O-305-63 ORDINANCE NO. 305 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1962; ADOPTING THE FINAL TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL AND FIXING THE 1962 TAX LEVY OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE. BE IT ORDAINED BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget of Miami Shores Village, Florida, for the fiscal year October 1, 1962 through September 30, 1963, including the Miami Shores Country Club and the Library, the amounts shown on the extreme right-hand column being the amounts appropriated to the various departments and functions of the Village: General Budget $ 728, 719. 82 Golf Course Budget 405, 500. 00 1, 134, 219. 82 One Mill produces 32, 028. 43 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA PROPOSED BUDGET 1962-63 INDEX VILLAGE COUNTRY CLUB Page Page Building & Zoning 4 Administrative C-1 Council I Bar Operations C-4 Finance 5 Club House C-2 Fire 11 Course Maintenance c-6 Inspection Stations 10(a) Dining Room C-3 Legal z Golf Activities C-5 Library 17 Swimming Pool C-7 Lot Cleaning 15 Tennis Courts C-8 Manager 3 Municipal Court 8 Non-Departmental 9 Parks 12 Police 10 Recreation 16 Streets 13 Tax 6 Village Hall 7 Waste 14 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS 1961 1962 Estimated Estimated Assessment Taxes at Assessment Taxes at Value 11-1/4 mills Value 11-1/4 mills REAL ESTATE Land $ 10, 338, 940. 00 10, 339, 896, 00 Buildings 36, 053, 311. 00 37, 219, 616. 00 TOTAL 46, 39Z, Z5 1. 00 47, 559, 512. 00 Less Exemptions 15, 978, 693. 00 16, 911, 300. 00 Non Exempt 30, 413, 558. 00 30, 648, 212. 00 Less Discount & Adjustments 1, 216, 54Z. 00 1, 225, 9Z8. 00 TOTAL REAL Z9, 197, oi6. 00 328, 466.43 Z9, 42Z, Z84. 00 331, 000. 70 PERSONAL Assessment 5, 134, 729. 00 5, ZZ9, 705. 00 Exemptions 2, 483, 312. 00 2, 514, 972. 00 Non Exempt 2, 651, 417. 00 2, 714, 733. 00 Less Discount & Adjustments 106, 057. 00 108, 589. 00 TOTAL PERSONAL 2, 545, 36o. oo Z8, 635. 30 2, 606, 144. 00 29, 319. 12 TOTAL REAL & PERSONAL $ 31, 742, 376. oo 357, 101. 73 32, 028, 428. 00 360, 319. 82 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUDGET October 1, 1962 to September 30, 1963 REVENUE 1961-62 ig6i-6z 1962-63 Est. Rev. Actual Rev. Est. Rev. 12 Mos. 9 Mo s. 12 Mos. Cash at beginning of year $ 85, 000. 00 iT2-, 446. 60 95, 000. 00 Taxes Real 3Z8, 446. 43 330, 689. 34 331, 000. 70 Taxes Personal 28, 635. 30 28, 435. 00 29, 319. 12 Occupational Licenses 33, 000. 00 17, 901. 50 33, 000. 00 Permit Fees 10, 000. 00 11, 636. 30 11, 500. 00 Golf Course 18, 000. 00 18, 000. 00 18, 000. 00 Cigarette Taxes 40, 000. 00 31, 510. 13 45, 000. 00 Miscellaneous 3, 500. 00 3, 342. 57 3, 500. 00 Fines and Forfeitures 26, 000. 00 18, 642. Z5 24, 000. 00 Auto Inspection Station #1 20, 000. 00 17, 379. 75 21, 000. 00 if it 11 #2 32, 000. 00 28, 387. 25 35, 000. 00 Parking Meters 3, 600. 00 2, 997. 95 3, 600. 00 Electric Franchise 47, 000. 00 --- 50, 000. 00 Garbage Fees 64, 500. 00 65, 078. 95 77j000. 00 Lot Cleaning & Mowing 2, 000. 00 2, 127. 90 1, 800. 00 TOTAL 741, 681 . 73 678, 575. 49 778, 719. 82 Less reserved surplus for operating before taxes 50, 000. 00 50, 000. 00 691, 681 . 73 728, 719. 82 APPROPRIATIONS Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed Capital Department Services Services Supplies Charges Outlay TOTALS 1. Council 55. 00 520. 95 590. 00 --- --- I' l 5. 95 2. Legal --- 4, 600. 00 --- --- 4, 600. 00 3. Manager 16, 576. 00 39. 50 1, 608. 00 --- --- 18, 223. 50 4. Bldg. & Zon. 10, 800. 00 240. 00 1, 232. 00 --- 12, 272. 00 5. Finance 11, 692. 00 1, 562. 40 1, 995. 00 --- 350. 00 15, 599. 40 6. Tax 4, 368. 00 352. 50 794. 00 --- --- 5, 514. 50 7. Village Hall 3, 536. 00 2, 016. 00 900. 00 4, 500. 00 7, 127. 60 18, 079. 60 8. Municipal Court --- 300. 00 --- --- 300. 00 9. Non-Dept. --- 13, 121. 11 3, 092. 00 71, 670. 43 --- 87, 883. 54 10. Police 135, 319. 00 4, 850. 00 10, 800. 00 2, 850. 00 5, 000. 00 158, 819. 00 Insp. Sta. #1 11, 492. 50 1 , 200. 00 --- --- 12, 692. 50 Insp_Sta. #2 11, 210. 00 --- 1, 800. 00 425. 00 6, 420. 00 19, 855. 00 11. Fire 16, 142. 00 750. 00 525. 00 100. 00 600. 00 18, 117. 00 12. Parks 67, 184. 00 --- 15, 250. 00 2, 8ZO. 00 4, 900. 00 90, 154. 00 13. Streets 7, 384. 00 --- 13, 600. 00 31, 072. 00 17, 350. 01 69, 406. 01 14. Waste 71, 604. 00 --- 11, 920. 00 10, 510. 00 7, 175. 39 101, 209. 39 15. Lot Cleaning 1, 450. 00 --- 350. 00 --- --- 1, 800. 00 16. Recreation 29, 925. 10 3, 000. 00 6, 107. 70 2, 088. 00 16, 879. 20 58, 000. 00 17. Library --- --- --- 35, 028. 43 --- 35, 028. 43 TOTALS 398, 737. 60 31, 35Z. 46 71 , 763. 70 161, 063. 86 65, 802. 20 728, 719. 82 COUNCIL - Dept. #1 Function General Government The municipal government provided by the Village Charter is known as the "Council-Manager government. 11 Pursuant to its provisions and subject only to the limitations imposed by the Constitution of the State of Florida and by this Charter, all the powers of the Village are vested in an elective Council which enacts local legislation, adopts budgets, determines policies and appoints a Village Manager who shall execute the laws and administer the government of the Village. Meetings are twice monthly on the first and third Tuesdays at 4:00 P. M. at the Village Hall. The fiscal year is October I st to Sep- tember 30th. The Council meets twice a year just prior to budget adoption as a Board of Equalization at which time the public may be heard on any questions of assessment. The Council also holds a public hearing on the budget at this time. r COUNCIL Dept. #1 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICE: 1. 5 Councilmen at $1. 00 yr. plus $5. 00 Board of Equalization 55. 00 55. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Nat'l, Municipal League dues 5. 00 Fla. League of Mun. dues 250. 00 Dade League of Mun. dues 265. 95 646, 95 520. 95 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies (letterheads, pictures, etc. 90. 00 90. 00 2. Miscellaneous Expense 300. 00 500. 00 3§0. 00 590. 00 TOTALS 1, 091. 95 1, 165. 95 LEGAL - Dept. #Z Function - General Government The Village Attorney, who is appointed by the Council, represents the Village in all legal matters and litigation and acts as legal advisor to the Council, Village Manager and the department heads. He attends Council meetings as an advisor, writes ordinances and gives written opinions when asked by the administration, In law suits where extra work is involved he is paid extra fees. LEGAL Dept. #2 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: I 1. Village Attorney fee 3, 000, 00 3, 600. 00 2. Special Legal Costs 1, 000. 00 11000. 00 T-10 0—OQ 0 —4—, 6-0-000 TOTALS 4, 000. 00 4, 600. 