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ORDINANCE NO. 266 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING AUGUST 1, 1955; ADOPTING THE FINAL TAX ASSESS- MENT ROLL AND FIXING THE 1955 TAX LEVY OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE. BE IT ORDAINED BY MIAMI SHORES- VILLAGE: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby adopted as the budget of Miami Shores Village, Florida, for the fiscal year August 1, 1955, through July 31, 1956, including the Miami Shores Country Club and the Library, the amounts shown on the extreme right-hand column being the amounts appropriated to the various departments and functions of the Village. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS J U L 2 6 1966 1954 1955 Estimated Assessment Taxes at Assessment Taxes at REAL ESTATE Value 11 mills Value 10-1/2 mills Land 10, 109, 272. 00 10, 138, 418. 00 Buildings 27, 078, 022. 00 28, 400, 855. 00 TOTAL 372187, 294. 00 38, 539, 273. 00 Less Exemptions 13, 067, 545. 00 13, 590, 035. 00 Non Exempt 24, 119, 749. 00 24, 949, 238. 00 Less 516 Discount and Adjustment 1, 205, 987. 45 1, 247, 461. 90 TOTAL REAL 22, 913, 761. 55 252, 051. 37 23, 701, 776. 10 248, 868. 65 PERSONAL Total Assessment 3, 951, 874. 00 Exemptions 1, 241, 503. 00 Non Exempt 2, 621, 774. 00 2, 710, 371. 00 Less 516 discount and Adjustment 131, 088. 70 135, 518. 55 TOTAL PERSONAL 2, 490, 685. 30 27, 397. 54 2, 574, 852. 45 27, 035. 95 TOTAL REAL & PERSONAL 25, 404, 446. 85 279, 448. 91 26, 276, 628. 55 275, 904. 60 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE APPROPRIATIONS 1955-56 BUDGET Functions & Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed Capital Depts. Services Services Supplies Charges Outlay TOTALS GEN. GOVERNM'T I. Council 55. 00 355. 00 IZ5. 00 --- --- 535. 00 2. Legal --- 3, 900. 00 --- --- --- -_�' 900. 00 3. Manager 1-3�-140. 00 37. 50 1, 350. 00 240. 00 --- 14, 767. 50 4. Bldg. & Zon. 8, 876. 00 75. 00 Z' 000. 00 75. 00 100. 00 11, 126. 00 5. Finance 11, 512. 00 1, Z00. 00 1, 600. 00 30. 00 --- 14, 342. 00 6. Tax 3, 120. 00 252. 00 750. 00 10. 00 --- 4, 132. 00 7. Village Hall 3, 068. 00 1, 000. 00 800. 00 4, 110. 00 9, 196. 80 18, 174.80 8. Mun. Court 1, 500. 00 100. 00 1, 600. 00 9. Non-Dept. Exp. --- 12, 214. 35 1, 525. 00 5, 350. 00 --- 19, 089. 35 PUBLIC SAFETY 10. Police 81, 206. 00 3, 050. 00 11, 865. 00 6, 764. 16 650. 00 103., 535. 16 11. Fire 11, 220. 00 500. 00 595. 00 620. 00 6, 720. 00 19, 655. 00 PUBLIC WORKS 12. Parks 54, 028. 00 10, 675. 00 3, 575. 00 2, 900. 00 71, 178. 00 13. Streets 6, 396. 00 23, 030. 75 17, 617. 00 22, 470. 00 69, 513. 75 SANITATION 14. Waste 61, 110.40 --- 7, 550. 00 6, 740. 00 3, 500. 00 78, 900. 40 15. Lot Clean. 3, 298. 00 --- 6Z5. 00 245. 00 100. 00 4, 268. 00 16. RECREATION 15, 140. 00 --- 7, 050. 00 1, 880. 00 9, 559. 13 33, 629. 13 17. LIBRARY --- --- --- 26, 276. 63 --- 26, 276. 63 TOTALS 272, 169. 40 24, 083. 85 69, 640. 75 73, 532. 79 55, 195. 93 494, 622. 72 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1955-56 BUDGET Cash at beginning of year 68, 000. 00 Ad Valorem Taxes (Real) 248, 868. 65 at 10-1/2 mills Ad Valorem Taxes (Personal) 27, 035. 95 Occupational Licenses 27, 000. 00 Permit Fees 7, 500. 00 Golf Course 3, 000. 00 Cigarette Taxes 40, 000. 00 Miscellaneous 1, 000. 00 Fines & Forfeitures 25, 000. 00 .,Auto Inspections 7, 500. 00 Parking Meters 7, 000. 00 Dog Licenses 450. 00 Electric Franchise Z8, 000. 00 Garbage Fees 35, 000. 00 Lot Cleaning & Mowing 4, 268. 12 TOTAL 529, 622. �_Z Less reserved surplus for Operating before taxes 35, 000. 00 494, 622. 72 COUNCIL Dept. #1 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 55. 00 55. 00 B Contractual Services 355. 00 355. 00 . 0 Material & Supplies 100. 00 125. 00 * Fixed Charges * Land * Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 510. 