12-08-1997 Agenda• • • AGENDA MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1997 - 7:30 P.R. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROIL CALL WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS MINUTES - JULY 28, 1997 SELECTION OF CHAIRMAN JUp1I.0 HEARING ITEMS: ADMINISTRATION OF OATH 1. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 357 N.E. 92N° STREET APPLICANTS: RONALD & JOANNE RODRIGUEZ M ten swe Repaint exterior of home, garage and wall. 2. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS 357 N.E. 922' STREET APPLICANTS: RONALD & JOANNE RODRIGUEZ Maintestrec or Revak Repair existing wooden structure/trellis - replace rotten wood and paint. runic MEETING ITEMS; 3. CONTENT OF HISTORIC LANDMARK PLAQUE 136 N.E. 1414T Street ANNOI ICE IT TSICON NTS: 4. DECEMBER 13, 1997 WALKING TOUR (10:00 A.M.) SOUTH FLORIDA HISTORICAL MUSEUM L! /Z VZ/A9 Uel QAt? . ' l a iii ¥Y1 AA:AZ 1R -Z -ZT :iA 114 • • • AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD PAGE 2 STATUS OF PUEBLO FELIX BENCHES 6. REAPPOINT COMMITTEES: A. NATIONAL REGISTER THEMATIC GROUP II PROPOSAL B. SERIALIZATION OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT C. NEW DESIGNATIONS ADJOURN MENT Pursuant to Char 286.0105. F.S.. if e person derides to ell any decision merle by the Hide Preservation Board with respect to eny metbN considered at this meeting or fig. helahe meds to ensure drat s verbatim record of the merge is nerds whiter record includes the testimony and resilience ("on whkh the tippet is Weed. The Verga of M W Shores compliers with the proviskers of the Arerericsns with Act (ADA). If you are a rAlablod pressor requiring any accommodation re assistance, pease notay the Village Clerk's Office of such need at least 72 hours (3 ciliegn Advance. JP it! Z/tft UC/ CAP I 2311 YETI nn:fZ : -ZT :IR Vac