O-091-39 MLM SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO AN ORDIK&NUE AMODING TUTTANT SHORES VLJAGE ORD.INANCE NC),, 6 ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING -OCCUPATIONAL310ENSK TAUS AND PYJMING TO LICENSES AlqD.THZ..ENFORGEuM, TBEREoyn. .,AND AS AMENDED. BY ICLAU SHORES VILUGE&-ORDINANCE,.No. .10 9 ZN� TITLED: "AN ORDINANCE, AMMING MIAMI. SHORES VILLAGE ORDI_ NANCE NO, 69 PASSED mD ADopTED By THE COUNCIL OF MLUU SHORES VILLAGE ON THE 13TH DAY OF ,]MAYs 19329 ENTITIZD: 'AN CRDINANCE IMPOSING OCCUPATIONAL.LICENSE TAX&S- AND RELATING TO LICENSES AND ENFORGEKENT. THERSOFs AND BY THIS ORDINMOE PROVIDING FOR TEE -LICENSING ANDPAYING FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF OPERATING TOURIST- UAMPSO AND PROVI_ DING A PENA FOR FAIIURK TO COMPLY THEREVaTEE"g -AND AS AMENDED By MT- I SHORES VMAGE, ORDINANCE NO* 3 5 9 EfTITLED: "AN ORDINANUS AIMMING MIM SHORES VILLAGE- DRDINANCE NO* 6. ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE- naposigG OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES AND MLATING .TO LICENSES AND TEE ENFORGEMENT,1HEREOP". AND AS AH3NDED BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE No. lot ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING N= SH,,)RES VILLIGE ORDINANCE No. 6,PASSED AND ADOPT-ED BY THE COUNCIL OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ON TEE 13TH DAY OF MAY, 1932,, ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES AND RELATING TO LICENSES AND ENFORCEMENT THEREOF, 9 AND BY THIS ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND PAYING FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF OPERATING TOURIST CAMPS9 AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY TIMIREVITH" AND- BY THIS ORDINANCE IN- CREASING THE LICENSE TAX OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES AND CALL- INGS AS PROVIDED THEREIN AM DESCRIBED IN SAID MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 6 1, AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL LICENSING OF OTHER OCCUPATIONS AND CALLINGS IN COMMCTION WITH THE BUILDING AND ERECTING OF HOUSESs STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS WITHIN MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE AND PA71NG FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF THE SANE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILU TO COMPLY THEREWITH"q AND AS ANERDED BY MIAMI SHORES VILIAGE ORDINANCE NO. 39v ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 359 ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE AMMING MIAMI SHOIES VILLAGE ORDINANCE No. 6j, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING OCCUPATIONAL310ENSE TAXES AND RELATING TO LICENSES AND THE ENFORCEh= THEREOF" AND AS AHMED By MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 109 ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MIAMI SHORIS VILLAGE ORDINANCE No. 69 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF Iff.14M SHORES VILLAGE ON THE 13TH DAY OF MAYt 19329 ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES AND RELATING TO LICENSES AND ENFORCEMENT THEREOF' AND BY THIS ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND PAYING FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF OPERATING TOURIST CAMPS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH" AND BY THIS ORDINANCE INCREASING THE*LICENSE TAX OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES AND CALLINGS AS PROVIDED THEIREIN AND DESCRIBED IN SAID K= SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE No. 6j, AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREWITH AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR ADDITIOM41110ENSING OF OTHER OCCUPATIONS AND CALLINGS IN CONNECTION WITH THE BUILDING AND ERECTING OF HOUSES9 STRUCTU S AND BUILDINGS WITHIN MIAM SHORES VILLAGE AND PAYING FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF THE SALE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY TBER21WITH" AND PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL LICENSING OF OTHER OCCUPATIONS AND CALLINGS AS HEREIN SPECIFIED AND PAYING FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF TZE SAME AND' PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO C012PLY THEREWITH". AND AS AHMED By MI1M SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 499 ENTITLED& "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING =a SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 6 9 iNT'ITLE4 D: "AN ORDI1\WCE IMPOSING OCOrJPATIONALIZCENSE TAXES AND RELATING TO LICENSES AND TIM, ENFORCEMENT TEEREOF"j CHA.NGING AND REDUCING AMOUNT- OF LICENSE TAX FOR THE OPERATION OF GASOLINE FILLING STATIONS, FiE TAINING THE PENALTIES AND OTHER PROVISIONS AS SET FORTH IN SAID MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 6 AS AFORESAID, AND DECLARING AN MRGENCY TO