00 535. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A 5 Councilmen at 1. 00 Yr. plus 5. 00 Board of Equalization 55. 00 55. 00 B Municipal League services 355. 00 355. 00 Nat'l. Municipal League 5. 00 Fla. League of Mun. Z50. 00 Dade League of Mun. 100. 00 C Letterheads, Identification, etc. 100. 00 IZ5. 00 LEGAL Dept. #2 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services B Contractual Services 3, 900. 00 3, 900. 00 C Material & Supplies D Fixed Charges * Land * Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 3, 900. 00 3, 900. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS B Village Attorney Fee 2, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 Special Legal costs 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 3, 900. 00 3, 900. 00 MANAGER'S Dept. #3 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 13, 140. 00 13, 140. 00 B Contractual Services — 37. 50 C Material & Supplies 1, 350. 00 1, 350. 00 Fixed Charges 200. 00 240. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 14, 690. OG 14, 767. 50 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Manager's Salary 9, 500. 00 9, S00. 00 Secretary's Salary 3, 640. 00 3, 640. 00 13, 140. 0F 13, 140. 00 B Typewriter Service Contract --- 37. 50 C Office Supplies and Manager's Expense 1, 000. 00 11000. 00 Auto Expense 200. 00 200.00 Dues and Subscriptions 150. 00 150.00 1, 350. 00 1, 350. 00 D Insurance and Manager's Bond 200. 00 240. 00 -3- BUILDING & ZONING Dept. #4 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 8, 876. 00 8, 876. 00 B Contractual Services 3, 075. 00 75. 00 C Material & Supplies 1, 600. 00 2, 000. 00 D Fixed Charges 110. 00 75. 00 * Land * Buildings G Equipment 150. 00 100. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 13, 811. 00 11, 126. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Director 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 Assistant at $53. 00 wk. plus 5. 00 for Planning Board meetings 2, 876. 00 Z, 876. 00 87—87-67. 0-0 -9, 8-7 6 770' * Planning Board Expense 3, 000. 00 --- Investigations - Builders Z5. 00 25. 00 Planning Advisory Service 50. 00 50. 00 3, 075. 00 75. 00 * Office Supplies 600. 00 1, 000. 00 Auto Expense 900. 00 900. 00 Dues, Subscriptions & Short Course 100. 00 100. 00 T—, 600. 00 Z' 000. 00 D Insurance 110. 00 75. 00 G Plan File 150. 00 100. 00 -4- FINANCE Dept. #5 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services' 11, 51Z� 00 11, 512. 00 B Contractual Services I, Z50. 00 1, 200. 00 C Material & Supplies 1, 400. 00 1, 600. 00 D Fixed Charges 30. 00 30. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 14, 192. 00 14, 342.00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Director 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 Cashier at $53. 00 wk. 2, 756. 00 2, 756. 00 Clerk at $53. 00 wk. 2, 756. 00 2, 756. 00 11, 512- 00 11, 512. 00 B Auditing 900. 00 900.00 Equipment Service contracts 350. 00 300. 00 1, 250. 00 1, Z00. 00 C Office Supplies 500. 00 700. 00 Duplicating Supp lies 800. 00 800. 00 Dues, Subscriptions & Short Course 100. 00 100. 00 1, 400. 00 T76-00. 00 D Insurance 30. 00 30. 00 TAX Dept. #6 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 3, IZO. 00 3, IZO. 00 B Contractual Services 252. 00 25Z. 00 C Material & Supplies 750. 00 750. 00 D Fixed Charges 10. 00 10. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 4, 132. 00 4, 132. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Deputy Assessor at $60. 00 wk. 3, 120. 00 3, 120. 00 B Title Information 100. 00 100. 00 Billing Machine Service Contract 152. 00 15Z. 00 252. 00 25Z.40 C Office Supplies, Printing 750. 00 750. 00 D Insurance 10. 00 10. 00 -6- VILLAGE HALL Dept. #7 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Service-s 3, 068. 00 3, 068. 