05-05-2005 Regular MeetingMINUTES
Miami Shores Village
May 5, 2005
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Code Enforcement Board was held on
Thursday May 5, 2005, at the Miami Shores Village Hall. The meeting was called to
order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Barry Perl.
Barry Perl, Chairman
Manny Quiroga
Robert Vickers
John Busta
Rod Buenconsejo
John Patnik
Barry Asmus
ALSO PRESENT: Al Berg, Code Enforcement and Planning and Zoning Director
Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney
Mike Orta, Code Enforcement Officer
Anthony Flores, Code Enforcement Officer
Emilia S Palmer, Administrative Assistant
All persons testifying were sworn in at this time.
Case: 2005-05815
Owner: Samuel & Teresa Tamayo
Address160 NE 95 St
Section: Bldg. 6-4
Violations: Unauthorized Construction/Alteration.
The officer, Mike Orta, explained the nature of the violation and testified that the
violation still existed on the property. Pictures were submitted as evidence. Officer Orta
stated that Public Works had noticed a driveway installation with a two year old expired
permit. Mr. Samuel Tamayo was there to present the case. Mr. Tamayo agreed that he
was in violation and stated that he already applied for a permit. He also requested an
extansion. Officer Orta stated that the sidewalk needed some repairs. After discussion
from the Board Mr. Busta moved for a finding of fact and a conclusion of law that a
violation exists according to Section Bldg 6-4 of the Miami Shores Village Code. The
violator shall correct the violation by June 1, 2005 and immediately notify the Code
Enforcement Officer when the property is brought into compliance. If compliance is not
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completed by the specified time, the Code Enforcement Officer is to report back to the
Board and the Board may then assess a fine against the violator in the amount of $50.00
per a day thereafter. This will constitute a lien on the property of the violator. Costs in
the amount of $15.00 per violation were assessed to recoup the Village's expenses in
prosecuting the violations to date. Mr. Patnik seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.
Case: 2005-05796
Owner: Donald W Stobs Jr
Address: 9505 NE 2 Ave
Section: 20-17; 520 (i)
Violation: Failure to Maintain Parkway.
The officer, Mike Orta, explained the nature of the violation and testified that the
violation still existed on the property. Pictures were submitted as evidence. Mr. Orta
explained that the driveway and swale area is deteriorated. He also stated that the
driveway was previously installed without a permit. Mr. Donald Stobs was there to
present the case. Mr. Stobs doesn't agree with violation. Mr. Stobs stated that he is not
responsible on maintain the swale area of the property. Chairman Perl explained that the
area between the sidewalk and the swale area is the owner responsibility to maintain it,
even though is the city property. Mr. Busta moved for a finding of fact and a conclusion
of law that a violation exists according to Section 20-17 and 520 (i) of the Miami Shores
Village Code. The violator shall correct the violation by July 6, 2005 and immediately
notify the Code Enforcement Officer when the property is brought into compliance. If
compliance is not completed by the specified time, the Code Enforcement Officer is to
report back to the Board and the Board may then assess a fine against the violator in the
amount of $25.00 per day thereafter. This will constitute a lien on the property of the
violator. Costs in the amount of $15.00 per violation are hereby assessed to recoup the
Village's expenses in prosecuting the violations to date. Mr. Vickers seconded the
motion. Motion passed 7-0.
Case: 2005-05622
Owner: Anita Pena
Address: 29 NW 99 ST
Section: 400/401 and Bldg. 6-4
Violation: Violation of Schedule of Regulations and Unauthorized
The officer, Anthony Flores, explained the nature of the violation and testified that the
violation still existed on the property. Pictures were submitted as evidence. Officer stated
that 50% of the pavers had been removed. Mr. William Wells was there representing
Anita Pena. Mr. Wells agreed that the violation exists. Mr. Wells stated that he needed
more time to correct the violation. Mr. Asmus made a motion to table. Mr. Buenconsejo
seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.