00 MANAGER'S - De;2t. #3 Function - General Government The Village Manager is responsible for carrying out policies established by the Council and the ordinances of the Village under the regulations of the Charter. The Charter gives the Village Manager the responsibility for the proper administration of all affairs of the Village. Specifically, he appoints and removes all employees, prepares the tentative budget to submit to the Council, administers the budget after adoption, submits to the Council a complete report on the finances and administration for the year, keeps the Council advised of the financial condition and the future needs of the Village. The Village Manager in- vestigates and remedies, if possible, all complaints voiced by the citizens. He attends meetings on behalf of the Village and serves on committees of local governmental agencies and performs other duties as may be prescribed by the Charter or required by the Council. As the administrative head of the Village, the Village Manager is responsible for and directs through the department heads all the activites of municipal government. By the Charter, the Manager is also ex officio tax assessor and collector. The Charter position of Village Clerk is administered in this department by his secretary. The Clerk is responsible for recording and filing Council minutes, resolutions and ordinances, voting registra- tions and elections. Besides acting as the Village Manager's secretary she edits the monthly Village Bulletin and acts as secretary to the Planning and Zoning Board. I fl, MANAGER'S - Dept. #3 1961-62 Budget 196Z-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Manager 1z, 000. 00 12, 000. 00 Z. . Clerk-Secretary - 88. 00 wk. 4, 576. 00 4, 576. 00 16, 576, 00 16, 576. OU B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES; 1. Typewriter Service Contract 39. 50 39. 50 G MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies & Manager's Expense 1, Z00. 00 1, 200. 00 2. Auto Expense Z25, 00 250. 00 3. Dues and Subscriptions 161. 50 158. 00 1, 5 8?�_. 5-0 1, 608. 06 G EQUIPMENT 1. Car Z, 300. 00 --- TOTALS 20, 502. 00 18, 2Z3. 50 "3- -BUILDING AND ZONING - Dept. #4 Function - General Government This department enforces the South Florida Building Code and the Miami Shores Zoning Ordinance #270. Personnel from this depart- ment examine all construction plans for compliance with the Code and Zoning Ordinance and issue new construction, plumbing, electrical and alteration permits. They also make inspections of construction for compliance with the code and zoning ordinance. The Building and Zoning Department bills and issues all occupational licenses to contractors and businesses within the Village. They design and supervise construction of buildings on Village property and.help the Manager in planning and specification writing on all Village improvements. The department head meets with and acts in an advisory capacity to the Planning and Zoning Board which meets on the second and fourth Thursdays. For the fiscal year of ig6o-61, 872 licenses and 1?87 permits were issued. There were twenty new homes and five commercial build- ings completed and 1291 inspections made by the Building Department. BUILDING & ZONING Dept. #4 1961-6?. Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Director 6, 300. 00 6, 300. 00 2. Assistant 4, 500. 00 4, 500. 00 10, 800. 00 10, 800. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Planning Board Secretary Service 240. 00 240. 00 C - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies 391. 00 350. 00 2. Auto Expense 840- 00 840. 00 3. Dues & Subscriptions 42. 00 42. 00 1, 273. 00 1, 232. 00 TOTALS 12, 313. 00 12, 272. 00 -4- FINANCE - Dept. #5 Function - General Government The Finance Department maintains all general accounting records; pre-audits all receipts and disbursements; disburses all city monies. It maintains property, personnel, insurance, group hospitalization and pension records and administers them for the Village. The department administers the debt retirement, investments of temporary funds and helps the Village Manager prepare and administer the budget. Monthly budget reports of the Village and Golf Course and a monthly balance sheet on all funds are prepared for the Council, Manager and department heads. The Director of Finance is secretary to the Pension Board, treasurer of the employees credit union, and acts in the capacity of Village Manager when he is out of town. The cashier, in addition to receiving tax monies and other revenues, takes incoming phone calls, keeps the garbage payment records and does duplicating and mailing for all the departments. I r' FINANCE Dept. #5 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Director 8, 000. 00 8, 000. 00 2. Cashier 8� Duplicating Clerk - 71 . 00 wk. 3, 563. 56 3, 692. 00 11, 565. 5Z� 11, 692. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Auditing 1, 100. 00 1, 100. 00 2. Equipment Service Contracts 462. 40 46Z. 40 1, 562. 40 1, 5;2. C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies 870. 00 8ZO. 00 2. Duplicating Supplies 1, 125. 00 1, 000. 00 3. Dues, Subscriptions & Short Course 170. 00 175. 00 2, 165, 05- 1, 995. 00 G - EQUIPMENT: 350. 00 1. Check Signer 350. 00 TOTALS 15, 640. 96 15, 599. 40 -5, TAX - Dept. #6 Function - General Government The Tax Department keeps the real estate and personal property tax rolls of the Village which show the assessed value, exemptions, net value and amount of tax on each piece of property. These are kept up to date daily and the taxes paid are posted to the tax roll. Delinquent tax notices are sent out by this department as well as handling of the tax sale and issuance of tax certificates. The tax roll and the various copies of the tax bill are made up simultaneously on a National Cash Register 3100 machine. All inquiries on taxes, assessments and special assessments are answered by this department. The tax clerk makes up the weekly and semi-monthly payroll for the Village, Golf Course and Library. 7363 payroll checks were written in 1960-61 . TAX Dept. #6 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Deputy Assessor - 84. 00 wk. 4, 368. 00 4, 368. 00 B - CONTRAC I'UAL ISIERVICES: 1. Title Iniormation 65. 00 65. 00 2. Billing Machine Service Contract 193. 50 212. 50 3. Tax Sale Adv. 75. 00 75. 00 333. 5�, 352. 50 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIFS: 1. Oflice Supplies 819. 00 794. 00 TOTALS 5, 520�50 5, 514. 50 -6- VILLAGE HALL - Dept. #7 Function - General Government In this department are budgeted the appropriations for the necessary expenditures for upkeep, expenses and debt retirement of the Village Hall building. The building houses all the administrative offices of the Village, the Police Department, the Fire Department with quarters on the second floor and the Council Chamber which is used as a meeting place for many organizations. It is used during the daytime as a Metropolitan Dade County traffic court. The building also houses the auto inspection station manned by Village employees. The janitor is the only employee of this department. General obligation bonds for the construction of this building will be paid off in May, 1965. VILLAG E HALL Dept. #7 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Janitor at 68. 