00 B Contractual Services 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 C Material & Supplies 800, 00 800. 00 D Fixed Charges 3, 775. 00 4, 110. 00 E Land F Buildings 600. 00 600. 00 G Equipment 700. 00 . H Debt Retirement 8, 092. 40 7, 896. 80 TOTALS 17, 335. 40 18, 174. 80 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A One Janitor at 59. 00 wk. 3, 068. 00 3, 068. 00 B Building Maintenance 700. 00 700. 00 Furniture & Fixture Maintenance 300. 00 300. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 C Operating Supplies 800. 00 800.. 00 D Communications 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 Power 1, 600. 00 1, 700. 00 Gas 150. 00 200. 00 Water 175. 00 225. 00 Insurance 250. 00 385. 00 3, 775. 00 4, 110. 00 F Reserve for Hurricane Damage 600. 00 600. 00 G Auxiliary Light Plant 700. 00 H Village Hall Bond Payments 8, 092. 40 7, 896. 80 -7- MUNICIPAL COURT Dept. #8 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services B Contractual Services 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 C Material & Supplies 100. 00 100. 00 D Fixed Charges E Land F Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS B Fee Costs 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 C Court Supplies & Printing 100. 00 100. 00 -8- NON-DEPART MENTAL EXP. Dept. #9 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services B Contractual Services 10, Z41. 30 1Z, Z14. 35 C Material & Supplies 1, 5Z5. 00 1, 5Z5. 00 D Fixed Charges 5, Z75. 00 5, 350. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 17, 041. 30 19, 089. 35 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS B Contributions 780. 00 680. 00 Humane Society 480. 00 Amer. Red Cross 100. 00 Xmas Decorations ZOO. 00 Election Expense Z50. 00 150. 00 _3F, Contingency 9, Z11. 30 I 1,-d. 35 10, Z41. 30 12, 214. 35 C Postage 1, 200. 00 1, Z00. 00 Employee Kitchen Expense 325. 00 3Z5. 00 1, 525. 00 1, 525. 00 D Blanket Bond 250. 00 3Z5. 00 Burglary Insurance 25. 00 25. 00 Federal Old Age Benefit Insurance 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 5, Z75. 00 5, 350. 00 -9- POLICE Dept. #10 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 81, 176. 50 81, 2o6. 00 B Contractual Services 2, 450. 00 3, 050. 00 C Material & Supplies 11, 465. 00 11, 865. 00 D Fixed Charges . 6, 863. 74 6, 764. 16 E Land F Buildings G Equipment 5, 650. 00 650. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 107, 605� 24 103, 535. 16 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Chief 6, 500. 00 6, 500. 00 Lieut. 390. 00; 2 Sgts. 375. 00 mo. 13, 680. 00 13, 680. 00 13 Patrolmen 53, 416. 50 53, 394. 00 4 School Policemen 3, 600. 00 3, 600. 00 Sign Painter at 66-.; 00 wk. 3, 380A0 3, 43Z. 00 Shooting Awards 600A0 600. 00 81, 176. SU 81, 206. 00 B Traffic Light Maintenance 800. 00 800A0 Prisoners' meals 400. 00 400. 00 Car Repairs 1, 200. 00 1'.800. 00 Investigations 50. 00 5 0. Q'0 2, 450. 00 3, 050, 00 C Office & Operating Supplies 1, 700. 00 1, 700. 00 Gas, Oil and Tires 3, ZOO. 00 3, 600. 00 Uniforms 1, 715. 00 1, 715. 00 Fire Arms Training 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Parking Meter Supplies 250. 00 250. 00 Traffic Sign Supplies 3, 600. 00 3, 600. 00 11, 465. 00 11, 865. 00 * Radio Communications 1, 850. 00 1, 850. 00 Traffic Light Power 600. 00 614. 16 Insurance 3, 713. 74 3, 600, 00 Auxiliary Police 100. 00 100. 00 Jail Rent 600. 00 600. 00 6, 863. 74 7, 774. 16 * Office Equipment 150. 00 150. 00 Pistol Range Equipment 1, 000. 00 500. 00 3 Police Cars 4, 500. 00 5, 650. 00 —6-5-0. 00 -10- FIRE Dept. #11 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 10, 860. 00 11, 220. 00 B Contractual Services 700. 00 500. 00 C Material & Supplies 595. 00 595. 00 D Fixed Charges 610. 64 620. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment 6, 213. 75 6, 7ZO. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 18, 979. 