNIS COURTS - Dept, #108
Three courts are clay with all-weather surfacing and three
courts are asphalt base with plastic top. With a country club atmos-
phere these facilities are as fine as any in the Miami area.
Lessons are available and the hard courts open at 8:00 a. m.
with the clay courts opening as soon as they can be made ready and
closing at dark.
Country Club (28)
1965-66 1965-66 1966-67
Bud get 9 mos. Budget
1. Professional - 438. 00 mo. (incl.
1200. 00 four courts maintenance) 5, 016. 00 3f 65Z. 00 5, 256. 00
1. Supplies 900. 00 870. 97 1, 140. 00
2. Trophies 125. 00 134. 4Z 150. 00
3. Repairs and. Resurfacing 2, 400. 00 1, 695. 00 2, 400. 00
3, 425. 00 Z, 700, 39 3, 690, 00
1. Water 20. 00 20. 00 20. 00
2. Power - 16. 50 mo. 168. 00 159. 98 198. 00
3. Telephone - 16. 50 mo, 200. 00 128. 80 198. 00
388. 00 308, 78 416. 00
1. Payment on Tennis Courts &
Building 5, 200. 00 5, 200. 00 ---
TOTALS 14, 029. 00 il, 86i. 17 9, 362. 00
c ��
WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Miami Shores Pension
Board and the Consulting Actuary that it would be to the advantage of the Village
and the Pension Plan to amend paragraphs (o) and (q) of Section 3. of said pJan;
Section 1. Paragraph (o) of Section 3. of Ordinance No. 273
presently providing as follows:
11 'Actuarial tables' means such tables as shall have
been adopted by the Board in accordance with rec-
ommendations of the actuary; provided, that for the
first five years of the plan the 1937 Standard Annuity
Mortality Table shall be used.
is hereby amended to provide as follows:
" 'Actuarial table' means the mortality table adopted
by the Board from time to time in accordance with
recommendations of the actuary. 11
Section 2. Paragraph (q) of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 273
presently providing as follows:
" 'Regular interest' means interest at the rate of 3%
per annum for the first five years and thereafter
such other rate determined from the actual exper-
ience of the plan as may subsequently be prescribed
by the Board. "
is hereby amended to provide as follows:
" 'Regular interest' means the actuarial valuation
rate of interest adopted by the Board from time to
time in accordance with recommendations of the actuary.
Section 3. It is intended that if any section, sentence,clause or
provision contained herein is held invalid the remainder shall not be affected.
Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall become
effective upon the date of its enactment.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this Zlst day of December, 1965.
Village Clerk