EXIST"s AND BY THIS ORDINANCE AIMENDING AND CHANGING LICENSE TAX OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES AND CALLING AS PROVIDED THEREIN, AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO CCHPLY THMWITH, AND MRTBER PROVIDING FOR ADDITION-41 LIC- ENSING OF OCCUPATIONS AND CALLINGS SPECIFYING PERIODS FOR WHICH SAID LICENSES SHAT BE ISSUED9 PROVIDING TBE AMOUNTS TBEFMOF, SPECIFYING DUTIES OF THE VILLAGE MANAGER IN CONNECTION WITH ALL LICENSES ISSUED BY SAID VUX,,A,GE AND AUTHORIZING APPLICATIONS FOR AIL LICENSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE: SECTION 1. That certain Miami Shores Village Ordinance No, 6. entitled: "An Ordinance imposing occupational license taxes and relating to licenses and the enforcement thereof", and as amended by Miami ShoresVillage Ordinance No. 10,, entitled: "An Ordinqnee Amending Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 6, Passed and adopted by the Council of Miami Shores Village on the 13th day of May, 1932, entitled: 'An ordinance imposing occupational license taxes and relating to licenses and enforcement thereof' , and by this ordinance providing for the licensing and paying for the privilege of operating tourist cappso and providing a penalty for failure to comply there- with," and as amended by Miami Shores Village Ordinance No.' 35, entitled: "An ordinance amending Miami Shores Village Ordinance No, 6. entitled: "An Ordinance imposing occupational licanse -taxes and relating to licenses and the enforement thereof"; and i as amended by Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 10, entitled: "An ordinance amending Miami Shores Village Ordinance- NO. 6. passed and adopted by the Council of Miami Shores Village on the 13th day of May,, 1932, entitled: 'An Ordinanee imposing occupational license taxes and relating to licenses and enforcement thereof 1 , and by this ordinance providing for the licensing and paying for the privilege of operat- ing tourist camps , and providing a penalty for failure to comply there-with" and by this ordinance increasing the license tax of certain businesses and callings as provided therein and described in said Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 6, and providing penalty for failure to comply therewith and further providing for additional licensing of other occupations and callings in connection with the building and erecting of houses, structures and buildings within Miami Shores Village and paying for the privilege of the same and providing a penalty for failure to comply therewith". and as amended by Miami Shores Village Ordinance No, 39, entitled: "An Ordinance amending Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 35, entitled: "An Ordinance amending Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 6. entitled: "An ordinance imposing occupational license taxes and relating to licenses and the enforcement thereof" and as amended by Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 10, entitled: "An Ordinance amending Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 6, passed and adopted by the Council of Miami Shores Village on the 13th day of May, 1932, entitled: 'An ordinance imposing occupational license taxes and relating to lie- enses and enforcen-Lent thereof' and by this ordinance providing for the licensing and paying for the privilege of operating tourist canps, and providing a penalty for failure to comply therewith" and by this ordinance increasing the license tax of certain businesses and call- ings as provided therein and described in said Miami Shores Village Ordinance No, 6, and providing penalty for failure to comply therewith and further providing for additional licensing of other occupations and callings in connection with the building and erecting of houses, structures and buildings within Miami Shores Village and paying for the privilege of the same and providing a penalty for failure to comply therewith"* and providing for additional licensing of other occupations and callingsas herein specified and paying for the privilege of the same and providing a penalty for failure to comply therewith", and as emehded by Miami Shores Village Ordinance No. 49, entitled: "An ordinance amending Miami Shores Vi"age Ordinance No. 6, entitled: "An ordinance imposing occupational license taxes and relating to licenses and the enforcement thereof", be, and the same is hereby amended by additional license taxes hereby levied and immosed as follows: - LICENSE FEE. 1. General Building $50-00 2. Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Gas Fitting 25-00 3, Electrical 25-00 4, Architects, Engineer, Surveyors,, ; Fees & Interior Decorators,,4excluding" day laborers or yardmed 10.00 5. Excavating, grading & filling (contractors) - 25-00 6. Moving or wrecking 25-00 7. Septic tank ! contractors 25-00 8, Septic Tank repairs 10.00 9, Brick, Stone, �Tile, Cement Block Concrete & G�psum 25-00 10. Cement, Lime, ,Plastering, Stucco Lathing & Cast Stone 25-00 11, Carpentry, Millwork, Amning & Shutters 25-00 12. Decorating, , (interior & exterior) , Painting, Waterproofing, Dam-proofing & Paper-hanging 25-00 13. Flooring, sanding or finishing; wood, rubber, ! oomposition linoleum I I and other flooring not otherwise specified. 1 25-00 14. Ornamental Iron, Bronze & Steel , Steel sash, ov: er-head doors 25-00 15, Roofing, sheetmetal and Skylights 25-00 16. Solar water systems 25-00 17, Vell 'systems, 25-00 18. Sprinkler Systems of all kinds, inelucl- ing those forlibuildings , lawnsq etc. 25-00 i 19. Structural & Reinforcing iron & steel 25-00 20. Tile, Terrazzo, Marble, Granite & Cut Stone 25-00 21, Electric Fixtures 25-00 22. Illuminated Signs 25-00 23. Bridge, Bulk-hearing, Drainage Sewer, Water & Gas excavation & Construction. �: Dredging, Irrigation system, Pile Driving, SeatWall, Favings Sidevialks, Curb & Gutter or similar work 25-00 24. Every person, firm, co-partnership corporation, association or other organizatioil engaged in the business of supplyin , furnishing or delivering- building mma erials for any construction project wi t in the Village limits and not having a regularly established and licensed place of business in the Village. 10.00 25. Moving Pictures shows, with or without other attractions (charging an admission price of 500 or less ,, including tax) 150-00 26. Moving Picture shows, with or without other attractions (charging an admission price over 500, including tax) 250-00 27. Theatrical Performance, wholly for benevolent or charitable purposes, no license reauired Exempt 28. Weighing Ma' ines, each machine 2.50 29. Apartments, Apartment houses or hotels or rooming houses, containing over 2 (two) bedrooms, f r each room whigh can be leased, not includi� , g bathrooms or kitchens . .50 Providing that each such apartment house, etc. , shall, pay a minimum fee of 10,00 30. Restaurantso serving food (permitting the operation of cafe, cafeteria, public dining rodmi, tea-room or restaurant) with chairs or stools, each to count as one seat., per seat .50 Providing that each such restaurant or establishment serving food sha" pay a minimum fee� of 25-00 31. Bakeries, manufacturing within corporate limits of Miami Shores Village , for and selling at retail from the premises of manu- facture and not operating delivery service for each retail place of business 25-00 32. Bakery Products Uistributors 10.00 33. Book Binder� - hXg. 50-00 34,* Cabinet 1viakers' 6hop 50-00 35. Candy and confectionery makers - Difg. 50-00 36. Uarpenter Shops 50-00 37. Concrete or cement manufacturers of artificial stone , brick, cement blocks, posts, ornaments, vases , or other articles of similar nature. 50-00 38. uoors, sash3s and blinds - Vifg. 50-00 39. Ice Cream - mfg. 50-00 40. Ice - Mfg. 50-00 41. Lumber and Planing blills or millwork 50-00 42. Musical -.1ns trument s Mfg. 50-00 43, Mosaic. , Terrazzo and Tile ivifg. 50,00 4/+. Multigraphing - Mfg. 50-00 45. Newspapers or Periodicals 50-00 46. Printing - all kinds 50-00, 47. Rubber Stamps - Mfg. 50,00 48. Sheet Metal Works and Tin Shops 50,00 49. Canvassers, Itinerant Solicitors or other persons who solicit orders or sell by sample or otherwise, goods, wares, or merchandise at retail not for resale 250,00 Provided, however, that before any license shall be' issued to any Canvasser, Itinerant solicitor or other person named above, a permit therefor must be secured from the Village Manager, application� therefor having been made at least Thirty (30) days prior to the granting of said permit. It is hereby made the duty of said VillageManager to investigate all applications therefor, and it seid 733.11ageTlanager is satisfied that the said applicant is of good moral character, and in a legitimate business, and that the welfare of. said City will not be jeopardized by the issuance of said license,, he shall grant said permit, other- wise not. 50. Florists 25-00 51, Fuel-oil, Coall Coke, Bottled Gas., etc. Dealers 25-00 52. Gum or Merchandise Vending Machines, per machine (except machines vending drinking cups or postage stamps) 2.50 53- Ice, Milk, Water and Citrus Juicesq retailing each firm (not for resale ) 5.00 5491 Soda Fountains 15 -00 Provided that Soda Fountains operated in connection with regularly licensed drug store, restaurant or confectionery store do not require a license. ' 55. 