39 19, 655. 00 M., WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A 3 Firemen at 300, 00 mo. plus 420. 00 for relief fireman 10, 860. 00 111Z20. 00 B Fire Truck Repair 200. 00 200. 00 Fire Hydrant Repair 500. 00 300. 00 . 700. 00 500. 00 C Station Supplies 95. 00 95. 00 Uniforms 300. 00 300. 00 Gas, Oil and Tires 200. 00 ZOO. 00 595. 00 595. 00 D Volunteer Expense 100. 00 100. 00 Insurance 510. 64 520. 00 ;-1—0.-64– Z-20.- 0 0 G Fire Hose 1, 000. 00 1' owoo Operating Equipment 200. 00 200. 00 Fire Hydrants 1, 000. 00 1, 200. 00 Fire Truck Payment 4, 013. 75 4, 320. 00 6, 213. 75 720-00 PARKS Dept. #12 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 51, 6MOO 54, 028. 00 B Contractual Services C Material & Supplies 11, 175. 00 10, 675. 00 D Fixed Charges Z, 765. 00 3, 575A0 E Land F Building s G Equipment 3, 900. 00 2, 900. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 69, 518. 00 71, 1MOO WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Superintendent 6, 500. 00 6, 500. 00 I Crane Operator 3, 536. 00 3, 432. 00 2 Drivers - at 68. 00 wk. 7, 072, 00 7, 072� 00 11 Men at between 55. 00 & 59. 00 wk. 29, 380. 00 32, 344. 00 1 Mechanic-plus overtime 75 wk.-/O. T. @ 4, 290. 00 4, 680A0 1 Trash Picker 15. 00wk) 900. 00 51, 678. 00 54, 028� 00 C Office Supplies 25. 00 25.00 Operating Parts & Supplies 2, 250. 00 2, 250. 00 Gas, Oil and Tires 2, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 Building Maintenance Supplies 1, 500. 00 1, 000. 00 Landscaping 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 11, 175. 00 10, 675. 00 D Communications 225. 00 225. 00 Power 450. 00 550. 00 Water and Ice 290. 00 1, 000. 00 Insurance 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 27-765—. 00 3, 575. 00 G Machinery & Tools 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 Truck 2, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 3, 900. 00 2, 900. 00 STREETS Dept. #13 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 6$ 448. 00 6, 396. 00 B Contractual Services C Material & Supplies 11, 352. 25 23, 030. 75 D Fixed Charges 15, 655. 00 17, 617. 00 E Land 6) 000. 00 9, 070. 00 F Building s G Equipment 3, 100. 00 --- H Debt Retirement 13, 710. 00 13, 400. 00 TOTALS 56, 265. 25 69, 513. 75 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A I Driver at 64. 00 wk. 3, 380. 00 3, 328. 00 1 Man at 59. 00 wk. 3, 068. 00 3, 068. 00 6, 448. 05" 6, 396. 00 C Truck Parts 100. 00 100. 00 Operating Supplies 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Gas, Oil and Tires 25Z. 25 25Z. 25 Street Surfacing 10, 000. 00 21, 678. 50 71, 352. Z5 23, 030. 75 D Water and Ice 55. 00 65. 00 Insurance 1, 250. 00 1, 450. 00 Street Lights 14, 350. 00 16, 102. 00 T5, 655. 00 17, 617. 00 E Street Drainage 6, 000. 00 9, 070. 00 G Truck, Ch-arssis & Body 3, 100. 00 --- H Revenue Certificates IZ, 510. 00 12, 240. 00 Right-of-way Note 1 1, 200. 00 1, 160. 00 13, 710. 00 13, 400. 00 -13- WASTE Dept. #14 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 56, 810. 00 61, 110. 40 B Contractual Services C Material & Supplies 7, 550. 00 7, 550. 00 D Fixed Charges 6, 240. 00 6, 740. 00 * Land * Buildings G Equipment 9, 800. 00 3, 500. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 80, 400. 00 78, 900. 40 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A 1 Foreman at 79. 00 wk. 4, 056. 00 4, 108. 00 5 Drivers at between 64 & 68. 00 wk. 16, 900. 00 17, 108. 00 12 Men at between 54 and 59. 00 wk. 31, 564. 00 35, 204. 00 1 Mechanic at 82. 00 wk. plus overtime at 16. 40 for 26 wks. 4, 290. 00 4, 690. 40 810. 00 61, 110. 4d C Office Supplies 450. 00 450. 00 Truck Parts 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 Operating Supplies 300. 00 300. 00 Gas, Oil and Tires. 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 '�, 550. 00 7, 550. 