00 wk. 3, 536. 00 3, 536. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Building Maintenance 1, 000. 00 1, 500. 00 Z. Furniture & Fixture Maintenance 516. 00 516. 00 1, 516. 00 z, 016. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Operating Supplies 875. 00 900. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Communications - 130. 00 mo. 1, 56o. 00 1, 560. 00 2. Power - 200. 00 mo. Z, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 3. Gas - 15. 00 mo. 180. 00 180. 00 4. Water - 30. 00 mo. Z40. 00 360. 00 4, 380. 00 4, 500. 06 F - BUILDINGS: 1. Reserve for Hurricane Damage 600. 00 600. 00 H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Village Hall Bond Payments 6, 723. 20 6, 527. 60 TOTALS 17, 630. 20 18, 079. 60 -7, MUNICIPAL COURT - Dept. #8 Function - General Government In this department are budgeted the expenses necessary to operate the Municipal Court. As the County now operates the traffic court there is not much activity in this department at the present time. Municipal judges are paid a fee at the rate of $3. 00 per case. MUNICIPAL COURT Dept. #8 1961 -62 Budget 1962-63 Budget B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Fee Costs 300. 00 300. 00 TOTAi..c* 300. 00 300. 00 -8- NON-DEPAR T MENTAL EXPENSE Dept. #9 Function - General Government The expenses not applicable to any of the other departments are budgeted under this classification. Appropriations are always made to a Contingency Account which is used for hurricane clean-up or re-appropri- ated by the Council for any needed emergency. Insurance, employer's Social Security and the Village contribution toward the employees' pension fund are found under this classification. The new item of group insurance is for hospitalization insur- ance on the employees. NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE - Dept. #9 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1 . Contributions - Humane Society 480. 00 Xmas Decorations 375. 00 855. 00 855. 00 Z. Election Expense --- 300. 00 3. Contingency 9, 711. 72 11, 966. 11 10, 5;6. 7f 13, 121. 11 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Postage Z, 110. 00 2, 612. 00 2. Employees Kitchen Exp. 40. 00 mo. 360. 00 480. 00 2, 470. 00 3, 092. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. All Insurance 20, 000. 00 Z0, 000. 00 2. Social Security 10, 500. 00 13, 000. 00 3. Pension - 1 mill 31, 74Z. 37 32, OZ8. 43 4. Group Insurance 6, 642. 00 62, Z42. 37 �1, 670. 43 TOTALS 75, 279. 09 87, 883. 54 -9- POLICE - Dept. #10 Function - Public Safety The Police Department, with a complement of Chief, Lieutenant, three Sergeants, thirteen patrolmen, one motorman, one clerk and four detectives, operates three eight-hour shifts. One shift operates two uniform cars and one detective car, The second shift operates three uniform cars and one detective car. The third shift operates. three uniform cars. One patrolman and one detective were added to this budget. About 12, 000 miles are covered by Police cars per month. The department each month handles approximately 300 complaints, 30 accidents and 300 Summonses and arrests. They also handle approximately 20 calls each month out of the Village limits. Also an average of about 200 court case appearances are made by the officers of this department. Each squad car carries a basic first aid kit, riot gun, rescue rope, fire extinguisher, battery jumper cable and portable spot lights. Two cars carry oxygen resusitators which have saved many lives. An alcometer is used for sobriety tests by the department. The officers in the Detective Bureau when not involved in primary''' or follow-up investigation work, maintain a routine plainclothes patrol in the two shifts which are the most troublesome. Regular duties of the detectives are: all criminal court cases, checking crime scenes for latent fingerprints, cooperating with other departments on cases of mutual interest, interrogating all persons and checking of vacant homes. 141, 503 miles were covered by police cars in 1960-61 and 3, 726 summons given and arrests made. POLICE - Dept. #10 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Chief 8, 400. 00 8, 400. 00 2. Lieut. , 3 Sgts. , 4 Detectives I (incl. 7 holidays) 44, 829. 00 51, 377. 00 3. 14 Patrolmen (incl. 7 holidays) 68, ZI4. 00 68, 662. 00 4. Z School Policemen 2, 530. 00 2, 530. 00 5. Shooting Awards . 650. 00 650. 00 6. Office Clerk - 300. 00 to 310. 00 mo. 3, 563. 3Z 3, 700. 00 128, 18;. 3Z 135, 319. 00 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Prisoner Confinement - 2. 50 day 600. 00 600. 00 Z. Car and Motorcycle Repairs 5, 850. 00 4, Z00- 00 3. Investigations 50. 00 50. 00 6, 500. OU 4�t 8.5 0. 0 0' C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office and Operating Supplies 2, 297. 00 2, 500. 00 Z. Gas, Oil and Tires 5, 300, 00 5, 300. 00 3. Uniforms Z' 000. 00 2, 250. 00 4. Fire Arms Training Supplies 500. 00 500. 00 5. Parking Meter Supplies 100. 00 150. 00 6. Pistol Range Parts ZOO. 00 100. 00 10, 397. 00 10, 800. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Communications 2, 400. 00 2, 750. 00 2. Auxiliary Police 100. 00 100. 00 Z, 500. 00 2, 850. 00 G EQUIPMENT 1. Office Equipment 500. 00 500. 00 Z. Police Cars (3) 8, 000. 00 4, 500. 00 3. Motor cycle 1, 800. 00 --- 10, 300. 00 5, 000. 00 TOTALS 157, 883. 3Z 158, 819. 00 -10- INSPECTION STATIONS Function Public Safety Inspection Station #1 is housed at the southwest corner of the Village Hall and Station #Z is located on Village property at 10450 N. W.. 17th Ave. The supervisor of the two stations works at Station-C and has one inspector and one typing clerk as personnel. These stations are regulated by Metropolitan Dade County but are staffed and operated by the Police Dept. All expenditures are charged to the Village and all revenue goes into the general fund of theVillage. On the average, about 6, 000 vehicles are inspected each month by the two stations. Inspection Station #2 which is a large 100 x 46 ft. modern building is equipped to inspect two lines at the same time. One line is for cars and small trucks and the other has a very large brake testing machine which can be used for the largest of semi-trailer trucks. This station has two inspector and one typilig. cle rk. These two stations were the first, and believed to be the only, Metro Dade County stations in which the customer does not have to make out the inspection card as this is done by the two clerks. The number of cars and trucks inspected in the two stations during the fiscal year 1960-61 was 72, 068. I I INSPECTION STATIONS 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget STATION #1 A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Supervisor 370. 00 - 385. 