Section 1* Persons, and no others, having the qualifications of electors,
in state and county elections prescribed by Section 248 Compiled General Laws of
Plorida of 1927j or subsequent laws fixing such qualifications; shall be entitled
to register and vote In the village, provided. no poll tax shall be required.3, nor
any registration fee* The clerk shall keep a permanently 'bound registration book,
arranged with spaces for the name, post office address, agog national citizenship$
place of resideneel length of residence in statel length of residence in the village,
and the signature of each registrant, and oath or affirmation to the truth of the data
opposite each signature shall be printed at the top of the signature column and each
registrant shall take such oath and shall subscribe to .the same by his signature in
the colt= provided therefore The clerk or council, at any time, and any election
board, on the day of election., may reqa:Lre satisfactory proof of qualifications of any
person requesting to register or to vote; as the. case may be, and after such notice as
may be reasonable under the circumstances and after hearing, if demanded, they may do-
clare any person unqualified to register or to vote and may strike such name from the
registration book, provided the council may overrule or reverse action by the clerk
aloney and it shall be the duty of the council to consider any charge of disqualifica-
tion upon recommendation by the clerk or by any two co-uncilmeng and the council biennially,
not less than thirty hor more than sixty days before the regular election, shall verify
the qualifications of those registered and shall strike from the registration book the
names of all persons deceased or non-residents of the villagep or otherwise known or be-
lieved, to be unable or disqualified to vote*
Section 2. Elections shall be held at the village office and such other
places, if anyp as the council shall desigaateg-fhirty days notice of the time, place
puposs of elections and the nomes of candidates and the nature of any qwgti
-' t* VO vvtod any shal'i 'be given by the c].a* posting notice at the office door, and
'the polling place or places shall be open fro& eight otclo& A* M. to eight 0101
eastern standard timm
oil OW-h election day.
Section & All elections. owl U'*, secret printed or typewritten
n" fams
ballet pV0W*4 for the panticular electionp substantially in the fe
BAUM rm 109'aw"
Wad ShOres Village, June 20., 1933.
JUsat Shores Tillegis
a"" 20$ ime.
for the Council-
Vote for xmber of vacanct"
Urk X eMsite candidate you favor,
30012 BALI&
Mmll tILO village Incur &-debt in the son of
Ton 2hoinand ($101o0o)
*11mrs for rvadring streets. q* contemplated in ordinance Sixtem?
-Ab&U the villagw renew for one year its omtr&et wl - the City. eg
routing to protection?
Candidates shall be listed on the ballot alphabetically by surnames and the
ballots shall be numbered consecutively and shall bear detachable stubs with cor-
responding numbers,
Section 4. The clerk shall provide for each polling place one or more private
booths for voters and a stout ballot box with two locks and keysp one of which keys
shall be kept by the clerk and one shall be given on election day to the senior in
age of the election judges) the judge to surrender said key to the clerk at the end
of ten days after the election.
Section 5. At least thirty days before an elections the council shall ap-
point two discreet persons as election judges3, each of whom shall be a qualified
voter and not a candidate; nor pecuniarily interested in any qaestion to be submitted
at the election) and they, with the village clerks shall be the election board and
shall conduct the election, and before leaving the polling place shall publicly can-
vass and certify in writing the resalts thereof by duplicate certificates over their
signaturess and before entering on their duties they shall make oath that they will
honestly and fairly conduct; canvass and certify the results of the elections pro-
vided that one member of the board at a time may absent himself not exceeding forty-
each per day for their
five minutes at mealtimes. The judges shall be paid
Section 6. Each voter shall mark his own ballot privately in an enclosed
booth in not exceeding three minutes of time and no person shall assist a voters
nor speak to a voter within the voting place, except that the election board may
furnish information concerning the method of votingy and provided that upon a voter
declaring himself) by reason of blindness or similar defect) or lack of knowledge,
unable to mark his ballots the election board shall cause all except the board and
officers of the village to leave the polling place, and thereupon two members of
the board may ascertain the voter's will and mark his ballot accordingly. Each
ballots after being marked) shall be folded and, deposited by the voter in the ballot
box in the presence of at least two members of the election board. Only one ballott-'
shall be issued to a person) provided that a ballot spoiled by inadvertence may be
cancelled -upon sur render to the board and being marked void and signed by all
members of the board. Except during the canvass of the votesp or when lawfally
prod-aced for a contest, all used ba-Ilotsp tally sheets and a duplicate original
of the certificate of the election results shall be kept in the ballot box, which
shall be securely locked and shall remain in the custody of the election board until
they have certified the results, and thereafter held in the custody of the clerx,
provided that the ballots and such other papers in the box may be destroyed by order
of the council after the expiration of time for a contest of the election. Tile board
shall keep a poll list, writing thereon the name of each person reqaesting or of-
fering to votes at the time a ballot is handed him; and when each ballot is deposited
in the box, the board shall detach the stub thereof and shall keep such stubs for
verifying against the poll list and the registration book. The election board may
refuse to permit any unregistered or disqualified person to vote; shall not allow
any person to vote but once, and shall decide all challenges upon such proof as they
may reasonably regaire.
