10-17-1988 Regular Meeting• • • ciami cihores9llage F L OR ID A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD October 17, 1988 A regt,lar meeting of -the Miami Shores Village. Historic Preservation Board was held at the Miami Shores Village Hall, on Monday, ' Oetob er 17, 1988 at 7:45 P.L.,The meeting was called to order by Margo Newton, Chairman, with the following members present: Margo Newton, Chairman Henry T. Courtney Marty Kern Vivian D. Rodriguez Absent: Hank D. Gaggstatter, Jr. 2. MINUTES - AUGUST 15, 1988 The minutes of the meeting of. August 15, 1988 were amended`on page 1, 4-C. from August 22 to. September 22. Vivian Rodriguez madea motion to approve these minutes as amended., seconded by Marty Kern, and passed unanimously. 3. ELECTION.OF CIAIRMAN Ms. Newton called. for. nominations for Chairman. Mr, Courtney nominated Mrs. Rodriguez., seconded by :Mrs. Kern. Nomination was closed and Mrs. Rodriguez was elected_unanimously. 4. NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATIONS Ms. Newton reported she had talked with Vickie Welcher, concerning the Miami Shores Thematic Group Nomination. She .:was advised nominations will be considered at the end of -September, and we should -hear good news by the end of November. A resolution -was sent to the State from the Village. Homeowners were encouraged to participate, additional -action from them would. not be beneficial, at this time.. 5. 61 N. E. 96th St. Henry J. Maruri and Michelle A. Maruri, owners of 61 N. E. 96th St. have signed the Covenant, and it was approved by Council. It now needs to be recorded. Steven and Linda Johnson:of 145 N. E. 95th St.. are considering designation. There are now twenty six (26) Historic Landmark.Designations in Miami Shores. 6. CON NTS,,REPORTS; ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Ms. Newton reported that on Tuesday, October 18,.'19.88, 2:00 P.M., she and Marty Stofik will be meeting with Mr, Konover, owner of the Miami Shores Theatre regarding Historic Designation. It was • • HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD -2- October 17.E 1988 further reported that a property must be designated in order to qualify for certain Grants. Mrs. Rodriguez noted that while the building has, no architectural significance,it does have a historical significance..Also she noted a building does not have to have designation to qualify for a Cultural Grant, which nay be available. B. The Florida. Trust for.:Historic Preservation, Inc. will behaving a Fall Tour on. November 11 - 13th at the Useppa Island Club. The tour will include Boca Grand in Lee,County, Ft. Myers. C. The Miami Shores Theatre grand,, opening is scheduled. for, November 12. Festivities will begin at 7:00 P.M. with;.a;parade...A reenactment of the original opening will take place. The scheduled:showing is for "Blue Skye at $25.00 per couple. D. Ms.. Newton was thanked and given a. round applause.for all her work and efforts as P esld.errtof the Historic.Preservation Board. Chairperson There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. creary