03-15-1999 Agenda• • • AGENDA MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTES - MARCH 1, 1999 ENBLKAUBErdlign ADMINISTRATION OF OATH 1. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 273 NB 9e STREET APPLICANTS: CHRIS MASTER & ORESTE SALUCCI R torgtinnt Installation of&bric awnings. 2. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 273 NE 9e STREET APPLICANTS: CHRIS MASTER & ORESTE SALUCCI higiptenance oils& Paint exterior walls, windows & trim.. ANNIMPICINIENTEOMMEM 3. DISCUSSION - DADE HERITAGE DAYS - WALKING TOUR (518/99) ADJOURNMENT Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105. F.S.. if o paean decides to appeal any dem meds by the 1llstodo Premrvatia► Bard rah teapot to any matter censkierad at this + record the ks ishetestinode Mane that a verbatim lewd of the proceedings la made and widen onion WedsUeappeal Is baud. The VeBege at aaend wee complies sith lite pry of AMOCO'S Wei Dissbaies Act ODA. If er , nater the Wage Clerk% you an o dated person Wry acoororoadodfato Moe d atm need at least 72 texea (9 mss* advance. Z /Z #:U68 9SL QOE' 4-'.L1-41 MV1 : .Z: TT RR -Zi -a