02-12-1990 Regular Meeting (2)i
February 12, 1990.
This meeting of the Miami Shores Village. Historic. Preservation board -was
held. at the. Miami Shores 'Village Hall. on Monday, February12,1990, This was
a change;from.the regularly. scheduled. `meeting ,of.$onday., .February 12, 1990,
The meeting was . called to order at 7 s35 Pale by Chairmap, - Gaggstatter with the
following members present,
Hank D, . Gaggstattex, 3r,
Pedro Acosta
•Margarita Courtney.
Marty Kern
Margo Newton
January 15, 1990
The minutes of
by Mr, Acosta,
Frank Hegedus
940 N. E, 95th
the meeting of January 15, 1990. were approved. by .a motion made
seconded.by Mrs, Courtney, and passed. unanimously,
Mr. Gaggstatter.indieated•this is the same house -where a Cerificate of
Appropriateness was recently approved..to..change.the french doors... He commented
he went -by to take a. look and, noticed an. excellent job was doneoon the
doors. This reques.t.is for a circular driveway andbe.observed that there
axe no.trees in the way,.the job can'be done. without disturbing any trees,
which .was a concern for Members.
Following brief discussion, Ms. Newton moved toapprove.. the Certificate of
Appropriateness for the circular drivewayin front provided no trees are
removed. Motion was seconded by Marty Kern, and passed unanim0usly.
Mr. Hegedus was not present at the meeting.
Jay Young
287 N. E. 96th St
Mr. Young was present to answer any questions ,piers might have..
Mr. Young is requesting installation of central air conditioning at his home,
and the one unit in question is proposed for the roof over the kitchen. He
explained there is a parapet there.and the condenser willnot show,
Mr. Young answered:Ms Newtons questions regarding the size of the unit and
the stand, also be explained where. the other condensers. will.be placed.
There will be no interior duet work, Also he talked.with.Mr. LuBien who
raised no objections.,, stating it is all within the code, he has no problem
with the request being approved,
Ms. Newton moved to:approve.the. Certificate. of. Appropriateness for eenfkal
air. conditioning with. one condenser going on the. kitchen. roof, Mr. Acosta
seconded_ the motion.w ich.passed unanimously.
There was a great: deal of. discussion: on howl.. •aud where and when the
Certificates r from the. National ,Regster.wpuld be presente&.to homeowners.
Margo'. Newton, Margarita Courtney, and:.Xarty Rern'were. appointed to iron
out the. details. 7ollo ng much' discussion,, it was . decided that the
Cert ficate.w :U be awarded..at the March 20th Council meeting by -the Mayor
who is a former member of this Board,. CAlsolfs, Stofi . aforrer Chairman
is now a Counc lwoman. , A eertifie& letter wil1'be sent: to all homeowners,
notfying.them of the award, and an invitation to a reception which will be
held on the friday- following (March. 2:31.. The reception will be held at a
historic home. in Miami:, Shores and the invitation list is expected to include
all. recipi ents of the Certifieate from the National.Reg':sten:(Approx 241,
Council. Members and their. spouse,,Historic Preservation. Board ;Members and
their spouse, and those who live in homes it is hoped might.be designated.
It was further. noted that Historic Preservation. has a budget tncluded with
Building & Zoning anii these monies will.pay for the reception,
Ms. Newton suggested with .a.fother.Member 'of Historic. Preservation Board
now :Mayor and Marty Stofik,:.COuncilwoman a: former. Chairwoman:,. this new
Council; will be more sympathic to preservation. There was nueh discussion
on the subject of recommending nomination of homes as historic sites with-
out owner consent or signed. covenant. Ms. Newton suggested sending a
certified letter to the owner of historic property advising them of the
recommendation to Couneil. and get it on: the reeord. It was decided to use
the National Register list as a guide, and start with 260 N. E. 96th St.,
and 107 N. E, 96th St.
Marty: Kern did°the write up .and included a picture. of 273 N. E. 98th St.
for the next issue of the Village News which is expected:wiil be sit very soon.
''The next.home to be spotlighted for the Tillage News will be 287 N. E. 96th St,
Jay -Young's home. The write up and pictures will be provided -by Margarita
Mr. Gaggstatter.mentioned.the Renuart House owned by Mr, Koppen who has
indicated he is following through'as interest has been shown::in"designation.
Mrs, :Courtney will -contact Jo Werne of the Miami: Herald regarding an article
on Miaid Shores and;iistoric Preservation in the Home and Design section of
the paper. Members agreed there is much to write about. It was:also mentioned
that Ms... Werne might be invited to the reception.. Mrs. Courtney, indicated
articles. of. this nature would-be a nice boost-to`the Miami,Shores-image.
Pedro::Aeosta.:indicated: a. desire to get into:the trunk to do:.some cataloging.
He also ,will; write an article on the history` of 'Miami Shores .for the 'pillage
News,. It was suggested`he:might..be interested in a.reading list, one book
especially mentioned: was, l'Biscayne Country" by .Thelma. Peters.
• There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
adjourned at 8;3Q P,Id,
jk44 4,9d/1