11-26-1984 Regular Meeting• %ami cfhores9fllage F L O R I D . HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD NOVEMBER 26, 1984 A regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Board of Miami Shores Village was held on Monday, November 26, 1984. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman,. Marty Stofik, at 7:30 p.m., at the Miami Shores Village Hall. The following members were present: Marty Stofik, Chairman Henry D. Gaggstatter Margo Newton Ralph Renick - Arrived Tardy Absent: Gregory Anderson 2. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 17, 1984 were approved as written, by a motion made by Mr.. Gaggstatter, seconded by Mrs. Stofik, after she passed the gavel to Mrs. Newton, and carried unanimously. The minutes of the meeting of October 22, 1984 were approved as written, by a motion made by Margo Newton, seconded by Marty Stofik, after passing the gavel to Mr. Gaggstatter, and carried unanimously. 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN - 1984-85 Mr. Gaggstatter moved to nominate Marty Stofik as Chairman for the 1984-85 year, seconded by Mrs. Newton, there being no other nominations,; Mrs. Stofik was elected by a unanimous vote. Ralph Renick arrived at this point. 4. SURVEY PROJECT — PLANNING SESSION Mrs. Stofik informed members that the Grant Agreement has been signed. Outlining the Grant Agreement, and requirements to implement same, Mrs. Stofik noted that a preliminary research report, a review of .literature pertaining to History and Archaeology in the survey area, must be submitted. Also dis- cussed, were the maintaining of finance records relating to financial contributions made by members and others involved in the project, for the matching funds, costs allowable, etc. These requirements must be followed with a monthly progress report. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD -2- Nov.. 26, 1984 Mrs. Stofik further reported that, ground -work has begun. The office space has been made available in the Village Hall, the ad for a consultant has been given to. Mr. Forney for placement. Mrs. Stofik is working with the Downtown Redevelopment Board on the Main Street Project, and at the same time compiling a his- torical over -view of the downtown area. Mrs. Stofik has divid- ed the Village into eight sections, which will be checked by herself and Mrs. Newton for possible nominations. Hank Gaggstatter will make a photography inventory of all properties, and Mr. Renick will review those properties nominated but not designated for lack of owner consent. Further discussion ensued relating to goals of the survey project, and how they should be acheived. In reply to Mr. Renick's query, Mrs. Stofik stated, one of the larger benefits of the survey is that, it will provide a complete inventory of all properties built p.rior.to 1940. Future boards will have a point from which to begin. It will at ,the same time add to the Statewide inventory. 5. DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN - DISCUSSION The Downtown Redevelopment Board will apply for Main Street Status at the Mayor's Task Force meeting, to be held on Wednesday, December 5, 1984, at 8:00 a.m., at the Miami Shores Country Club. Some items to be discussed are: Expansion of the zoned business district, expanding potential parking east and west of second avenue, a quality restaurant in the Village, and restrictions on additional gas stations and liquor stores. The. Main Street Plan will be a Resource proposal, involvingproperty owners and a merchant assistanc4lan to facilitate improvement in the area. Discussion on the six points considered for the Main Street status ensued. Mrs. Stofik stated that she is hopeful, with the help of a Project Manager, we will acheive designation. All members are encouraged to attend this meeting. 6. TABLED NOMINATIONS -DISCUSSION It was the consensus of the members that properties tabled for lack of owner consent should be reconsidered for possible nomi- nation. Mr. Gaggstatter suggested going back and selecting the oldest properties for research. Mrs. Stofik noted she will get a list to Mr. Renick for him to make contact and request the owner to reconsider. Mrs. Stofik further reported, Miami Shores Elementary School has been nominated for designation as a Historic Landmark, along with thirty Dade County Schools. 7. COMMENTS, REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Plaques for the designated properties have been ordered and prompt confirmation has been received. The order has been checked and returned for execution. • • HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD -3- Nov. 26, 1984 2. Coming Meetings: Florida Conference of Preservation Boards & Commission will be hosting an all day Design. Review and Guidelines workshop in Palm Beach on January 11. Members will be notified of the exact location and cost. On January 10, unconfirmed but very probable special Workshop meeting for all Dade County Preservation Boards, co-sponsored by the City of Miami and Dade Council of Preservation Boards. Guest will be Mark Llnch of the National Park Service, who will discuss the Secretary of Interior's stand on rehabilitation, which we have adopted in our ordinances as a basic design. guidelines. If confirmed, this workshop will substitute or take the place of the regular January meeting. Special Florida Conference of Historic Preservation Boards and Commissions, all day workshop on•preservation in small towns and suburbs. March 8, 1985, in Orlando. Mayor's Ball will be held on February 16, 1985, Margo Newton, Chairman. There will be a very important meeting Thursday evening, November 29, 7:30 p.m.-, at the Miami Shores Elementary School. This is a Public Meetingfor all concerned tax- payers and home owners to voice .their concern of the many problems relating to the over -crowding of the School. All members are encouraged to attend as Public Education in our area affects us all. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.. App rove