00 D Water and Ice 290. 00 290. 00 Insurance 1, 750. 00 2, 250. 00 Disposal Costs 4, 200. 00 4, 200. 00 T, Z40. 00 6, 740. 00' G 1 Truck and Body 9, 800. 00 3, 500. 00 -14- LOT CLEANING Dept. #,15 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 3, 43Z. 00 3, 298. 00 B Contractual Services C Material & Supplies 1, 082. 46 625. 00 D Fixed Charges 400. 00 Z45. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment 200. 00 100. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 5, 114� 46 4, 268� 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A 1 Man at 64. 00 wk. 3, 432. 00 3, 298. 00 C Operating Supplies WOO Equipment Parts 400. 00 275. 00 Gas, Oil and Tires 632.46 350. 00 1, 082. 46 625. 00 * Insurance 400. 00 245. 00 * Reserve for Equipment 200. 00 100. 00 -15- RECREATION Dept. #16 1954-55 Budget . 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 8, 920. 00 15, 140. 00 B Contractual Services C Material. & Supplies 2, 950. 00 7, 050. 00 D 'Fixed Charges 775. 00 1, 880. 00 E Land 1, 000. 00 7, 200. 00 F Buildings 1, 000. 00 G Equipment H Debt Retirement 2, 419. 89 2, 359. 13 TOTALS 17, 064. 89 33, 629. 13 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Director-150. 00mo. 10 mos;400, 2 mos. 900. 00 2,'300. 00 Asst. Director - 300. 00 mo. 3, 600. 00 3, 600. 00 1 Lady - 60 wk. 12 wk.s. ; 36 wk. 40 wks. 1, 924. 00 2, 160. 00 2 Men, 60 wk. 12 wks. ; 36 wk. 40 wk.s. 2, 496. 00 4, 320. 00 3 Highs chool pupils at 10. 0 0 wk. 1, 560. 00 1 Janitor at 100. 00 mo. 1, 200. 00 8, 920. 00 15, 140. 00 C Office Supplies 100. 00 200. 00 Game Equipment & Supplies 1, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 Buil.ding Supplies & Maintenance 1, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 Grounds Maintenance 300. 00 300. 00 Transportation Expense 550. 00 550. 00 2, 950. 00 7, 050. 00 D Power 175. 00 300. 00 Telephone 180. 00 180. 00 Water 200. 00 600. 00 Insurance 2Z0. 00 800. 00 775. 00 1, 880. 00 E Land improvements 1, 000. 00 7, 200. 00 F Building Improvements 1, 000. 00 --- H Playground Note Payments 2, 419. 89 Z, 359. 13 -16- LIBRARY Dept. #17 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A . Personal Services B Contractual Services C Material & Supplies - D Fixed Charges 25,404.44 26, 276. 63 E Land F Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 25,404.44 26,276. 63 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS D One Mill for 1955-56 is . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 26, Z76. 63 -17- BROCKWAY LIBRARY BUDGET 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 15, 675. 04 16, 322. 48 B Contractual Services 105. 00 110. 00 C Material & Supplies 8, 318. 00 8, 100. 00 D Fixed Charges 1, 490. 00 1, 917. 42 E Land F Buildings G Equipment 2, 000. 00 2, 3z6. 73 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 27, 588. 72 28, 776. 63 * - One mill from Village - 26, 276. 63 and 2, 500. 00 anticipated receipts. WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS .A Librarian 4, 044. 48 4, 244. 48 Children's Librarian 3, 200. 00 3, 500. 00 Aide 2, 600. 00 2, 652. 00 Library Assistant --- 2, 800. 00 Typist 2, 392. 00 --- Maid 1, 289. 76 1, 488. 00 Book Collector 12. 00 --- Part Time Help 2, 148. 80 1, 638. 00 15, 67-5. 04 16, 322.48 * Exterminator 60. 00 60. 00 Photocharger Service Contract 45. 00 50. 00 105. 00 110. 00 * Books 6, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 Magazines 300. 00 350. 00 Binding 800. 00 1, 600. 00 Office Supplies 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Janitor Supplies 150. 00 150. 00 Equipment Repairs 68. 00 8, 318. 00 8, 100. 00 * Insurance 393. 68 436. 88 Utilities 847. 00 1, 200. 00 Social Security 250. 00 280. 54 1, 490. 68 1, 917. 42 * Equipment: 2, 000. 00 2, 326. 