00 mQ. 4, Z82. 50 4, 462. 50 1 Inspector 320. 00 - 335. 00 mo. 3, 760. 00 3, 900. 00 1 Clerk 250. 00 to Z70. 00 mo. 3, 4ZO. 00 3, 130. 00 11, 46Z. 50 11, 49Z. 50 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Operating Supplies 1, 401. 20 lIZ00. 00 TOTALS 1Z, 863. 70 IZ, 692. 50 STATION #Z A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Z Inspectors - 330. 00 - 350. 00 mo. 7, 760. 00 8, 080. 00 1 Clerk Z50. 00 - Z70. 00 mo. 3, 195. 00 3, 130. 00 10, 955. 00 11, Z10. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Operating Supplies 1, 7Z6. ZO 1, 800. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Power Z40. 00 Z35. 00 Z. Telephone 180. 00 190. 00 4ZO. 00 4Z5. 00 H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Inspection Station Note Payment 6, 630. 00 6, 4ZO. 00 TOTALS 19, 731. ZO 19, 855. 00 -10(a)- FIRE - Dept. #11 Function - Public Safety The Fire Department is stationed at the south end of the Village Hall and has two Seagraves pumpers, each equipped with 1500 ft. of 2-1/2 in. hose, two 12 ft. 4 in. hand suction hoses, and wet water, One pumper has a portable smoke ejector, flood lights and a portable power unit to operate them. Three firemen alternate on 24 hr. shifts so that one is on duty at all times. The police officers are trained as firemen and go to the scene of a fire immediately in the squad cars. In addition, the department has about 15 volunteer firemen on call in case of emergency. About 50 or 60 fire calls are made each year. The depart- ment has a regularly scheduled fire inspection of all business properties in the Village twice a year. I r FIRE - Dept. #11 1961-6Z Budget 196Z-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 3 Firemen at from 380. 00 to 4ZO. 00 mo. 'pluc, holidays, vacation relief and sickness 14, 610. 00 16, 142. 00 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Fire Truck Repair 1, 500. 00 500. 00 2. Fire Hydrant Repair 150. 00 250. 00 T76-50, 00 750. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Station Supplies 175. 00 200. 00 2. Uniforms 175. 00 200. 00 3. Gas, Oil and Tires 100. 00 125. 00 T50-00 525. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1, Volunteer Expense 100. 00 100. 00 G - EQUIPMENT: 1. Fire Hose 200. 00 200. 00 Operating Equipment 100. 00 100. 00 3. Fire Hydrants 300. 00 300. 00 600. 00 600. OU TOTALS 17, 410. 00 18, 117. 00 PARKS - Dept. #12 Function - Public Service This department is one of the Village maintenance departments, segregated from the others to give Council and management the costs of servicing dedicated parks, parkways and lawns surrounding public buildings. The services of the department include: tree trimming, grass cutting, watering new trees and shrubs, planting new areas and in general keeping the public-owned land maintained and clean. Equipment operated by this department includes: a station wagon, two pick-up trucks, a tree crane, a truck with ladder, two trucks with water tanks and two other trucks. Small equipment includes: one brush chipper, seven large parkway mowers, fo r small parkway mowers, two edgers, and three chain saws. The salary of the Superintendent of Public Services is shown in this department although he is also in charge of the streets and waste departments. One crane operator, three drivers, eleven helpers and one mechanic makeup the personnel of this department. When other maintenance departments are understaffed because of illness or vacations personnel from this department are used to carry on the work of the more important sanitary functions. About 60 or 70 tank loads of water for trees and shrubs in parkways are hauled each month, PARKS Dept, #12 1961 -62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Superintendent 7, 800. 00 7, 800. 00 2. Crane Operator - 80. 00 wk. 4, 160. 00 4, 160. 00 3. 3 Drivers at 73. 00 to 78. 00 wk. 11, 856. 00 11, 856. 00 4. 11 Helpers at 63. 00 to 68. 00 wk. 37, 752. 00 37, 752. 00 5. 1 Mechanic at 108, 00 wk. 5, 616. 00 5, 616. 00 67, 184. 00 67, 184. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLiES: 1. Office Supplies 50. 00 50. 00 2. Operating Parts & Supplies 300, 00 mo. 3, 000. 00 3, 600. 00 3. Gas, Oil & Tires - 200. 00 mo. 2, 400. 00 Z, 400. 00 4. Bldg. Maintenance Supplies -. 100. 00 mo. 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 5. Landscaping 2, 000. 00 8, 000. 00 8, 650. 00 15, 250. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Communications - 20.00 mo. 216. 00 240. 00 Z. Power - 90. 00 mo. 1, 0Z0. 00 1, 080. 00 3. Water & Ice 1, 200. 00 1, 500. 00 2, 436. 00 2, 8ZO. 00 G - EQUIPMENT: 1. Machinery & 'Ibdls 2, 900. 00 Tools 300. 00 Ladder Truck 2, 300. 00 Sta. Wagon 2, 300. 00 4, 900. 00 TOTALS 81, 170. 00 90, 154. 00 STREETS - Dept. #13 Function - Public Services The Streets Department's main activities are street patching, street cleaning, the cleaning of storm drains and the erection of street signs. In some undertakings this department is augmented by personnel from the Parks Dept. as it only has a staff of two persons. In the two and one-half square miles within the Village there are about 48 miles of paved streets and about 20 miles of paved alleys. The equipment used is as follows: a vanette for sign work, two trucks, a diaphram pump for cleaning storm sewers, and an air compressor with tools. About ten tons of asphaltic concrete are used monthly for patching streets. The Village provides 74Z street lights of which 210 are whiteway underground lights. The first item under Debt Retirement is for the street and alley paving program of 1952 which will be paid up in 1967. The second item is for paving the parking lot immediately west of N. E. Znd Avenue between 97th and 98th Streets, 100 ft. wide. STREETS - Dept. #13 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Driver at 78. 00 wk. 3, 952. 00 4, 056. 00 2. 1 Man at 64. 00 wk. 3, 432. 00 3, 328. 00 7, 384. 00 7, 384.,00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Truck Parts - 15. 00 mo. for 2 trucks 180. 00 180. 00 2. Operating Supplies - 250. 00 mo. 1, 980. 00 3, 000. 00 3. Gas, Oil & Tires - 35. 00 MO. 420. 00 4ZO. 00 4. Street Surfacing & Sidewalk Repair 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 5. Alley.Surfacing 5, 000. 00 5, 000, 00 12, 580. 00 13, 6007-0 D - FIXED CHARGES: I.. Ice - 6. 00 mo. 72. 00 72. 00 2. Street Lights 29, 300. 00 31, 000. 00 ?,9, 37Z. OU 31, 072. 00 E - LAND 1. Street Drainage 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 2. Parking Lot Improvement 7, 010. 00 --- 10, 010. 00 3, 000. 00 H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Revenue Certificate Payments 10, 620. 00 10, 350. 00 2. Parking Lot Certf. Payments 4, 133. 34 4, 000. 01 14, 753. 34 14, 350. 01 TOTALS 74, 099. 34 69, 406. 