03-16-1992 Regular Meetingr aiami Jhorentage F L OR ID A • • HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING_ MARCH 16, 1992 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation Board was held at. the Miami Shores Village Hall on Monday, March 16, 1992. Themeeting was called to order at 7:40 PM by Chairman, Ni. Gaggstatter, with the following members present: Hank D. Gaggstatter, Jr,, Chairman Margarita. Courtney Allan John Respondek Maria T. Temkin Absent: Warren von Bittner 1. NIINIITTES —.FEBRUARY 2, 1992 Mr. Gaggstatter called attention to a misspelled worii.on page 1, last line should be abstained, The minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1992 were approved by a motion made by Mrs. Temkin, seconded by Mrs. Courtney, and passed unanimously. 2. REPORT ON. DADE HERITAGE TRUST M RTING OF MARCH 11, 1992 Mr. Gaggstatter reported there were about 12 representatives at the meeting. He was able to obtain 8 stakes for houses on Miami Shores Walking Tour, scheduled for May 2nd, He picked up four shirts. He:further reported 2 banners are available for the Tour, but one must call first. The 150 pamphlets will be distributed in Village Hall, the Library', and Community Center. It was determined the 50 pins would be reserved for those on the Walking Tour, Insurance coverage will be available for the Walking.. Tour, but -a call must be made prior. Maria Temlin noted she had talked. with Paul George who will conduct the Tour .for a $125.00 fee. The place for refreshments Will be announced. She has about 100 pins left from last year and will distribute these along with this years pamphlets at the !Taste of the Shores . 3. REPORT ON VILLAGE COUNCIL ACTION RE; HB 511 AND SB 776 FOR TAX FXVMPTION TO HISTORIC SITE RENOVATIONS In the absence of Mr. von Bittner, Mr. Gaggstatter reported on this item, Council at their meeting of .February 18,..1992 voted to write a. letter to the Senate and the H rse urging passage of this bill. He reported Mr; von Bittner made an excellent presentation. • HISTORIC PRESERVATI D REG MFG -2- '16/92 4. REPORT ON ARTICLE FORVILLAGE NEWS LETTER Mrs. Temkin reported that -she had not done more than check the deadline for the May issue, which sfie was told is April 7, Also the May issue is pretty full but she will try- to get something together. Mr. Gaggstatter reported on the Barnott house at 931.. N. E. 93rd Street. He went by to take pictures of the house and was invited. in, So much of the interior wan original and he gave an excellent description of the house. He urged other Members to go by and take a look of the house. 5. REPORT ON STATUS OF PAMPHLET OF HISTORIC SITES Allan John Respondek reported he had. checked with a printer, but was unable to give him complete information to get a true pride, With the printer there are so many variables, (Number needed, number -of pages,.how:to staple, type of cover, size, etc.) If -these pamphlets are to be given to Real Estate people they eight wish to support the effort, Mr, Gaggstatter noted they should' be roughed out first, also that Mrs. Temkin'might have Paul George select houses when Copy go on the Tour. 6. REPORT ON STATUS OF REQUEST FOR DESIGNATION OF RESIDENCE AT 1099 N. E. 91st TERRACE Mr. Gaggstatter gaveall the information concerning designation to the owners, and they are interested in designation. At the present time the owner is. in Germany,.but will be act.. in.2 or 3 weeks when she returns. 41/0 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR COMMENTS Mr. Gaggstatter read from a letter from Mr. Varney thanking him for the display at. the Community Center, He requested the display be left at the Center a while longer. Mr. Gaggstatter will call the Miami Herald about the display, Ars, Temkin.reported the'? National Trust Conference will be holding a planning meeting on April 8th for the. October meeting,.. She also will call Paui.George concerning the Walking Tour, The meeting adjourned at 8:3G P,M. 4"/I:141; cretAirib • Approved. H. D. Gaggstatter, Chairman