73 Noiseless typ'ewriter, additional table and chairs in Children's Room, improved alcove lights, additional section to children's card catalog, shelving for Juvenile Room, ice box and hot plate. Country Club APPROPRIATIONS 1955-56 Budget Functions & Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed Capital Activities Services Services Supplie s Charges Outlay TOTALS Administrative 20, 700. 00 1, 725. 00 69050. 00 10, 340. 00 38, 815. 00 . Club House Activ. 6, 500. 00 168. 00 17, 500. 00 7, 300. 00 15, 964. 69 47, 432..69 Dining Room 28, 760. 00 1, 980. 00 8, 750. 00 1, 287. 25 11, 000.00 41, 777. 25 Bar Operations 13, 680. 00 240. 00 . 3$ 000. 00 1, 550. 25 18,470. 25 Golf Activities .10, 696. 00 --- . 4, 750. 00 1, 200. 00 --- 161640. 00 Course Mainten. 369192. 00 250. 00 15, 500. 00 2, 550.00 3, 010. 00 57. .502. 00 Swimming Pool 8, 550. 00 41900. 00 3. 750,; 00 17, 200. 00 TOTALS 125, 072. 00 4, 363. 00 60,450. 00 27, 977. 50 190 974.69 237, 837. 19 REVENUE 1954-55 Actual 1955-56 Estimated Revenue Estimated Revenue 11 Mos. Revenue Miscellaneous Income 500. 00 985. 05 500. 00 Party Income 2, 000. 00 3, 893. 25 3, 500. 00. Dini ng Rm. Gross Profit 55, 000. 00 49, 664. 53 55, 000. 00 Bar Gross Profit 55, 000. 00 53, 914. 27 55; 000. 00 Green Fees 67, 000. 00 66, 901. 00 67,9000. 00 Cart Rental 3, 500. 00 3, 391. 50 3, 500.00 Locker Rental 2, 200.00 1, 828.50 20000. 00 Membe.rship Dues 70, 000. 00 73, 005.,00 -73, 0 00.00 Swimming Pool Dues 6,000. 00 6, 520.00 6, 300.00 Swimming Fees 3. 500. 00 3, 005.45 3, 500. 00 TOTALS 264, 700. 00 263, 108. 55 269, 300.00 Country Club ADMINISTRATIVE Dept. #101 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget I A Personal Services 21, 56o. 00 20, 700. 00 B Contractual Services 1, 500. 00 1, 725. 00 C Material & Supplies 5, 560. 00 6, 050. 00 D Fixed Charges 10, 340. 00 10, 340'. 00 E Land F Building G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 38, 960. 00 3$, 815. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS * Manager 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 Secretary 4, 160. 00 3, 640. 00 Bookkeeper 3, 900. 00 3, 1ZO. 00 Cashier 2, 400. 00 2, 340. 00 Receptionist 2, 100. 00 2, 600. 00 Village Services 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 21, 560. 00 20, 700. 00 * Yearly Audit 1, 500. 00 1, 600. 00 Machine Service Contracts . 125., 00 1, 500. 00 1, 725. 00 * Auto Expense 660. 00 600. 00 Ente rtainment 200. 00 200. 00 Dues and Subscriptions 100. 00 100. 00 Office Supplies 550. 00 1, 000. 00 Postage 500. 00 500. 00 Contingent 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 Printing 550. 00 650. 00 5 560. 00 6, 050. 00 * Insurance 6, 500. 00 6, 500. 00 Telephone 1, 440. 00 1, 440. 00 Payroll Taxes 2, 400. 00 2, 400. 00 � 10, 340. 00 10, 340. OU Country Club CLUB HOUSE ACTIVITIES Dept. #102 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 6, 700. 00 6, 500. 00 B Contractual Services 100. 00 168. 00 C Material & Supplies IZ, 950. 00 17, 500. 00 D Fixed Charges 7, 400. 00 7, 300. 00 * Land * Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement 15, 969. 69 15, 964. 69 TOTALS 43, 119. 69 47, 432. 69 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Nightwatchman 2, 600. 00 Z, 600. 00 Maintenance man - 75. 00 wk. 4, 100. 00 3, 900. 00 7 0-0. 0 0 6, 500. 00 B Exterminating 100. 00 168. 00 C Cleaning Supplies 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Miscellaneous Expense 750. 00 1, 000. 00 Building Repairs 2, 500. 00 10, 000. 00 Advertising ZOO. 00 --- Music & Functions 6, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 Locker Room Repairs 2, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 12, 950. 00 17, 500. 00 D Electricity 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 Fuel Oil 1, 000. 00 850. 00 City Water 400. 00 450. 00 7, 400. 00 7, 300. 00 H Certificates of Indebtedness 15, 969. 69 15, 964. 