01 -13- WASTE - Dept. #14 Function - Sanitation The Waste Department is responsible for garbage and trash pickups in the Village. A foreman, 6 drivers, 11 helpers and one mechanic, under the Superintendent of Public Services, comprise the staff of this department. Each residence receives two pickups each week of garbage and an average of two pickups per month of trash. The garbage crew uses four packers and the trash crew uses four packers and eight dump trucks and two brush chippers. The foreman who coordinates the crews uses a pickup truck. The chipper which is pulled behind a truck chops up brush into small pieces and throwsit into the truck. By filling a truck with chippings instead of the regular brush about seven times more trash can be hauled in a truck. About 90 to 100 loads of garbage are hauled to the dump a month and about the same number of loads of trash are hauled to the trash dump. The cost of disposal of garbage at the dump is 22� a cubic yard and the cost of trash disposal is 25� a cubic yard. During the past year the garbage disposal fee was raised 2� and the trash was raised 10� a cubic yard. The note payable on the two packers will be paid up on January 1, 1964. WASTE Dept. #14 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. -!-..Foreman at 90. 00 wk. 4, 4ZO. 00 4, 680. 00 2. 6 Drivers from 73. 00 to 78. 00 wk. Z3, 712. 00 23, 712. 00 3. 11 Helpers from 63. 00 to 68. 00 wk. 37, 752. 00 37, 752. 00 4. 1 Mechanic at 106. 00 wk. 5, 460. 00 5, 460. 00 71, 344. 00 71, 604. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: I. Office Supplies :),50. 00 400. 00 2. Truck Parts - 275. 00 mo, 3, 000. 00 3, 300. 00 3. Operating Supplies - 85. 00 mo. 840. 00 1, 020. 00 4. Gas, Oil & Tires - 600. 00 mo. 7, 200. 00 7, 200. 00 11, 390. 00 11, 920. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Ice - 30. 00 mo. 360. 00 360. 00 2. Disposal Costs 9, 000. 00 10, 150. 00 9, 360, 00 10, 510. 00 H DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Note Payments on Z Packers 7, 410. 10 7, 175. 39 TOTALS 99, 504. 10 101, 209. 39 -14- LOT CLEANING - Dept. #15 Function - Sanitation Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 34, passed on the ZZnd day of October, 1935, provides that properties must be kept free from surplus grass and weeds, rubbish and excavations, or the Village will place a lien on the property and be reimbursed for the expenses of cleaning up the property. Yearly the expenses are budgeted for this work and a charge made against the property which is incorporated in the real estate tax bill. The estimated revenue offsets the appropria- tions in the budget. Today there are only about Z50 unimproved lots left which are being charged for this service. A tractor with rotary mower attached is used for this operation three or four times a year. As this is not a full-time operation, only part-time salary is charged to this department. LOT CLEANING Dept. #15 1961-62 Budget 196Z-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Man part of year only 1.650. 00 1, 450. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Equipment Parts 140. 00 140, 00 2. Gas, Oil & Tir,-s 210. 00 210. 00 350. 00 350. 00 TOTALS 2, 000. 00 1, 800. 00 -15- RECREATION - Dept. #16 Function - Recreation This department plans, organizes, supervises and coordinates activities in recreation for all age groups. At two fields, the Community House and Barry Field, the following activities take place: 24 basketball teams, 6 softball teams, 20 baseball teams, 20 soccer teams, 6 foot- ball teams. Available also, are tennis, trampoline, volley ball, tether- ball, badminton, fencing, shuffleboard, and archery. Off the fields, the activities available are: swimming, horse, back riding, roller skating, riflery and fishing. Inside activities at the Community Center are: tap and ballet, creative writing, limited arts and crafts, doll shows, pet shows, art shows, knok-hockey, chess and cheerleading. Ten organizations use the facilities for a meeting place. The personnel includes the Director, Athletic Director, 2 ladies, 6 men and 3 maintenance men, of which all but one are part-time employees. School teachers are used because of their kn6*ledge of teaching and because their off-time corresponds with the off-time of the children. The department has a bus which it operates to transport children to other areas for games and for field trips of various kinds. $15, 000. 00 are included in the budget for starting a senior citizens' recreation facility. RECREATION - Dept. #16 1961-6Z Budget 196Z-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1 . Director - 330. 00 mo. 3, 900. 00 3, 960. 00 Z. Athletic Director 1. 90 hr. Z, 301. 00 Z, 500. 00 3. Z Ladies at 1 . 50 hr. 3, 690. 00 3, 687. 00 4. 6 Men - 3 at 1. 75 hr. , Z at 1. 65 hr. , I at 1 . 55 hr. 7, 159. 60 10, 453. 80 5. 1 Boy at 75� hr. 564. 00 776. 30 6. Maintenance man at 85. 00 wk. , Maintenance Labor 2, 808. 00 Janitor at 110. 00 mo. 6, 996. 00 8, 548. 00 24, ;1076 29, 925. FO- B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1 . Tennis Pro 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies 200. 00 200. 00 2. Game Equipment 3, 168. 00 2, 000. 00 3. Building Supplies & Maintenance 700. 00 700. 00 4. Grounds Maintenance 6, 468. 00 2, 137. 70 5. Transportation Expense 960. 00 1, 070. 00 11, 49;. OU 6, 10770- D - FIXED CHARGES: 1 . Power - 150. 00 mo. 1, 680. 00 1, 800. 00 2. Telephone - 16. 00 mo. 186. 00 192. 00 3. Water - 8. 00 mo. 96. 00 96. 00 179-UZ-0 0 2, 088. 00 E - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Senior Citizen's Facility --- 15, 000. 00 H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Certificate of Indebtedness, Blk. 107 1, 931 . 40 1, 879. 20 TOTALS 43, 000. 00 58, 000. 00 -16- LIBRARY BOARD BUDGET REVENUE 1961-62 Budget 196Z-63 Budget Cash at beginning of year 790. Z4 --- Village Appropriation 31, 74Z. 37 32, 028. 43 Appropriation from Power Franchise Revenue --- 3, 000. 00 Fines 3, 300. 00 Z, 500. 00 Fees 1, 750. 00 1, 600. 00 Lost and paid 350. 00 300. 00 Donations --- 360. 00 Miscellaneous 120. 00 16Z. 88 38, 05Z71 39, 591 . 31 EXPENDITURES A PERSONAL SERVICES: Librarian 5, 750. 00 6, 000. 00 Assistant Librarian 4, 100. 00 4, 100. 00 Children's Librarian 4, 100. 00 4, 100. 00 Aide 3, 550. 00 3, 550. 00 Aide 3, 400. 00 3, 400. 00 Maid 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 Part-time Help 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 Z4, ZOO. 00 Z4, 450. 00 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Exterminator 108. 00 108. 00 Air Conditioning Service 420. 00 457. 56 Photo-charger Service 65. 00 67. 75 593. 00 633. 31 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: Books 4, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 Magazines 360. 00 360. 00 Binding 600. 00 600. 00 Office Supplies 700. 00 700. 00 Janitor S-g-pplies 200. 00 200. 00 Repair to Equipment 200. 00 ZOO. 00 Contingent 200. 00 200. 00 T,-Z,6-0-0 0 77;,0__0 0 D FIXED CHARGES: Insurance 749. 61 768. 00 Utilitie s Z, 500. 00 2, 500. 00 Social Security 550. 