11-02-1998 Regular Meeting (2)• MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MINUTES A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation Board was held at Village Hall on Monday, November 2, 1998. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Bittner with the following members present and absent: Present: Warren Bittner, Chairman Maria Temkin, Vice Chairperson Inez Hegedus -Garcia, Member William Tenney, Member Carolyne R. Cadwallader, Member John Bachay, Member Absent: Jaime Camacho, Member AGENDA ITEMS APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 17. 1998 • Mr. Tenney moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Ms. Temkin, and passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 29 N.E. 91st Street APPLICANTS: James T. Pruett & Stephen C. Schmid Maintenance or Repair: Request to replace existing sidewalk and walkways in front portion of property. Mr. Schmid was present to represent the applicants. He explained his request and indicated that Public Works was requiring him to repair the sidewalk in the front of his house. Mr. Schmid showed the Board a diagram of the proposed work which is attached to his application. Mr. Tenney moved to approve the application and Ms. Cadwallader seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. 2. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 29 N.E. 91st Street APPLICANTS: James T. Pruett & Stephen C. Schmid New Construction: Request for installation of plastic privacy fencing panels instead of previously approved masonry wall. • Historic Preservation Botegular Meeting November 2, 1998 Page 2 Mr. Schmid, again speaking for the applicants, explained in a nutshell that a plastic fence would be so much cheaper than a masonry wall, and that, since it would be located in the rear of the property, nobody would ever see it. Ms. Hegedus -Garcia commented that a plastic fence had no historic precedent in Mediterranean Revival architecture, and that, even though located in the rear of the property, it would create a very bad precedent. Ms. Cadwallader questioned whether this plastic material had Dade County Product Control approval and wondered if it would not fly away during a hurricane. Mr. Bittner cautioned the Board that the only matters for their consideration were whether the proposed application met the Board's criteria for granting Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness, i.e., whether the proposed fence was consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, which was the standard established by Village Ordinance and codified in the Code of Miami Shores Village. Mr. Bittner stated his opinion that the proposed fence would not meet that criteria for the reasons advanced by. Ms. Hegedus -Garcia. Ms. Hegedus -Garcia moved to deny the application. Ms. Temkin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMENTS: 3. DISCUSSION - HISTORICAL ROOM IN FORMER POLICE STATION Ms. Temkin reported that the Village Manager had offered the Library the opportunity to temporarily occupy a room in the former police station, provided that the Library prepared the room for the Library's 50th Anniversary Celebration, including providing all the labor to paint the room. Ms. Temkin also reported that once that space was leased, and theLibrary had to vacate, the Board might be able to secure the space upstairs. The Board was very enthusiastic about finally having a place to put its historic materials, and thanked Ms. Temkin for her efforts. 4. DISCUSSION - DR. PAUL GEORGE HISTORIC WALKING TOUR Ms. Temkin reported that the Historical Museum, again without permission, had advertised that homes would be open during Dr. George's Miami Shores Tour on December 5, 1998. Mr. Bittner volunteered to open his home (again) for the tour, i.e., 10108 N.E. 1' Avenue. Mr. Bittner also volunteered to inquire about the home at -121 N.E. 1001 Street, which is currently "for sale." Ms. Hegedus -Garcia volunteered to inquire about the home at 477 N.E. 92nd Street, which has recently had its Cuban tile roof restored by Dan Arguelles. Ms. Temkin volunteered to make the usual arrangements with the Theater and the Library. 5. DISCUSSION - STATUS OF PUEBLO FELIZ BENCHES • Mr. Tenney reported, to the delight of the Board, that the benches had finally been removed from storage at Public Works and placed in the Theater. Mr. Tenney • • Historic Preservation Boegular Meeting November 2, 1998 Page 3 commented that the Theater wanted to sand the benches. The Board unanimously instructed Mr. Tenney to unequivocally advise the Theater not to do so, as this would destroy the character and finish of the pecky cypress wood of which the benches were constructed. The Board agreed to raise money for the manufacture of cushions for the benches at the earliest possible opportunity. Mr. Tenney provided the Board with a draft history of the benches to be placed on an easel next to the benches. With Minor modification, the text was approved. The Board joined in congratulating Mr. Tenney for following through with this very historically important and worthwhile project and for an overall job "well done." 6. DISCUSSION - STATUS OF DESIGNATION DRIVE Ms. Hegedus -Garcia reported that she had spoken to a representative of the Building & Zoning Department, who volunteered to mail out the Board's solicitation letters to selected historic properties in Miami Shores. Ms. Hegedus -Garcia further reported that Mr. Bittner had supplied her with the list of historic property owners and the historic logo of the Shoreland Company. The Board unanimously decided to utilized the historic logo as is, without modification. The Board further discussed the position of the logo on the page, concluding that it should be placed in the top center. Mr. Bittner suggested that the names of the Board members appear in the upper right hand corner in small print. Ms. Temkin commented that the text of the solicitation letter should make it clearer to the recipient that receipt of the letter did not necessarily mean that designation was a "done deal." Various members suggested language to address this concern. The Board agreed that the solicitation letter should not be delayed by the informational brochure discussed below. 7. DISCUSSION - INFORMATIONAL BROCHURE Ms. Hegedus -Garcia showed the Board the preliminary design she and Mr. Tenney had devised. It consisted of a one page, double sided informational brochure with a picture of 262 N.E. 96th Street and describing various details of Mediterranean Revival Architecture. The Board was in agreement that the homeowner's permission should be obtained before using the photograph of this house as the example. Mr. Bachay volunteered to contact Mr. Alexander for this purpose. The Board was of the consensus that the concept was a good idea and should proceed forward. Possibly, the brochure could be distributed during walking tours, etc. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Cadwallader moved to adjourn the meeting a10 p.m., seconded by Mr. Tenney, and passed unanimously. en Bittner, Chairman