Section 7. In canvassing the votes no mark or siga shall be taken to ex-
press a voter's will, except the mark of) or apparently intended to be, an X or
cross marks but the board) in making the canvassp shall endeavor to ascertain
and effectuate the intention of each voter where reasonably certainp from the ballot
only) and the election board; in deciding all matters and qaestions arising in their
duties) shall act by a majority vote thereof. The boards upon completing the canvass
and ascertaining the results of the elections shall immediately deliver their ori-
ginal certificate thereof to the clerk) who shall forthwith post a certified copy
of the certificate thavewt at the village office door) there to remain three days)
and within such time the clerk shall deliver a certified copy of such certificate
to each person elected; and at the next meeting of the council, shall report the
results and record the certificate in the minute book of the council.
Section 8, Until the polls close and the election board commences the
canvaBSp no person shall be permitted in the polling place except the eledtion board
and other village officers and persons voting2 offering to vote, or leaving; provided
that not more than one challenger for each candidate shall have access to the polling
place during such reasonable time as shall be necessary to challenge a particular
person reVesting2 or apparenbly about to vote,, and provided that witnesses concern-
Ing qualification, or lack thereof, of persons offering to vote, may be
permitted to testify before the board. The board and police'officers of the
village at all times shall take care that the polling place shall be quiet and
not crowded. 'While the polls are open there shall be no solicitation of voters,
distribution of campaign dodgers, posters or literature of any kinds nor any
suggestion of a candidate or of an attitude on a qaestion submitted to the
voters at such elections nor any other kind of electioneering whatever, direct
or Indirect, within the polling place, or within tU6rty feet of the outside
door thereofp and all officers and citizens shall be charged with the enforce-
ment of this section.
Section 9. The marshal or deputy shall attend all elections and pre-
serve order and enforce this ordinance and shall be subject to orders of the
election board,,,and members of the election board shall have the powers of
deputy marshals on election day end until they have certified the results.
Section 10. A copy of this ordinance shall be posted at the door
of the polling place on election day.
Section 11. Any person who shall violate or shall contribute to a
violation of this ordinances or any part hereof, by assisting, inducing or sug-
gesting such violation to another; shall upon conviction thereofp be punished by
a fine of not exceeding Two Hundred Pifty ($250.00) Dollars, or imprisonment at
hard labor on I he streets or other works of the village; or any other lawful
place) during not exceeding thirty dayss or by both such fine and imprisonment
in the discretion of the Village courts and each separate act and each disregard
of any section or part hereof shall constitute a separate violation and an offense
against the village.
Section 12* Each section) sentences claase and phrase in this or-
dinanceAs severable from the remainder and the invalidity or failure to operate
of any part hereof, great or small, shall not impair the validity or operation
of any other part of this ordinance.,
Regalarly passed and ad 8 vo of he council,
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WIZ7 —L-1 19". QA
As Mayor of Mismi slores Vililge.
AS VIELWe Manager ME[ clerk.
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