00 820. 00 Group Insurance --- 360. 00 3, 799. 61 4, 448. 00 E CAPITAL .OUTLAY Equipment 200. 00 ZOO. 00 Building Fund Note Payment 3, 000. 00 3, 960. 00 3, ZOO. 00 4, 16-0-. 00 TOTALS 38, 052. 61 39, 591 . 31 LIBRARY Dept. #17 1961-6Z Budget 1962-63 Budget D FIXED CHARGES: 1 . Appropriation for fiscal year (I mill) 31, 742. 37 32, 028. 43 2. Appropriation from Power Franchise Revenue 3, 000. 00 TOTALS 31 , 742. 37 35, 028. 43 LIBRARY - Dept. #17 Function Library This modern, airconditioned 7200 sq. ft. building jus't across the street from the Village Hall, is a well lighted, comfortable and attractive library. It has a staff of Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Children's Librarian and two aides plus three part-time employees. It has a total of 35, 819 volumes, 8000 of which are in the children's room, open reference library of 2500 volumes and a closed reference library of 1000 volumes. Circulation is approximately 83, 000 volumes per year. Weekly activities are: children's story hour, stargazing and literary discussion group. Special activities are, hobby club, art exhibits and open house. Hours are 9 to 9 Monday thru Thursday, 9 to 6 onFriday and 9 to I on Saturday. The library operation is directed by a Board of five citizens appointed by the Council. -17- Miami Shores Village COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET October 1, 1962 to September 30, 1963 REVENUE 1961-62 1961-62 1962-63 Est. Revenue Actual Rev. Est. Revenue 12 Mos. 9 Mos. 1Z Mos. Miscellaneous Income 500. 00 788. 14 500. 00 Cotillion Income 1, 000. 00 974. 80 1, 000. 00 Dining Room. Gross Income 60, 000. 00 57, 35Z. 54 68, 000. 00 Bar Gross Income 65, 000. 00 66, lZ9. 92 75, 000. 00 Guest Fees 38, 000. 00 34, 102. 25 37, 000. 00 Pull Cart Rental 1, 200. 00 1, 434. 50 1, 000. 00 Locker Rental 2, 000. 00 1, 810. 00 2, 000. 00 Membership Annual Fees 135, 000. 00 IOZ, 765. 68 IZ5, 000. 00 Swimming Pool Annual Fees 7, 500. 00 7, 9Z6. 25 9, 000. 00 Swimming Fees 2 500. 00 878. 85 Z' 000. 00 Electric Carts 70: 000. 00 61 , 584. 75 70, 000. 00 Citizens I. D. Cards 7 500. 00 8, 315. 00 9, 000. 00 Tennis Court Annual Fees 6: 000. 00 4, 467. 50 5, 000. 00 Tennis Court Daily Fees 1, 000. 00 645. 00 1, 000. 00 TOTALS 397, ZOO. 00 349, 175. 18 405, 500. 00 APPROPRIATIONS 1962-63 Budget _ Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed Capital Department Services Services Supplies Charges Outlay A B C D E, F, G, H TOTALS Administrative 24, 043. 60 20, 300. 00 8, 470. 23 23, 700. 00 12, 050. 00 88, 563. 83 Club House 13, 900. 00 300. 00 22, 020. 00 8, 53Z. 00 2Z, 750. 00 67, 502. 00 Dining Room 44, 288. 00 3, 668. 00 8, 640. 00 1, 899. 25 58, 495. 25 Bar Operations 30, 990. 00 --- Z, 582. 00 1, 554. 25 35, 126. 25 Golf Activities 23, 560. 00 2, 400. 00 12, 700. 00 3, 600. 00 --- 42, 260. 00 Course Maint. 49, 920. 00 250. 00 21, 450. 00 2, 859. 00 5, 499. 67 79, 978. 67 Swimming Pool 8, 400. 00 --- 6, 840. 00 4, 620. 00 --- 19, 860. 00 Tennis Courts 6, 824-00 --- 750. 00 340. 00 5, 800. 00 13, 714. 00 TOTALS 201, 925. 60 26, 918. 00 83, 452. 23 47, 104. 50 46, 099. 67 405, 500. 00 ADMINISTRATIVE - Dept. #101 The Administrative Department is made up of the Club Manager and his office staff of secretary, bookkeeper, cashier and receptionist. The first of the outside services needed for this department of the Country Club is the auditing services which include a monthly inventory and income and expense statement on the dining room and bar operations, and a yearly audit. The second, is the service agreements for the upkeep of the bookkeeping and office machines used at the Club. The third, Village services, is an appropriation set by the Council to offset the services rendered by the Village personnel, such as, managerial, account- ing, garbage and trash collection, police and fire protection and engineer- ing services. Other expenses of this department include supplies, a contingent account for emergencies, workmen's compensation and insurance on buildings and the employer's portion of Social Security. The annual contribution toward the Bond Redemption and Sink- ing Fund to pay off the golf course bonds is paid out of this department. The Sinking Fund assets now total $55, 596. 50 and the balance owing on the Golf Course Bonds is $75, 000. 00. Country Club ADMINISTRATIVE - Dept. #101 1961-62 Budget 1962-6313udget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Manager 9, 000. 00 9, 000. 00 Z. Secretary - 94. 50 wk. for 45 hr. wk. 4, 914. 00 4, 914. 00 3. Bookkeeper at 65. 00 wk. 3, Z50. 00 3, 380. 00 4. Cashier at 65. 00 wk. 3, 250. 00 3, 380. 00 5. Receptionist - 54. 00 wk. (5 day wk.plus 0. T. 3, 250. 00 3, 369. 60 23, 664. 00 Z4, 043. 60 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Auditing Service Z, 100. 00 2, 100. 00 2. Machine Service Contracts 200. 00 ZOO. 00 3. Village Services 18, 000. 00 18, 000. 00 ZO, 300. 00 20, 300. 00 C MATERiALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Auto Expense - 60. 00 mo. 7ZO. 00 720. 00 2. Entertainment 1, 000. 00 750. 00 3. Dues & Subscriptions 200. 00 ZOO. 00 4. Office Supplies 1, 000. 00 750. 00 5. Po stage 900. 00 1, 000. 00 6. Contingent 4, 070. Z5 4, 300. Z3 7. Printing 1, 000. 00 750. 00 8, 890. Z5 8, 470. Z3 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Insurance 10, 000. 00 1z, 000. 00 Z. Telephone 100. 00 mo, 1, Z00. 00 3. Social Security 5, 000. 00 7, 000. 00 4. Group Insurance --- 3, 500. 00 16, 200. 00 23, 700. 00 G EQUIPMENT: 1. Adding Machine ZOO. Z5 50. 00 H DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Bond Redemption Fund Payment Z0, 000. 00 lz, 000. 00 TOTALS 89, Z54. 50 88, 563. 83 C-1 CLUB HOUSE ACTIVITIES - Dept. #10Z This department accounts for the expenses of upkeep of the physical properties and the retirement of debt for improvements and additions. The night watchman, two maintenance men and a gardener make up the personnel that are charged directly to the Club House. Each year $10, 000 is budgeted for building repairs and improvements and when borrowing is necessary for large improvements, the principal and interest payments are paid from this department. The account "Music and Functions" is used for orchestras and enter- tainment for club functions and for the necessary flowers and decora- tions for parties. During the season the Club sponsors a Cotillion for children each Monday evening. The club house Certificate of Indebtedness now owing is $100, 000. 00, principal to be paid off $ZO, 000. 00 per year. During the past year a new six station bar was built. The old bar area was turned into a small dining room and the size of the kitchen was increased. The main dining area and the ladies powder room was remodeled. Country Club CLUB HOUSE ACTIVITIES Dept. #102 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Nightwatchman 60. 00 wk. plus relief of 10. 00 for 52 wks. plus vacation 3, 625. 00 3, 760. 