O-156-46 MIAMI SHDRES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. M ORD19MCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NOe 92 Eff TITLED "M ORDINARCH To REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE ERECTI(N REMSTRUCTIC11s, ALTHRATI(Zv , LOCATI0Kj, AND USE 'OF BMLjD3NG3, STRUCTURBSP LAND AND WATERt F*R TRADBs, INDUSTRYs, RESIDENCE OR OTEER PURPOSE; ETCON BB IT EKACTHD BY MIAMI SBDRBS VILLAGE: Section I That Miami Shores Village Ordinance No* 920 I Oomon:L-y Wo—v ai and ShOres Village zoning Code and being an Ordinance to regt1l&tO and restrict the erections reaenstructions alterations, locations, and use of buildings,, strueturess land and water. -f-or trades, Industrys, residence or other purposes, eta.., be amended as follows : a* That the word "residence" when used In said ordinance shall7 =less the context requires a different meaningr be taken and hold to mean a single family residence, an hereinafter definode b. RBSnWC3, ONE FAMILY: A bailding used or Intended to be used an a home or -residenoo for one familys, in which all living rooms are accessible to each other from within the buildings, and in which such living room are aceesiblew'ith- Out using an entrance,, vestibules stairway or common hallway that in designed an a common entrance, vestibule,, or connion famil . stairway or common hallway for more than one also, mod In which the use, arrangen t and management Of all eping quarteres, all appliances for ventilating,, heating or lighting or other than public or conm=ity service, are under one oon- trol and in which all equipment for cooking In in *no rom. Seetlext t* All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances In can Met herew-M or 10*0nsist9'Qt with the provisions of this 0rdinan;e are hereby repealed* Sectim 3* This Ordinanoo shall be effective inmediately upon its passage* PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of May, A*D,&# 19460 ATTZSTt CLERK 155