O-154-46 ORDINANCE We I" AN OzMANCZ TO BI ATITLZDs "AN ORDINANCE GHWXING TO PBQ?LSS WZR AND GAS OWANYj A D&AWAM CORFORWON9 AUMOHIZKD TO DO Busnims IN AOHEDA6g I-IS WCOBWOUS AND ASSIGNS9 THZ 1UGHT9 PRIVILJDZ OR 1BANMIS19 FUR -1HX JULL PAUOD OF IIIAT fIMS TO LAT9 OFZRM$ WN'TLINI" RZAAIR AND REPIACE A. GAS DISTRIBUtION SYNIK IN9 ZW=j ALONG AND MGM TER PUBLIO STRZWS AND EUGHWAYS OF UT Sff0RZS V11-44019 DAN ODUNTY9 JLORIDA9 FOR MIZ PUIRPOSC OF SUPPLYING, MA1NU1WfURXD AND/OR NRU&L GAS T 0 TH I W D C In AN D ITS INHABITANTS FOR ALL PUIWOSW ANDieosna PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS RZATING 21 XWOo INCLUDING AN AGHZ*UW BY TH I GRANT= TO IN=WFT AiD HOLD 21B SA CITY HAM JES AaAnW ALL DAMAIMIS SUSTAINED BY ANY FIRSDN, IN PXWN OR TO PROP3ff 9 CAUSED BY TEM NZWM=Z OF ZZ GRAME IN CONNBCWON WZM 'MIR XUBDISE OF SM GRANMtS RIGM HMBMM# AND FIX330 211 M AX09UM RVIS TO BE. CHLYGED BY SAID GRAWn** BE IT ORDAINID BY MIAMI SIORES VILLAGE: S=ION 1. That consent, pomission and authority be and it Is hereby gLvm to PSOPLIS WATER AND GAS OWARYg a oorporation onanixed and existing under th a laws of th e�State of Delaware and ftly authori md to do bus Iness in the State of Flarl dag and Its auccon.sors and assignal (hereinafter referred to as the Gnutoe) to establiah, construct, lay, operate and maintain (and repair or,"plas) a distribution watems oonsiating of one or no" pipe lines fbr the distribution of manuffhatured and/or natuxal gas in Miami Shores Villopq Dade County, State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to an the Grantor) and to use the streetag avenueog alleyaq squarest sidewalks and public grounds of th-o Grantor an now exist or a,s hereafter may be extended for the pu3yose of establishing, constructing, laying$ operating and maintaining (and repairing or replacing) mains, pipes sl4pply pipes, conductors and conduits ing thnughg along and under the said 4tr0stal avenueaq alloysq squaroso sidewalks and public grounds of that Grantor and to do ,oll things necessary fbr or incidental to the establishment, construction, laying,, operation and maintenance of said distribution syxtem,, for the pu3yose of supplying the Grantor and Its inhab Itants with manu tectared and/or ra tura gas fbr all pu zyos'es. and to make o=avations In any of the strosts, avenues, alloys, squares, sidewalks and public grounds of the Grestor fbr the puzyose of laying, rmoving or repairing auy of sob mains# -pjj*sq sW ply pbeAts e(afteton and couftitap- and the Graftoo *&U: leave Us xtyostoi aVftu", ,p 41opsq` iq%ia"s,, si doialks =4 qubXle gromuds, 0 this Gimator In on gpod obadi ties *a 1hey memo At th 0 time cC beginning such *x6i&v*,%1o. n* and sh&U keep.red ligh to on 414obso and tronebes 'left ,o9ft at, night and 4*Wr mign4t *a ditch,es- and trenches It ft qp*;a du xtall-Ike doy and WO Qft*ft*jp,1. U sascessors and a;s1Vz,., and,not tbe Gr&1*or.,$ -sbjU be liable Jor:my -and al 1 dsmSes,.sustalned by sAy Arson, in person.orft propertrg caused by the negligence of -the Gnatoe, du Ang the course of the construction or duriog, th,o'naintenoce of said a dt**rt-"Ion system, and the Grantee, ab oil gi-vo and mainta f 1his did ring th s life fronshiseq a bond to the Grantor, in th e smout of, #15000-0.00, GCO41tionod to hold and save hamleas ths, Gvantor from my stay. ba.,gustatnod an asecUnt of the negligence of' *0 Otaftes, dUring *O.'Oon' struction and maintensace. of id. San distribution system. SMION So Ahat 1ho: Grantest its ago" ors ad, asaigns, 4hall. c memo 1h e construction of asi& Va.distributtoi syew"=�41*lft six months from the date of the pa smge of- *I* or4tnance and $hall :b* ready, to supply gas Wiftin four months from a,dote of 1he ,mmenowent of saidwDrk; provided, however, thatt if this work o1i 'tho so* 'is suspended or.. 4slayed by reason of strik on or ,by any, ordinances'. or