O-007-32 N7A I SHORES VILLAGE CRDINANCZ NO* AN ORDMANCE RELAUNG TO BILLBO&RDS AIM LICENSES THEREFOR AM TAXING THE OWIMS OR MLINTAINERS OF: BE IT ORDAMED BY MIAMI SHORES VITI-AGE: Section 1, It shall be unlawful to erect or cause to be erect- edg In the Villages any billboard of four hundred square feet or more in area. Section 2, It shall be unlawful* without first obtaining a permit from the Village Council and paying a tax of $1.00 per five lineal feet ( or fraotionitherieof) of such bill- boards hereby levieds to erect or cause to be erectedg in the Village, any billboard of thirty square feet or more in area, and no permit shall be granted for a billboard to extend more than fourteen feet in height from the ground# nor to have a space of less than four feet between the lower edge of said board and the ground 9 nor wbich shall be nearer than six feet to any building or property line or nearer than fifteen feet to any street. Section 3* It shall be unlawful to ereot,or cause to be erect- edsany billboard at any location within three hundred f�et of Biscayne Boulevard ( or United States Highway No. 1) or within three hundred feet of Northeast Second Avenue# in the Villages or any billboards at any place in the Village of materials * design or construction not eminently sound, safe and proper as det6rmined by the building inspector and approved by the Village Council* Section 46 After the notioe hereinafter providedo and lapse of time for Issuance Of permit# 9 it shall be unlawful v without having a permit frcm the Village Council and having paid two-thirds of *the tax hersinbefore imposedt to maintain or keep .or cause to be maintained or kept # Z=�' any billboard which it would be unlawful to ereat under any fq;�" q4,,M_9 Geotiou of this ordinance or any part of any such foregoing sections providedg that no_p it shall be granted to maintain or keep a 'billboard which would not be grantable hereunder for erecting the same. - Section 5, No permIt shall be granted for any billboard to be oonstruoted of materialso or to have braees or sup- ports?which might split , tear or burn during or from the action of winds, or grass or other fires* 7 Seotion 6. No billboards lawfully maintained in the Village $ shall be used to advertise alcoholic liquorst toba000 In any f0=9 steamship linesp dance hallst night clubst hotelso tourist campas airplane linest carbonated drinks or other oommodities or places likely to attract or in- duoe harmful excursions, aots or indulgences by children or immature persons. Seotion 70 Within ten days after the effeotive date hereofe the Village Manager shall give notice in writing by mail, to all personst firms and corporations now having " a,dvertisemen4 on a billboard or maintaining a billboard or billboards in the Village ( which billboard cr bIlL- boardsp after the giving of such notioe it would be un lawful to maintain without a permits as in preeeding seetians hereof provided), that within thirty days after date of such notioet all such billboards must be made to Oonfom with, the provisions of this ordinance and -2- permits obtained and tax paid thereforp and the Village Manager shall keep an official copy of this ordinance open to Inspection in his office and upon receiving lawful fee therefor# shall forthwith furnish a certified copy here- of to any interested party. Said notice shall be effective from the date of mailing thereofp If addressed either to the persont, firm. or corporation whose name appears on any such -billboard as the owner thereofq or to the persons firm or corporation for whom advertising appears thereon. Section 8. Permits may be granted only on written applications filed with the Village Manager* and stating under oath of a person having knowledge of the factst the fall neme , principal bustuess addreass domicile ( and if a corpora- tions where incorporated and names of officers ) and prin- oipal business office in Florida of the party who will con- trol the billboard$ and stating exactly the size* proposed locations materials and construction of the billboardt hcw long it will be maintaJned,, and submitting therewith a copy of the design to be placed thereon, In the discretion of the Council ,, upon recommendation of the Village Manager, a sufficient bond may be required of thd applicant to insure compliance with this ordinance and the razing and removal of such billboard if and when the same shall be so damaged by the elements# or otherwise# or shall become so dilapi- dated that it shall be a menaoe to the safety or welfare of the Village or any inhabitants thereof. Applications shall remain on file twenty days during which dbjeotions to granting of permit may be filed by any interested party and hearing had thereon* Section go In the discretion of the- ocamoil no permit shall be granted to erect or maintain any billboard without the written consent of all owners of and ton- ants of buildings or real property situate within four hundred feet of the locations or proposed location# of such billboard* Section loo Arty billboard which shall be so damaged by the elementst or otherwises or shall beecme so' dilapidated as to constitute a menace or involve danger to the safety* peace or welfare of the Village or any Inhab- Itants thereoft may be condemned by the Building In- speotor and shall be torn downp after ten dayst notice by mail in the same manner .given as aforesaid to the owner or lessee thereoft and ofter his or their failure within three days thereafter to suitably restore or re- pair the same ; or in cases of emergenoyt such billboards may be torn down by the Village without notice and every person affected by this provisions or othbr provisions of this ordinance# shall be deemed to erect or maintain billboards in the Village subject to the terms and opera- tion of every part hereof* Section Uo Any persons firm or corporationg who himself or through anothers shall violate any part of this ordinance , shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding $100,00 'or by Imprisonment at hard labor on the streets or other wcrks ,of the Villaget or In any lawful placet during not to exceed thirty dayes or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, and each day on which the or- dinance Is violated shall be a separate offense, -4- Section 12- "Billboard" as used hereing means any strwture resting# or to rest, In or on the ground and designed or Intended for the display of advertising thereon whether gratuitously or for monetary compensation under any arrangement of sale 9 lease 9 hire or otherwise. Section 13- Zvery section# clauses sentence and phrase of this ordimnoe Is severable from the remainder and the invall4ty or failure to operates of any part hereof shall in no way or degree impair any other part hereof. Section 14- This ordinance a 1 take effect up�n passage and publication In a newspaper publlsbed in Miamit Florida. haa Regularly passed and adopted by the Council of Miami �W Shores Village* March 22nd 1932. As Mayor of t1he AVIl§aCigm. Attest: As VillAlve'-Wknage and Gllft*6'-- the re of.