00 Z. Maintenance men - 1 at 57. 50 wk. 1 at 87. 50 wk. 7, 540. 00 7, 540. 00 3. Gardener - 50. 00 wk. 2, 665. 00 2, 600. 00 13, 830. 00 13, 900. 00 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Exterminating 228. 00 300. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Cleaning Supplies - 110. 00 mo. 1, 320. 00 1, 320. 00 2. Miscellaneous Expense 100. 00 mo. 1, 200. 00 1, Z00. 00 3. Building Repairs & Improvements 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 4. Music & Functions 7, 200. 00 9, 500. 00 19, 720. 00 22, 020. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Electricity - 600. 00 mo. 7, 200. 00 7, 200. 00 2. Fuel Oil - 65. 00 mo. 780. 00 780. 00 3. City Water - 46. 00 mo. 432. 00 55Z. 00 8, 412. 00 8, 532. 00 H DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Certificates of Indebtedness 20, 300. 00 22, 750. 00 TOTALS 62, 490. 00 67, 502. 00 DINING ROOM - Dept. #103 All the expenses for the kitchen and dining room functions are budgeted in this department except the cost of food which is closed out each month with income from the dining room into a gross profit account. The food cost percentage runs between 53 and 5616. Each month an independent auditing firm takes the inventory and prepares an operating statement for the administration. There is a small net profit made each year on this operation. Eighteen service and civic clubs hold their meetings through- out the year at the Country Club. Approximately 15 club dinner dances are held each year. Many private parties which are sponsored by club members are held each year and clubs and societies hold fashion shows and card parties weekly. Regular Sunday night buffets are served and lunches are served every day except Monday. Country Club DINING ROOM - Dept. #103 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: I . Chef - 670. 00 mo. 8, 040. 00 8, 040. 00 2. Second Cook - 95. 00 wk. , Fry Cook - 65. 00 wk. 8, 060. 00 8, 3ZO. 00 3. Pantryman - 60. 00 wk. Z, 860. 00 3, 1ZO. 00 4. Dishwashers - 4 at 50. 00 wk. 7, 800. 00 10, 400. 00 5. 1 Waitress - Hostess 165. 00 mo. (4 nights Hostess) 119Z0. 00 1, 980. 00 6. Shack Waitress 44. 00 wk. plus 6. 00 wk. relief, plus vacation Z, 580. 00 Z, 688. 00 7. Janitor at 55. 00 wk. 2, 860. 00 Z, 860. 00 8. Extra Help & Overtime 6, 880. 00 6, 880. 00 41 , 000. 00 44, 288. 60 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: I - Degreasing Ovens 168. 00 168. 00 Z. Air Conditioning, Refrig, & Ice Machine Service Contra,.-t plus parts 3, 500. 00 3, 500. 00 3, 668. 00 3, 6-6-800 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1 . Dish Replacement 700. 00 700. 00 Z. Repairs 500. 00 500. 00 3. Silver Replacement 25. 00 mo. 300. 00 300. 00 4. Kitchen Utensils 20. 00 mo. 240. 00 240. 00 5. Miscellaneous Supplies 200. 00 mo. 2, 100. 00 Z, 400. 00 6. Laundry 375. 00 mo. 4, 080. 00 4, 500. 00 7, 920. 00 T-64000 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1 . Licenses 99. Z5 99. Z5 Z. Gas for cooking & heating 150. 00 mo. 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 899. 25 1, 899. 25 G EQUIPMENT: 1. Dish Washing Equipment 1, 500. 00 --- TOTALS 55, 987. 25 58, 495. 25 C-3 BAR OPERATIONS - Dept. #104 This department serves the main lounge and the men's lounge adjacent to the locker rooms plus special bars set up in the dining rooms for parties. Four full-time bartenders are used and extra help hired as needed. Gross profit percentage runs between 61 and 65% on a net profit of about $35, 000. 00 per year. A new sunken oval 52-stool bar is in operation overlooking the first tee and golf course on the west side of the building. Country Club BAR OPERATIONS Dept. #104 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Bartenders - 3 at 75. 00 wk. , I at 65. 00 wk, 13, 910. 00 15, 080. 00 2. Bar Hostess - 165. 00 mo. Bar Waitresses - 2 at 105. 00 mo. 4, 320. 00 4, 500. 00 3. Janitor at 55. 00 wk. 2, 860. 00 2, 860. 00 4. Extra Help and Overtime 6, 210. 00 6, 210. 00 5. 1 Waiter at 45. 00 wk. 3, 250. 00 2, 340. 00 30, 550. 00 . 30, 990. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: I. Repairs - 20. 00 mo. 240. 00 240. 00 2. Glass Replacement - 30. 00 mo. 360. 00 360. 00 3. Bar Supplies 1, 740. 00 1, 740. 00 4. Uniforms --- 242. 00 5. Ice 1, 200. 00 --- 3, 540. 00 2, 582. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Licenses 1, 554. 25 1, 554. 25 TOTALS 35, 644. 25 35, 126. 25 C-4 GOLF ACTIVITIES - Dept. #105 The expenditures that have to do specifically with golfing are accounted for in this department. The golf professional, starter, ranger, electric cart attendant and the locker room attendants make up the personnel serving the golfers. The golf Pro receives a fee under contractual services for having his staff handle the rental of electric carts. Tournament expense and junior golf activities share the cost of prizes for tournaments. Golf play for the year totaled approximately forty-two thousand games. Guests play makes up about twenty percent of the forty-t*o thousand. Country Club GOLF ACTIVITIES - Dept. #105 1961-62 Budget 196Z-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1 . Professional ZOO. 00 mo. Z, 400. 00 Z, 400. 00 Z. Starter - 7 days 95. 00 wk. plus relief 140. 00 yr. 5, 080. 00 5, 080. 00 3. Ranger - 5Z wks. at, 50. 00 Z, 600. 00 Z, 600. 00 4. Ladies Locker Attendant - 220. 00 mo. Z, 640. 00 2, 640. 00 5. Men's Locker Attendants - Z at 35. 00 wk. Z, 340. 00 3, 640. 00 6. Electric Cart Attendant - 500. 00 mo. plus relief IZOO. 00 yr. 7, ZOO. 00 7, 200. 00 ZZ, Z60. 00 Z3, 560. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Pro fee for Electric Carts Z, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: I . Laundry - 150. 00 mo. 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 Z. Miscellaneous Expense 1 , 500. 00 1, 500. 00 3. Printing & Stationery 840. 00 900. 00 4. Tournament Expense 4, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 5. Electric Cart Supplies 5, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 6. Junior Golf Activities 500. 00 500. 00 13, 640. 00 12, 700. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Drinking Fountains - water & ice at 100. 00 Mo. 1, 500. 00 11200. 00 Z. Electric Cart Power - 200. 00 mo. 1, 800. 00 2, 400. 00 3, 300. 00 3—, 600. 00 TOTALS 41 , 600. 00 4Z, Z60. 00 C-5 COURSE MAINTENANCE - Dept. #106 A superintendent and 11 men maintain this 18-hole, 122 acre abundantly landscaped golf course, They work out of the golf course shops located on Club Drive and 100th Street. Two shop buildings house the equipment and supplies. The rolling stock includes: 2 pickups, I dump truck, 1 truckster, 4 toro tractors, I tractor with loading and other attachments, and 1 small farm type tractor. Other equipment used includes: 2 gang mower units for fairways, 7 greensmowers, Z rough mowers, I large fairway fertilizer distributor, 3 verticut mowers, 1 tractor with mounted mowers, I litter lift, 4 spikers and 1 power fertilizer distributor for greens, besides many small pieces of equip, ment. Our shop does all of the equipment maintenance. About 100 tons of fertilizer is used each year and three .6-inch wells furnish the water supply. During the past year the first nine fairways and tees were renovated and planted with Ormond Bermuda grass to complete the job started the prior year. With the new additions to the underground irrigation system we have near complete coverage of the golf course with the exception of the greens. 