r*C4s;*io"- saeoted 'or promulgated by, th* Qmr4kor or by my other jpvermlosaul,AU 1hority or by "Y other cau" beyond Ibe control of the Gzantse tion .the tbo $6r the OOMMUsoment 1 on 777 of said work sh&U be extendod for a time equal to�, the-.tims saft work ii-;:1 -suspendeCor 4blaj*d* SWTION 3. ftot du A" wat of laying the p4* 00 Is its in th's, Oonatrimes1ii, or nducto i and aoudd "Offinstrueftoll of A&"- ps ,distribution my alm or any.exton sien or al# CAB �tl . aralterations isd4� and assipu di kbe"taq _the Grantee, 'its .saooesso" all qpplt to the, Aor ftrpemits to *A& Us streets, ay.sausaj a1l*y** Le &vftds.. fbr the purpose of perfomm4gg said work and said Gnu*br sballs upon said aWlteationg Issue the aseenst2r�powdta vinder roasonable conditions for the purposes aforesal 4 provi&dt however,, .tat th 6 Grantes, d*11 h avo jh* right to Open a1k'j1sjY$O*#j;&vmU*i; grounde,tor The guiposs of making..mergeney repairs without, being roV11'red to first obu 11L a Remit from the Oftntsit but:the Grantee shall$ W Ith In a reasonable Uns, after Imakin g such oponingat inflorm tA e Grantor of the location of said emergency worke 1he repa I ri to said strootst avenuo at alloys, squareal sl6evalke and public groundso after the installationi�-reptir iorks #ktonsionot addition a or alterations (includ lag the ons.rpmW repair* heroinbefors mentioned) of the m&Ins,,, p1pies,, oWply p1peaq tondactors and conduits, &all be made in a manner metintastory to the itagineer of The Grantor or to sme person ocau pying a Azilarposi tione SMION 4. Tkat the rights, privileges and franchises herein and hereby granted to the Grantee$ Its saaceasors and assigns, diall be in force from the date of thepassage of thio,ordinance for the to= of thirty years and the Grantor does ho"by.reserve the riot, and by the acceptance of this ordinan as a a h orsinafter prowl ded th*,Grantee eonsents'. that at and after the expiration. of said thirty years, the Grantor may purehaso the said gas distribution iWatem, or other property used under or in connection wi.th this' franobla, ordinance or right or such gart of such proporty-as the Grantm. may d6sire to punhome,, at a valuation of the.property, real andporsonalt, doeirodg which valuation dholl be fixed by arbitrationj as may be provided by law* SEDTION 5. 7hat the ftantoot its sacc*ssors and assigns ghell have the ri&t to charge, during the torn of this fi4mchisms notexcesding $1.90 por thousand cubic ftet of gas ,ha vizg,a host value of not less than 525,british th sl units; but this ,,shall not affect the right of the Grantor to establisho regulate and enforce,"amenable rates and choiWat service mad facilities, as Is provided In Soctlon 49 Article II of Qaptor .1808, 4pocial Acts of 1937s SWTZON 6 7hat tho, Grantes, diall exto;4, at its exponse, its mains aod service pipes to nor" th a residents of the 01rantor; dad that such extensions shaU not be requIzeit unless 1h we in an average of at least one additional opwo,l-gonomer tq.loaah 150 feet or, .,mains included in such extension; ' and prorlded furthorAhm* the GMtem,need not,,extend oxy service -pipos beyond * point six .imakes within the groperty line of the consumer. Xxtensions of the Grantoo90 service pipes from the consumer's pro;orty line shall be at the consumer"a, e3wensoo no,Gftntee sUll eviAlmaos Its aoceptanab Of this o3*va4d* by work 'for *Iah& In Stetion I hereof conp,ent-g nfilll��Sslon WA auubtity.�of' iho G3*,ntor 1 a" been given'i o rarAn es. sh all"be eff**ti" and boaaaes, a law SIMON I *i4hout posti.ng or publiettloug IiR04i'&tsly.sf%*r its passagei 4gftjoN 9., TU* ordinence *as Pamwd-and midaptodby 4 pajuity so In& vats ,of, *i-WoMorm of lho ViUaSP GWUA0.JI -'PrOBOut 4k* A"ViPlOr R V,' Of The Counall, hs3A In MlaxiAboreja VU1090 04 the da of hlwcn� A*D* 19440' PASM AND Ampm.min dey of �J-d-�&r-C..\A, A*D* 1946* 0 or 14