07-16-1990 Regular Meeting• • • iami J 1ores9 Ilage F L OR ID A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD July 16, 1990 The. meeting;of the Miami Shores, Village Historic Preservation Board was held at Miami Shores Village:Hall on Monday, July 16, 1990. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman H. D. Gaggstatter with the following members present.; Hank D. Gaggstatter, Jr., Chairman Marty Kern Maria T. Temkin Absent: Margarita Courtney 1. MINUTES April 16, 1990 The minutes. of the meeting of April 16, 1990 could notbe approved for lack of a majority who were present at that meeting. There was no meeting in May, and the June meeting was cancelled for lack ofa quorum present. 2. Regret was expressedon the resignation of Pedro Acosta. Mr. Gaggstatter extended -a welcome to M ria T. Temkin, a new member appointed to the Board. 3. REVIEW' PLANS FOR ADDITION MIAMI SHORESELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 10351 N. E. 5th. AVE Mr. Gaggstatter introduced Manuel Reyes—Otalora, Architect/Planner. Historic Preservation Board has no jurisdiction or say concerning the addition but Mr. Gaggstatter is interested in the Plans. Mr. Otalore, A1A, Pres. of RO & Juan Gonzalez, P.E. both attended the mtg. Mr. Otalore noted his visit is a courtesy call to update Members on the proposed addition. Members reviewed photographs of the, school as it exists. Large chart boards showing the addition, elevations and'. plans were reviewed by Members present. Mr. Otalore noted' he has net with the, Principal of the school and the Dade County Public School guidelines have been used. The addition is a reference to the original building without copy. There will be eight classrooms to be used for art, music and resource. It will be a two story building at 103rd St. & N. E. 6th Ave. The music -& art rooms are directly in back of the bandshell, which is existing. The Administrative office will be refurbished, kitchen redone, elevator added and air condition- ing for the new area. Addition of ramps for handicapped accessibility was discussed. Drainage was explained. Buildingcolor was discussed at length. The Dade County Public School louvered windows was discussed and the reasons for using same. The purpose for these windows is for wind control, crime control, and energy efficiency. The kolonnade:will be extended to the new. Bike racks will be moved and fenced. Construction is expected to begin in May 1991, and take 12 to 13 months. It is anticipated the new section will be ready for the fall 1992 school year. Members concluded the addition is beautifully done, to which Mr. Otalore responded this solution was the most functionally compatible. He further. requested the Historic Preservation Board send a letter acknowledging their attendance and the presentation. • • • HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD -2- 7/16/90 4. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FRANK HEGEDUS, 940 N. E. 95th STREET Members reviewed a picture of the type of wrought iron fence whieh. Mr. Hegedus proposes to put across the,front of his property, It will not be higher than, the ' maxfimum height restriction for the front and 5' side, Following brief discussion, Mrs. Kern moved to approve the wrought iron fence for the Certificate of Appropriatness., seconded by Maria Temkin and passed unanimously. 5. DISCUSSION - STOFIK COVENANT 341 N. E. 92nd STREET Members took a look at the convenant as modified. by Ms, Stofik. Mrs. Kern noted she has no problem with the modifications made. Following discussion Mrs. Kern made a motion, the covenant, as modified be accepted, seconded by. Mrs. Temkin, and carried uanaimously, Mr. Gaggstatter will call her regarding having the covenant witnessed, and present it to Council. 6. DISCUSSION EOR DESIGNATION RENUART.RESIDENCE - ROBERT KOPPEN 501 N. E. 94th STREET Mr. Gaggstatter had conversation with the lady in Mr. Koppen's office. Too many changes are anticipated, and the Historic Preservation Board is not aware of the exact nature.of these changes. Mr. Gaggstatter will go by and take another look. 7. OLD BUSINESS & NEW BUSINESS A. It was explained that the display for Historic Landmark Homes in Miami Shores for the Village News has fallen off. The project was explained to Maria Temkin who volunteered to do the next one. .Maria will call Sandy Moredock for details of printing and obtain negative of the house to be highlighted from Mr. Gaggstatter. '.The secretary will no longer take photographs from the file, since they are not returneda B. Mr. Gaggstatter read a Memo to him from Gail Macdonald, Village Manager regarding the minutes of each meeting and items for Council approval. C. Mr. Gaggstatter explained the procedure and'the process f6r Certificate of Appropriateness for Maria Temkin in response to her query. He also explained to her that notices are sent for re -assignment to the Board. D. Pedro Acosta's replacement on the Historic Preservation.Board was dis- cussed. • • • HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD -3- 7/16/90 The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M, , The meeting was reopened for Mr, Gaggstattex to xeada letter addressed to Gail Macdonald regarding the dualname of street signs, and most especially the new sign for. N. E. 96th Street and Sbore1and.Blvd. He did not indicate what action will be taken. There was'brief discussion. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P,M, , 4-41a-77 1/44(,&7 ecretary Approve