4 . . Country Club COURSE MAINTENANCE Dept. #106 1961-62 Budget 1962-63 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Superintendent at 650. 00 mo. 7, 500. 00 7, 800. 00 2. Mechanic at 92. 00 wk. 4, 680. 00 4, 784. 00 3. Foreman --- 4, 160. 00 4. 8 Greensmen - 2 at 72. 00 wk. , 3 at 70. 00, 3 at 69. 00 29, 800. 00 29, 172. 00 5. 1 Night waterman at 77, 00 wk. 3, 900. 00 4, 004. 00 45, 880. 00 49, 920. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Machine Rental 250. 00 250. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: I. Seed and Grass Stoles 500. 00 500. 00 2. Fertilizer 8, 000. 00 8, 500. 00 3. Top Soil & Sand 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 4. Repairs and Supplies 3, 500. 00 4, 000. 00 5. Irrigation Supplies 500. 00 500. 00 6. Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides Z, 500. 00 3, 000. 00 7. Gas, Oil & Tires 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 8. Building Repairs 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 9. Dues, Subsc. & Turf Conferences 450. 00 450. 00 19, 950. 00 21, 450. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. Power - 35. 00 mo. 360. 00 420. 00 2. Power for Pump 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 3. Telephone - 22. 00 mo. Z40. 00 264. 00 4. City Water 150. 00 175. 00 2, 750. 00 2, 859. 00 E - LAND: 1. Course Improvements 5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 G - EQUIPMENT: 1. Greens Aerifier --- . 850. 00 2. Reel Grinder 310. 00 3. Bed Knife Grinder 225. 00 4. Greensmower 400. 00 5. Tools 4, 650. 00 500. 00 TI-65T.-ff 2, 285. 00 H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1 . Tractor with Mowers --- Z, 214. 67 TOTALS 78, 480. 00 79, 978. 67 C-6 SWIMMING POOL - Dept. #107 The pool is operated by a Pool Manager and life guards are hired as needed during the year. Statistics show about 20, 000 swims during a year's time with most of it during the summer. Hours open during the summer are every day from 10:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. , except Sunday which is noon to 5:30 P. M. Night swimming takes place during the summer vacation from 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. on Wednesdays and Fridays. The pool itself is 100 x 40 ft. with a capacity of 250, 000 gallons. It has a one meter and a three meter diving board. The swimming teams which have produced national champions and one Olympic champion have about 24 swim meets a year. Lessons are available and life saving is taught. The Recreation Department has the pool available one afternoon a week. Country Club SWIMMING POOL Dept, #107 1961-6Z Bi�dget 1962-63 Budget A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Pool Manager - 375. 00 mo. 4, 500. 00 4, 500. 00 2. Life Guards 3Z5. 00 mo. 3, 900. 00 3, 900. 00 8, 400. 00 T, 400. 00 C MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Pool Chemicals - 1ZO. 00 mo. 1, 440. 00 1 , 440. 00 Z. Miscellaneous Supplies 400. 00 400. 00 3. Painting & Maintenance 2, 500. 00 Z, 500. 00 4. Swimming Events Z, 500. 00 Z, 500. 00 T-, 84000 -6, 840. 00 D FIXED CHARGES: 1. City Water - 75. 00 mo. 900. 00 900. 00 Z. Power - 285. 00 mo. 3, 4ZO. 00 3, 4ZO. 00 3. Heater Gas 300. 00 300. 00 4, 6ZO. 00 4, 6ZO. 00 TOTALS 19, 860. 00 19, 860. 00 C-7 TENNIS COURTS - Dept. #108 This is the second year of a new operation which has turned out to be very successful as to participation. $Z5, 000. 00 was borrowed by the Country Club to finance the Pro shop, locker rooms and courts, Three courts are clay with all-weather surfacing and three courts are asphalt base with plastic top. With a country club atmosphere these facilities are as fine as any in the Miami area. Lessons are available and the hard courts open at 8:00 A. M. with the clay courts opening as soon as they can be made ready and closing at dark. Country Club TENNIS COURTS Dept. #108 1961-6Z Budget 1962-63 Budeet A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1 . Professional . 3, 600. 00 3, 600. 00 2. Maintenance Man - 62. 00 wk. 3, 224. 00 3, 224. 00 7, 824-00 82 4. 0 0 C - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: 1. Supplies 750. 00 750. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Water 20. 00 ZO. 00 Z. Power 100. 00 120. 00 3. Telephone 190. 00 200. 00 310. 00 340. 00 H DEBT RETIREMENT: 6, 000. 00 5, 800. 00 TOTALS 13, 884. 00 13, 714. 00 C-8 Section 2. That the assessments against all real and personal property within Miami Shores Village as appear on the tentative tax roll of the Village, and as submitted to the Council by the Village Manager and Tax Assessor for final adoption be and the same are hereby adopted as the final tax assessment roll of Miami Shores Village for the year 1965. Section 3. That the valuation of the real property within the Village at its fair cash market value for the year 1965, less Homestead exemptions and other legal exemptions allowed is $32, 714, 117. 00. Section 4. That the valuation of the personal property within the Village at its fair cash market value for the year 1965, less exemptions allowed is $2, 909, 632. 00. Section 5. That the millage for the fiscal year October 1, 1965 to September 30, 1966, is hereby fixed at . 011, to be used exclusively for operational purposes. Certificates of indebtedness on the Golf Course are to be paid from earnings of the Golf Course. That part of the Power Franchise Revenue necessary to pay obligations maturing as Revenue Certificates during this fiscal year is hereby appropriated for that purpose. That part of the parking meter revenue necessary to pay obligations maturing as Revenue Certificates during this fiscal year is hereby appropriated for that purpose. Section 6. That all omissions and irregularities relating to the acts of the Council of Miami Shores Village concerning the adoption of the budget and assessment roll shall in no wise affect or impair the validity thereof. Sextion 7. Each word, phrase, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be severable and the invalidity of any word, phrase, sentence, or section shall in no way or degree impair any other part or parts thereof. Section 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9. This ordinance shall become effective October 1, 1965. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Z9th day of September, 1965. Mayor ATTEST: Village Clerk