02-27-1984 Regular Meeting•
Miami cfhorenillage
FPRUJRY 27, 1984
A regular meeting of the liistQrie Preservation Board of Miami
Sbgrea 7 1lage was held on 'Monday, February 27, 1984. The meeting
wae called tQ order at 8;45 p,m, at the Village Hall, with the
fclllpng mmbers present;
Marty Stofik, Chairman
Henry •D, Gaggstatter
Victor D, Griffith
Absent; ,Tames A, Dixon, Jr.
Ralph. Renick
Nies. Stofik advised the Board, she had received a call from
14r. Japes A, Dixon, Jr, stating that he would be unable to attend
the meeting this evening because of a prior commitment. Mr, Ralph
Renick also called tp say he is unable to attend,
2) Minutes of the meeting of.January 23, 1984 were approved as
written by a motion by Mr, Gaggstatter, seconded by Mr. Griffith,
and carried unanimously,
(a) 313 N 92 Street. owner -- 'Dori •Mclntosh
Mr, McIntosh, present at the meeting, stated he was
pleased that his home merits consideration but is especially
interested in Why? Also Mr. McIntosh wished to have the
restrictions on Landmark Designated properties clarified.
Mrs, Stofik outlined a brief description of the site's
relationship to the history, development, architecture and
culture of Miami Shores, She further stated that any change
would have to be architecturally compatible, Mrs.Stofik
called attention to the Secretary of Interiors guidelines,
which are very specific as to limitations, She added that
in searching the files, this structure has been frequently
altered since construction in 1927.
Mr. McIntosh noted that the architectural facade of the house
can only be preserved, realistically speaking, based upon the
second story section built in 1927, Historically, the St,
Rose of Lima Catholic Church began its parish in the house.
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Mr. McIntosh stated that Church services were held in
what is now the living room, and babies were baptized and
confedsionals heard in the bedroom. He stated it is a
very livable and spacious home. Following discussion,
Mr, McIntosh advised the Board, he is not adverse to having
the house recommended for Landmark Designation.
In reply to Mr. McIntosh's query as to the Board's recom-
mendation for designation without owner consent. Mrs. Stofik
advised him that the home owner has been notified of the
consideration and has the opportunity to respond. A recom-
mendation is made by the Historic Preservation Board, the
owner is subsequently contacted for approval before it goes
to Council for final approval.
Th possibility of considering 313, 333, 341, and 357 N. E. 92 St.
as a unit was discussed, It was determined that these properties
can be considered collectively or individually. Mr. Griffith
moved to approve these houses as a unit, providing owner approval
is obtained for all four properties, seconded by Mr, Gaggstatter,
and carried unanimously,
In reply to the question raised by Mrs, Stofik, Chairman, should
any of these houses be considered individually in the event unit
approval is not obtained, the following action is recorded;
(a) 313 N. E. 92 Street; ' owner - Don McIntosh
Mr. Griffith moved to recommend the McIntosh house to the
Village Council for designation as a Historic Landmark,
seconded by 'Nr, Gaggstatter, and carried unanimously.
(b) 333 N. E, 92 Street; owner — Blanch -Clark
A copy of the Landmark Fact Sheet and photographs were
reviewed by the Board. Following discussion the members
agreedl they are very hesitant to designation of this
house individually, The contextual significance are out-
standing. However, it was felt that standing alone this
residence is too new, having been constructed in 1954.
341 N, E. 92 Street, owner — Alice Dickinson
Fact Sheet and photographs. were reviewed, Discussion
followed. No action was taken on the Dickinson house.
(d) 357 N. E, 92 Street, owner - Thomas Beck
Mrs, Stofik stated, this house is the closest to being in
the original condition than any of the four houses consid-
ered, Discussion followed review of the Fact Sheet and
photographs. Upon passing the gavel to Mr. Gaggstatter,
Mrs. Stofik moved to recommend the Thomas Beck house for
Historic Designation, seconded by Mr, Gaggstatter, and
passed unanimously,
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(e) 385 N, E. 96 Street, owner - Dennis Fisher
Mrs. Stofik announced that she had been in contact with
Mr, Fisher. He requested that due to circumstance beyond
his control, consideration of his house be rescheduled
for March.
The following properties are to be discussed at the March 19
These first five properties had been previously tabled:
369 N. E. 97 Street, owner - Michael P, Connolly
9760 N. E. 5 Avenue Road, owner - Mr. & Mrs, Richard Colangelo
501 N, E. 94 Street, owner - Robert Koppen
351 N. E, 105 Street, owner - Mr. & Mrs, Dudley Cawthon
284 N, E, 95 St., owner - Dennis Fisher
Other houses to be considered for designation follow:
257 N. E. 91 Street
1291 N, E. 96 Street
310 N. E. 99 Street - Richard Carl house
For consideration at the April 15 meeting the following properties
will be discussed:
Miami Shores Country Club and Golf Course
1008 N. E. 94 Street
1009 N, E. 94 Street
120 N. E. 91 Street
477 N, E. 92 Street
Mr. Gaggstatter requested this item be tabled until possibly
next month after he has had sufficient time to study it.
Discussion was postponed,
Members reviewed a Memorandum prepared by Mrs. Stofik,
Ret Proposed Incentives.
Following lengthy:'discussion on each item, Mr, Gaggstatter
moved to send a refined list of the recommendations to the
Council for review, seconded by Mr. Griffith, and passed
Discussion of monies realized from Charity Day at the race=
track which are designated to be spent in the State of Florida.
Mrs, Stofik informed the Board that she and Mr. Forney had
drawn up a proposed Grant request for a $5,000,00 Grant from
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the State, This Grant would match $1,500,00 in kind
services, staff support, office space, materials, and
$1,000,00 volunteer time by the Historic Preservation
Board, These funds would be used to conduct an in depth
survey of all the Historic properties built in Miami
Shores before 1945, and potential archeological sites.
Mr, Gagstatter moved to accept the proposed Grant
application as prepared by Mr. Forney and Mrs, Stofik,
seconded by Mr. Griffith, and carried unanimously.
1) Mrs, Stofik announced that the Florida Board of
Historic Preservation and Commission did meet as scheduled
in Tampa, Mrs, Stofik was elected as Chairman of this
Board for another six months until the annual organization-
al meeting in Tampa,
2) April 9, 1984, 12:15 p,m. the Dade County Council
of Historic Preservation Boards, will hold its meeting at
the Miami Womens Club.
3) April 20 - May 20 have been designated as Dade
Heritage Days in Dade County.
4) The weekend of April 27 - 29 has been designated
as the weekend for the N. E. District. Some events planned
for Miami Shores are:
(a) Open House -.Tebb tt House
(b) Historical Display at Brockway Library
(c) The persons who operate the Art Gallery at the
Miami Shores Country Club will do a special
show of Historic buildings in Miami Shores.
(d) Possible tour of Historic sites in -Miami Shores
Mrs. Stofik will research this possibility.
Mrs, Stofik stated that details will be mailed on Dade
Heritage Days and all activities planned around Dade County,
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p,m,.
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