69 Country Club DINING ROOM Dept. #10 3 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget * Personal Services 31, 280. 00 28, 760. 00 * Contractual Services 1, 905. 00 1, 980. 00 * Material & Supplies 7, 050. 00 8, 750. 00 * Fixed Charges 1, 767. 25 1, 287. 25 * Land * Buildings G Equipment 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 43, 002. 25 41, 777. 25 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Chef - 550. 00 mo. 6, 000. 00 6, 600. 00 Second Cook - 75. 00 wk. 4, 200. 00 3, 900. 00 Pantryman - 60. 00 wk. 3, 380. 00 3, 120. 00 Dishwashers - 2 at 45. 00 wk. 4, 680. 00 4, 680. 00 Checker 1, 800. 00 --- Waitresses, 2 at 80. 00 mo. 1, 920. 00 1, 920. 00 Shack Waitress 22200. 00 2, 200. 00 Janitor 45. 00 wk. 2, 100. 00 2, 340. 00 Extra help and overtime 5, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 31, 280. 00 28, 760. 06' B Filter Service 125. 00 180. 00 Air Conditioning Service Contract 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 Ice Machine Maintenance 180. 00 180. 00 Refrigerator Maintenance 400. 00 420. 00 1, 905. 00 1, 980. 00 C Dish Replacement 750. 00 750. 00 Repairs 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Silver Replacement 200. 00 200. 00 Kitchen Utensils 400. 00 300. 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 700. 00 2, 500. 00 Laundry 4, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 7, 050. 00 8, 750. 06 D Licenses 87. 25 87. 25 Gas for cooking & heating 1, 680. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 767. 25 1, 287. 2� G Kitchen Equipment 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Country Club BAR OPERATIONS Dept. #104 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 12, 740. 00 13, 680. 00 B Contractual Services Z40. 00 240. 00 C Material & Supplies 2, 300. 00 3, 000. 00 D Fixed Charges 1, 550. 25 1, 550. 25 * Land * Buildings G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTAL$ 16, 830. 25 18, 470. 25 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Bartenders 6, 240. 00 6, ?-40. 00 Bar Waitresses Z, 400. 00 Z, 600. 00 Janitor 2, 100. 00 2, 340. 00 Extra Help & Overtime Z' 000. 00 2, 500. 00 12, 740. 00 13, 680. 06 B Air Conditioning Maintenance 240. 00 240. 00 C Repairs 500. 00 500. 00 Glass Replacement 300. 00 300. 00 Bar Supplies 1, 500. 00 1, 000. 00 Ice 1, 200. 00 Z, 300. 00 3, 000. 00 D Licenses 1, 550. 25 1, 550. 25 Country Club GOLF ACTIVITIES Dept. #105 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 9, 790. 00 10, 690. 00 B Contractual Services --- --- C Material & Supplies 4, 400. 00 4, 750. 00 D Fixed Charges 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 E Land F Buildings 1, 000. 00 --- G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 16, 390. 00 16,640. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Professional 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 Starter - I I wks. at 75. 00, 41 wks. at 65. 00 plus 2 wks. replacement for vacation at 65. 00 wk. 3, 620. 00 3, 620. 00 Ranger - I I wks. at 70. 00 770. 00 770. 00 Ladies' Locker Attendant, I at 150. 00 mo. 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 Men's Locker Attend. , 3 at 75. 00 mo. 1, 800. 00 2, 700. 00 9, 790. 00 10, 690. 00 C Laundry 1, 450. 00 1, 300. 00 Miscellaneous Expense 600. 00 600. 00 Printing & Stationery 600. 00 600. 00 Tournament Expense 1, 750. 00 2,250. 00 4, 400. 00 4, 750. 00 D Drinking Fountains operation 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 F Restroom Addition 1, 000. 00 --- Country Club COURSE MAINTENANCE Dept. #106 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 36, 69z. 00 36, 192. 00 B Contractual Services 250. 00 250. 00 C Material & Supplies 15, 100. 00 15, 500. 00 D Fixed Charges 2, 500. 00 2, 550. 00 E Land F Buildings G Equipment 3, 346. 00 3, 010. 00 H Debt Retirement TOTALS 57, 888. 00 57, 50Z. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS A Asst. Greenskeeper at 75. 00 wk. 3, 900. 00 3, 900. 00 Mechanic at 75. 00 wk. 32900. 00 3, 900. 00 Greensmen - 8 at 60. 00, 1 at 66. 00 wk. 28, 392. 00 28, 392. 00 Extra help (weeding) 500. 00 --- 36, 692. 00 3 6, 1 T�70 7, B Machine Rental 250. 00 250. 00 C Seed 100. 00 100. 00 Fertilizer 6, 500. 00 6, 500. 00 Top Soil & Sand 21000. 00 2, 000. 00 Repairs & Supplie s 2, 250. 00 2, 250. 00 Hose 250. 00 250. 00 Insecticides 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 Gas, Oil & Tires 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 Building Repairs --- 400. 00 153100. 00 15, 500. 00 D Power 225. 00 ZZ5. 00 Power for Pump 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 Telephone 175. 00 225. 00 City Water 100. 00 100. 00 2, 500. 00 2, 550. 00 G Tractor 2, 086. 00 --- Mower Frame 380. 00 --- Spiker 545. 00 Vertical Grass Cutter 335. 00 --- 4 Greens Mowers at 350. 00 --- 1, 400. 00 7 Fairway mowing units at 230. 00 --- 1, 610. 00 3, 346. 00 3, 010. 00 Country Club SWIMMING POOL Dept. #107 1954-55 Budget 1955-56 Budget A Personal Services 9, 700. 00 8, 550. 00 B Contractual Services C Material & Supplies 4, 900. 00 4, 900. 00 D Fixed Charges 3, 800. 00 3, 750. 00 E Land F Buildings . G Equipment H Debt Retirement TOTALS 18,400.00 17, 200. 00 WORK PROGRAMS AND DETAILS . A Pool Manager 11-1/2 mos. at 300. 00 3, 300. 00 3, 450.00 Asst. Manager - 11-1/2 at 200.00 2, 200. 00 2. 300.00 Life Guards - hourly 3, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 Cashier 6 mos. 1, 200. 00 300. 00 9, 700. 00 8, 550. 00 C Pool Chemicals 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 Miscellaneous Supplies 400. 00 400.00 Painting & Maintenance 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 Swimming Events 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 4, 900. 00 4, 900. 00 D City Water 70M0 600. 00 Power 2, 700. 00 2, 700. 00 Insurance 400. 00 45M0 3, 800. 00 3, 750. 00 Section 2. That the assessments against all real and personal property within Miami Shores Village as appear on the tenta- tive tax roll of the Village, and as submitted to the Council by the Village Manager and Tax Assessor for final adoption be, and the same are hereby adopted as the final tax assessment roll of Miami Shores Village for the fiscal period from August 1, 1955 to July 31, 1956. Section 3. That the valuation of the real property within the Village at its fair cash market value for the fiscal year from August 1, 1955 to July 31, 1956, less Homestead exemptions and other legal exemptions allowed, is $24, 949, Z38. 00. Section 4. That the valuation of the personal property within the Village at its fair cash market value for the fiscal year from August 1, 1955 to July 31, 1956, less exemptions allowed is $Z,,710, 371. 00. Section 5. That the millage for the fiscal year August 1, 1955 to July 31, 1956, is hereby fixed at . 0105, to be used exclusively for operational purposes. Debt service on the Golf Course Bonds is to be paid from earnings of the Golf Course and debt service on the City Hall Bonds is to be paid from Cigarette Tax Revenue. All Cigarette Tax Revenue not used for debt service is hereby appropriated to be used according to the uses authorized by law. Section 6. That all omissions and irregularities relating to the acts of the Council of Miami Shores Village concerning the adoption of the budget and assessment roll shall in no wise affect or impair the validity thereof. Section 7. Each word, phrase, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be severable and the invalidity of any word, phrase, sentence, or section shall in no way or degree impair any other part or parts thereof. Section 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July, A. D. , 1955. Mayor ATTEST: Village ManagerAnd Cle 265