O-204-49 ORDINANCE NO. 201 AN ORDINANCE LMING ANDnewiva AN =izz OR PRiman TAX UPON THE SALZq FaCEIPTs, PMMn=.9 POSSESSION$ Co&. SUMPTIONp RAXDLING9 D33TRIBUTION AND USE OF C IN )11A)a SHOMS VILUGE; PROVIDING FOR THE MMOD 01F COLMOTION; PROVIDING FOR THE DITUFS OF THE FMMB WMD THUMM; PROVIDING FOR TBZ XrMTM DATZ THCUM. BE IT ORDAIM BY MIAKE SHORES VILLA(Ms SECTION 1. That an excise or Privilege tax In addition to all other tam# of every kind UWased by law Is hereby levied and imposed upon the "Jos, receipt, purchase, possession, conemption, hand1ju 1, distribution and use of cigarette$ In the territorial limits of Miamd Shores Village for cigarettes of standard dimensions as defined by the General Law of the State of Florida., in the following amovats t 1. (a) Upon all cigarettes,, Urce and cno4alf inches long or lose, two and five-tenthe (2 5/10) mills an each Cigarette; (b) Upon an cigarottoig,, between three and one4mlf and six J nab a long., fiv* (5) mills an each cigarette; and (a) Upon all cigarettes, six inches long or longer., ton (10) idlls on each cigarette. 2* The description of cigarettes contained is subsection me of this section are hereby declared to be standard as to dimensions for taxing purposes as provided In this Ordinance and should any cigarette be reGelvedso parehasedis Possessed, sold., offered for sale, given 9OW or used of a sise other than of standard disonSiows, the same shall be taxed at the rate of one (1) cent on each such cigarotte, 3. Wherocigarettes, as described in subsection (1) (a) above, are packed in varying qvantities of twenty cigarettes or less, the following rates shall govem: (a) PaW[a9o$ containing ten cigarettes or lose require a two and five—tenths (2 5120) cent tax; and (b) Packages conta4 more than ton but not more than twenty cigarettes require a five (5) cent tax. Where cigarettes,, as described In subsection (1) (b) above, &" P8,0k6d In varying qvantities of twenty cigarettes or loss, the following rates shall goverat (a) Packages containing ton airgarettes or lose require a five (5) cent t*x; and (b) Packages containing more than ton but not more than tvanty cigarettes require a ton (10) cent tax. 5. Where cigarettess, " deseribed ,in subsection (1) (a) aboves, are packed in varying quantities of twenty cigarettes or losss, the following rates -shall governs (a) Packages containing ten cigarettes or lose require a ton (10) Cent tax; and (b) Packages containing awe than ton but not more than twenty cigarette* require a. twenty (20) cent tax. SECTION 3:1. The tax levied- and,imposed herein shall be collected by the Beverage Department of the State of Florida in the manner prom-ibed In Senate Bill 18-X an adopted by the 1949�lztra-ordinary session of the Legislators, of the State of Florida. SECTION 171, That an fuMe received by Mod Shores Villages, by virtue of this ordinance shall be paid Into a separate fund to be designated OCIGAM= TAX FM" and shall be appropriated and expended by the Village Council for the folloving pvxposes onlys For the future costs, pochases, buildings, desigul r v plannings repairings, reconditioning, alterlftv expending, 3124ataiinjUg. servicing and otherwise operating azW of tbg foll6vint Streetss, bridgess, atorn sews". curbas, drains, gutters. vater suppliess, semitary facilities and services for the preservatAoup protection or ImprovIOMMMUt of the public health and safetys, includift .hespitals,, fir* stations sad fin fighting equipments, sanitary "were, severagc. di- sposial system, sewerage disposal plants and facilitiess, garbage and refuse collection and disposal servicess, facil- ities and equipments, incinerators and other facilities and servio*ej Including street cleanings, inspections, and services for tJw pvtoction of pubUc health including the enforcement of ordinances designed to mlntsln safe health standards with respect to foodss, mosquites, insect and rodent eradication and controls and the removal and abatement of nuisances which may be or constitute dangers to pablic health and the exercise of controls for public safietys, facilities for the pre- vention of beach erosions, the enforcement of the lave of the State of Floridas, and Miami Mwres Village ordinances Ath respect to public travels, health and safetys, and such other state functions vhiek are performed by Mind Shores Village vithia its boundaries, or " otherwise provided by the terse and provisions or Senate Bill 18-X,, 19,49.. Extraordinary Session of the Legislature of the State of Florida, SECTION IT. This ordinance sball become effective on the lot day of November., A. D. 1949. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS l8th- day of Ootdber, A. D. 1949. mayor ATTEST: C Villag4 Manaor and Cl —3-