04-17-1989 Regular Meeting• iami Jhores9 Hage F L OR ID A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD April 17, 1989 A regular meeting of the. Miami Shores Village Historic Preservation Board was held at the Miami Shores Village Hall, on Monday, Ap±ii 17, 1989; The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M, by. Vivian Rodriguez, Chairman, with the following members present; Vivian Rodriguez, Chairman Hank D, Gaggstatter, Jr. Marty Kern • Margo•Newton It was announced that Henry T. Courtney since being. elected Mayor sent in his letter of resignation from the Board. The Village..will be advertising for a new member. 2. NINUTES - FEBRUARY 22, 1989 The minutes of the meeting of February 22, 1989 were approved, as written, by a motion made by Margo Newton, seconded by Marty Kern, and passed by unanimous vote. 3. UPDATE ON INSTALLATION OF PLAQUES It was noted that all the new plaques for locally designated houses have been installed onto the houses. The plaque at 960 N. E. 95 St, Pena residence, was installed on.a post in front where the owners felt it would be more visible. Mrs. Kern suggested that a template be,.supplied to the workers the next time plaques are attached to the house.. Question arose concerning ordering of plaques for properties, designated to the National Register. Mrs. Rodriguez will send a letter to the owners of these rzoftez ; ,.ao9: ;jnv_a combine °rdder be sent in so that a group rate might be obtained. Ms. Newton indicated there were numerous mistakes in address and zip code. The list sent to Council was incorrect. The list as sent from Tallahassee was incorrect.. Mrs. Rodriguez will call Vickie Weld " and also send a letter of concern regarding the matter. She will also send a letter to the Keeper of Records of the National Register to correct the problem. 4. UPDATE ON NEW DESIGNATIONS Mrs. Rodriguez mentioned .that Members were each .given two properties to call on to obtain designation, but no report was. made on this,issue. Most property designations have been requested.'by the Board, and done in a friendly manner, however if procedure is followed there could he. one.ortworecommended for designation each meeting. Ns. Newton suggested. a letter to .the owner of the property being considered, go out to .the. owner two weeks prior to the meeting, this then puts the responsibility of rejecting on the owner. Ms. Newton also mentioned a note be put in the Miami Shores. Village News requesting those who wish to have their homes designated come in. and sign the covenent. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD '-2- 4/17/89 • DISCUSSION:- MEETINGS PER YEAR • r There was considerable discussion concerningthe number of meetings required per year, The Ordinance specifies quarterly. Mrs, Rodriguez indicated there will be a May meeting at which time she will recommend two properties for designation, There will be no June meeting, since most of the Members will be out of town, A workshopwill he .Scheduled for Saturday, April 29, 1989, at 9:00 A.M. DISCUSSION - STORAGE A great deal of discussion ensued concerning purchase of a file cabinet, space to store some of the Historic Preservation materials which have been accumlating. Materials at present in a. trunk at the Library, some with Ms. Newton and some in the storage or map room at Village Hall. It is the wish to assemble these materials in one place. 5. COMMENTS., REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Rodriguez and Ms Newton attended a luncheon by the Dade Heritage Council. Chairman of Historic Boards throughout the County came together and exchanged ideas, etc. Ideas were gleaned on variousmethods of teaching the history of Miami Shores to school children at St. Rose and Miami. Shores Elementary. Ideas and suggestions to review and revive the history of Miami Shores for next fall were mentioned. Ms. Newton announced we are now into Dade Heritage. Days, add many activities and programs are planned. She also mentioned that on May 7, 1989, 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. beginning at the Shores Theatre, the Shores Heritage Cbuncil as part of Dade Heritage will sponsor a tour of Historic. Homes in Miami Shores. Storage of Blueprints was discussed. There is a:real need for space to file opened and flat rather than folded in envelopes.. The purchase of drawer space to file these prints for.iiistorically designatedhomes will be looked into. Discussed. also, Dade Heritage Days souvenir program hasa picture on the cover of 287 N. E. 96 St., Spear Harris house as taken by Hank Gaggstatter. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. a,'1 h;1 ) ��i-�1�1'�('- ecreXary Approved