04-10-1986 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING April 10, 1986 A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Planning & Zoning Board, was held on April 10, 1986, at the Miami Shores Village Hall. The meeting was called to order by Robert Rossi at 7:30 P.M., with the following Members present: Robert J. Rossi Patrick Duffy Thomas Laubenthal Larry T. McClure Absent: J. Robert Stobs, II, Chairman Also present: Frank J. LuBien, Director of Building & Zoning 1. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of March 27, 1986 were approved,as written, by a motion made by Mr. Laubenthal, seconded by Mr..Duffy, and passed unanimously. 2. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR GARAGE ENCLOSURE JAMY DE FEX 1080 N. E. 104th ST. Since this request was tabled at the last meeting until a more complete set of drawings are presented, Mr. Rossi asked for a motion to remove it from the table. Mr. Duffy moved to move the motion from the table, seconded by Mr. Laubenthal, and passed unanimously. Mr. LuBien noted that Mrs. DeFex had presented to him an alternative elevation and floor plan,iwhich she would like to have approved. Members received copies of this alternate plan. Much discussion followed. The floor plan will remain basically the same. There is a substantial difference in the elevation. The latter one . showing a single entry garage space. Mr. Duffy noted that he has a problem aesthetically with the option to have a sliding glass door, at the front, which could effectively be used as another entrance. The garage door is more pleasing. Mrs. DeFex was advised that the Board in reviewing anyj and all modifications to houses, must be sure that all homes remain single family residences, and that the sliding glass door is not aesthe- tically pleasing and too much like an apartment. Mr. LuBien noted that Mrs. DeFex indicated to him that she could go along with his suggested elevation, provided she could keep the side door. Following further discussion, Mr. Duffy moved to approve the plans as submitted, with the stipulation that the front elevation will consist of a garage door without the option of a sliding glass door, seconded by Mr. Laubenthal. After further discussion, and query from Mr. McClure, concerning the side door, and his feeling about the aesthetics of a single garage door, the motion carried by a 3-1 vote, with Mr. McClure dissenting. PLANNING & ZONING BOARD -2- 4/10/86 3. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TWO SIGNS ON ONE PLOT CARMEN SMITH 1051 N. E. 92nd ST. Mr. LuBien noted that this request requires a variance to Sec 504(b)(2), which places a limit of one sign per plot. However, while this is not a corner lot, the property does face on two streets, 92nd St. and 93rd. St.. This is a peculiars and unusual circumstance. In order to receive full exposure for sale of the property, two signs are needed. Mrs. Smith was present, and further stated that one cannot see from 92nd to 93rd Street. Mr. Duffy noted the property does have two street addresses. Members agreed the request is a reasonable one under the circumstances. Mr. Laubenthal moved to grant the request for a variance as submitted, based.on the peculiar and unusual circumstance, seconded.by Mr. McClure, and carried unanimously. Mrs. Smith was advised to appear before Council at their meeting on next Tuesday evening, for their approval. 4. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SIGNS Mr. LuBien reminded Members that in the last paragraph of the Public Hearing minutes, Mr. Stobs indicated that he would schecule a meeting with the Village Attorney for the purpose of drafting a proposed ordinance, to present back to the Planning & Zoning Board for approval, and finally to Council. It was agreed that since Mr. Stobs was not present, this item should be tabled to the next meeting. 5. PERMITTED USES FOR B-1 & B-2 DISTRICTS Members received in their packets a copy of the Planning & Zoning Board Workshop of January 30, 1986. Mr. Rossi indicated, he feels this item needs furthr review before putting into Ordinance form, also the Downtown Revitalization Board may have more input. He further noted, the Board is fast approaching the target date of 90 days, to report to Council, and he strongly feels that the Board should give Council, a memo, indicating the direction the Board is moving in. Included in Members packets was a Memo from from Mr.. Forney, stating, the Downtown Revitalization Board is requesting another meeting with the Planning & Zoning Board to discuss downtown changes. In response, it was agreed, the Planning & Zoning Board will meet with the Downtown Revitalization Board on Thursday, April 17, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. at the Community Center. The Workshop to be conducted before the Down- town Revitalization Board commences with their regular business. 6. Mr. LuBien passed out to Members an application form for a Conference to be held on May 1, 1986, Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, Ft. Lauderdale, The Conference titled '',Local Planning: Implementing the 1985 Growth Management Initiative" is sponsored by FAU/FIU Joint Center for Environ- PLANNING & ZONING BOARD -3- 4/10/86 mental and Urban Problems and Florida Atlantic University Institute of Government. The Conference begins with Late Registration at 8:00-8:30p.m. and Adjourns at 4:30 p.m.. Mr. LuBien encouraged all Members to attend, and requested they return their Registration forms to him by Wednesday, April 16, 1986. He does need an accounting of who will be able to attend. 411 The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. • reto y ��%vim/