02-09-2004 Regular Meeting•
The Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation Board held a meeting on Monday, February 9,
2004 at the Village Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM with the following
members present:
Carolyne Cadwallader ABSENT: Hal Marshall
Martha Anne Collins
Bob Davis
Otto Paier (arrived at 7:45 PM)
William Tenney
Steve Zelkowitz
ALSO PRESENT: Barbara A. Estep, Village Clerk
1) Minutes — January 12, 2004 Meeting
Ms. Collins moved to approve the January 12, 2004 Meeting Minutes as submitted. Mr. Davis
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
2) A Resolution of the Miami Shores Historic Preservation Board regarding
retrieval of Village owned historic documents.
Mr. Zelkowitz reminded the Board Members of their previous discussions and advised that the
Resolution was to formalize the Board's wishes. Ms. Collins moved to adopt the Resolution
regarding retrieval of Village owned historic documents. Mr. Tenney seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous in favor.
3) Discussion regarding plans for the historic home tour.
Board Members discussed the progress of the house tour plans. Mr. Paier reported on the
homes that had indicated their willingness to open their homes for the tour. Mr. Paier also
volunteered his home for the tour. The five homes to be included on the walking tour are as
1060 N.E. 95th Street
1055 N.E. 96th Street
1115 N.E. 97th Street
987 N.E. 96th Street
1291 N.E. 96th Street
Following a cursory call from Mr. Paier to the listed homeowners, Mrs. Estep will send
confirmation letters and invite the homeowners to the next meeting if their schedules permit.
Monday, March 8, 2004
A general discussion amongst the Board Members took place regarding the lobby display of the
poster regarding designation and a representative from a home renovation television show that
contacted Mr. Zelkowitz about Shore's properties.
The February 9, 2004 Historic Preservation Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Barbara A. Estep, CMC
Village Clerk
Steven Zelkowitz, Chair