'Wholesale Dealers in dry goods9 notions jewelry, clothing, groceriesq fruits, vegetables, produce of all kinds, or other merohandisev on foot or from vragonss trucks or other vehiclest selling or delivering at 'WHOISSALE9 including WHOLESA124 DRY CIMANERS AND WHOLESALE LAUNDRIES (except delivering on orders previously taken) 5.00 56. Merchants - all personsq fi=Ls or corporations engaged in ,the business of selling merchandise of any kind, sort or description, except those men- tioned herein, shall be required to pay a merchant's 25-00 license of 57. Lumber and/or building material dealers 50,00 58. Radio and Musical Instrument Dealers 25-00 59. Attorneys 10.00 60, Accountants and Auditors 10.00 61. Analythical Chemists 10.00 62. Artists, including retouching, sketching, cartooning, crayon or ferrotypers or other similar line 10.00 63. Chiropodists 10.00 64, Chiropractors 10.00 65. Christian Science Healers or Practitioners 10,00 66, Dentists 10.00 67. - Detectives, including civil, commercial, corporation, criminals industrials insurances railroad., and other similar investigators 10.00 68. Dieticians 10.100 69. Doctors, Physicians and Surgeons 10.00 70*- Engravers 10.00 71. Healers, Magnetic, 10.00 72. Homeopathic Physicians 10.00 73. Laboratory Technicians 10.00 74. Masseurs 10.00 75, Naprapaths 16.00 76. Naturopaths 10.00 10.00 77, Opticians 78. Osteopaths 10.00 79, Physical Culture Directors 10.00 10,100 so. Physiotherapists 81. Podiatrist 10.00 82. Taxidermist 10.00 83, Barber Shopsj with or without manucurist 25-00 and/or boot-black stands 84. Beauty Parlorss hairdressing and manicuring 25-00 85. Bicycles, rent and repair 25-00 86, Dry Cleaning & Laundry A ency 25-00 (including pressing onlyT 87, Gasoline, retail, filling stations , gas and oil 25-00 Agent, Bureau., Broker.. Operator or Dealers of all kinds including commercial, insurance, real estate, loans,, claims, transportation, manufacturer, for- each class of business 25-00 handled, each firm Real estate SalesmAn 10.00 89. Advertising soliiitorq (except daily and weekly newspaper solic tors) i 50-00 90. Auctioneer, mhere goods, wares and merchandi6e are sold by auction by the owner, agent, auctioneer or other person within the limits of Miami Shores Village, there shall be a lie;ense tax FOR EACH SALE 1000,00 Auctioneers, real estate, who sell real estate - within or without the Village Li4tsat auction, and who advertise such sale in newspapers, placards, posters,, or otherwise in Miami Shores Village, per day 250-00 91. Exterminators (insect and vermin) 25-00 92, Building and Loan Associations , and Mortgage Companies 25 -00 SECTION 2. After the effective date hereof it shall be unlawful for any firm or person to conduct or engage in any business or occupation hereinabove mentioned within the Village without first procuring a 'license and paying to the Village the license tax hereinabove levied and imposed. SECTION 31, Licenses sha" be issued by the Village Manager for a period of one 'year,, November lst, to October 31st, and the taxes shall be payable at his office, on November lst, of each year, provided that license taxes for the period from theeffective date hereof to November 1, 1940,, shall be for the full amount thereof, SECTION 4. Application for a license shall be made in writing filed with the Village Manager and stating the name, domicile, age, principal business address, nature of business , how and where the business will be conducted, the person in charge thereof, the character and extant of facilities therefor and such other relevant information as the Village Manager shall require. SECTION 5, Any violation of this ordinance shall be punished by fine, not exceeding twice the legal tax, or by imprisonment on the streets or other works of the Village, or in a jail, for a period not exceeding ten (10) days., and each day on which any of said business sball be transacted without a license and prior payment of tax shall constitute a separate violation hereof. SECTION 6. The Village Manager, upon approval by the Council,, may refuse to issue a license to any person not having adequate facilities for or mho shall not be competent to conduct, without danger of injury to the Village or its inhabitants,, the business for which license be applied for, and likewise, upon notice,, and a hearing, may revoke any license (1) if further operation of such business shall be detrimental to the Village or its inhabitants, or (2) if the holder of the license shall have been convicted of an offense against the Village in connection with the operation or maintenance of the business licensed. SECTION 7. All parts of ordinances, if any, inconsistent with this ordinance, are repealed to the extent of such inconsist- eney, but not otherwise, and each word, phrase, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be severable and the invalidity of any word, phrase, sentence or section shall in no way or degree impair any other part or parts thereof. SECTION 8, All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage, it- PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of November, A. D. 19390 ATTEST: Mayor 4f 1;V 1 ge -Manager an Clerk.