O-159-46 ORUMAXX NO. A ORDMEMI AMPM MIR TnAL TAX L48SMANT R= 07 M1= SHOUS VUaAG1 FOR THX YXkR 19"; nMUNDIMON Ot VAWX OF RZa AND PXWNAL PROnfff AD FZ= ZZ xmmm rom oymi YoR wit mnuumm OF SAZD VI"42 TOR THI nSC14 TZAR 1%6 TUX= OW 2ts, 194T- -28 IT ORW=D BY MUM SHOFIES VILLAGNS sUMON is Set Vw ammomeate agalmst all real md personal Pmertr TAW& vixm4, Owes YLUAIP as appeare on the tentative tax roll of a* V&Uago# and as submi0ed la *be Comail by 00 T111*0 lbaWr and laz Awwaser for t1nal adqptloa beg and the sow to hweby &dV#ad as the 9L=I tax asmesawtA voll of HIMS Swes VS11ags for Us fiseal Pori*d fXM AOSVO It $0 JULY 31# 194'Ve BAMOK Is That ths'mInation'of lbo real prWrty withIn Us ' 'Vulaso at its ftIr *as% ampket"-ftluo ftrt�*, Aical year hou Avgu at It 10" to Imly It g 1941 �,-Xoss bwealsod exm $==ON 00 That the valuation of as persomal property within the Villsip at its ftlr *ask markot value for *0 fiscal year fran ^49"t It" % MOq Us 19471 1098 OxmPtIfte sumvede is SM60009 2bas to Mille", for the fis"I year fna.mguat 10 19" to Yay,22, 1947# Is hojwby fixed at 9015$ luluding *0025 for debt morriao and 'POU5 ftr evocation puVomse $=on 5.0 That an oulmlous and Imeolw1ties mlatbw to the sets of the OWQ=11 of MIMI ShOMS�VIUOP OCROOMIM the adaption of Wit aamemement zoll sb&U in no via* afftot or UW&* the valldity the"Oto SH m SION 6,o Be* mado jft�vade I Ova"Ose or mostlon of ft Is ordimuse dall be moverable avA Ut Immulidi1w or any word# ghmses men"=* of east ion Mail In no way or dogpw Impair any other part or j?arU therecto SMION To AU ordlawwas and jarts or ordlumeee In alonfliet horevilva"anwtomebr,14va"X006A SICTION a. We ordiamee "Il boem* effective lm6diatoly upon its ja~ wd adoptiono AND Awff= Tals day o f ftly A.D. 19440 74 ATTW?t