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Case: 2005-05623
Owner: Anita Pena
Address: 29 NW 99 ST
Section: 537
Violation: Landscaping Design & Maintenance
Section: 537 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
Violation: Maintenance Standards
The officer, Anthony Flores, explained the nature of the violation and testified that the
violation still existed on the property. Pictures were submitted as evidence. Officer Flores
testified that the owner is working on removing the vine of the roof and fixing the back
yard landscaping. Mr. Williams Wells was there representing Anita Pena. Mr. Wells
agreed that the violation exists. Mr. Wells stated that he needed more time to correct the
violation. After discussion from the Board, Mr. Vickers moved for a finding of fact and a
conclusion of law that a violation exists according to Section 537 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) of
the Miami Shores Village Code. The violator shall correct the violation in 60 days and
immediately notify the Code Enforcement Officer when the property is brought into
compliance. If compliance is not completed by the specified time, the Code Enforcement
Officer is to report back to the Board and the Board may then assess a fine against the
violator in the amount of $25.00 per day thereafter. This will constitute a lien on the
property of the violator. Costs in the amount of $15.00 per violation are hereby assessed
to recoup the Village's expenses in prosecuting the violations to date. Mr. Busta
seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-1. Mr. Patnik voted no
Case: 2005-05664
Owner: Etzer & Josette Zamor
Address: 45 NE 104 ST
Section: 521 (a) (1) a;
Violation: Unlawful Loose Material
The officer, Anthony Flores, explained the nature of the violation and testified that the
violation still existed on the property. Pictures were submitted as evidence. Officer stated
that gravel material is present in the driveway and approach. Mr. Etzer Zamor and
Mrs.Josette Zamor were there to present the case. Mr. Zamor agreed that the violation
exists. Mr. Sarafan read Sections 521 (b) (1) (a), and explained that gravel driveways had
always been prohibited in Miami Shores. Mr. Zamor feels that the driveway is
grandfathered in. After further discussion Mr. Patnik stated that on 1992 courtesy's
notices were issue to all residents with gravel driveways, and it was advertised in the
newspaper. Mr.Quiroga moved for a finding of fact and a conclusion of law that a
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violation exists according to Section 521 (b) (1)(a) of the Miami Shores Village Code.
The violator shall correct the violation by July 6, 2005 and immediately notify the Code
Enforcement Officer when the property is brought into compliance. If compliance is not
completed by the specified time, the Code Enforcement Officer is to report back to the
Board and the Board may then assess a fine against the violator in the amount of $15.00
per violation a day thereafter. This will constitute a lien on the property of the violator.
Costs in the amount of $15.00 per violation are hereby assessed to recoup the Village's
the Village's expenses in prosecuting the violations to date. Mr. Patnik seconded the
motion. Motion passed 7-0.
Summary Adiudication:
Case's# 2004-05200, 05266, 05438, 05466,05531, 05573, 05574, 05597, 05647, 05650,
05668, 05689, 05690, 05700, 05763, 05765, 05805, 05809, 05824, 05832, 05843, 05906,
Chairman Perl read each case and address into the record and asked if anyone else was
present. No one was present.
The Mr. Berg testified that Affidavits of Non -Compliance and evidence of violation
existed in each of the files.
Mr. Quiroga made a motion for a summary adjudication of all such cases to include a
finding of fact and conclusion of law that a violation exists as charged in the respective
notice of violations issued therein and that, in each case, the offending party will correct
the violation within the time period specified by the staff in the staff recommendations
for these hearings, and will immediately notify the code enforcement officer when the
property is brought into compliance. In each such case, if the violation is not brought
into compliance within such time periods, the code enforcement officer may report this
back to the Board in accordance with the Board's rules and regulations at which time a
fine is hereby authorized to be automatically assessed against the violator in the amount
of $50.00 daily specified in staff s recommendations for tonight's hearing, starting on the
date of compliance ordered by the Board, which will constitute a lien on the property of
the violator. Further, with respect to each of the cases, costs in the amount of $15.00
specified in staffs recommendations for tonight's hearings are hereby assessed in order
to recoup the Village's expenses in prosecuting the violations to date. Mr. Vickers
seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0
Summary Adjudication:
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Case's#:2004-05224, 05290, 05292, 05394, 05435, 05443, 05451, 05452, 05472, 05560,
05562, 05648, 05649, 05779, 05942.
Mr. Quiroga moved for a summary adjudication of all such cases to include a finding of
fact and conclusion of law that a violation exists as charged in the respective notice of
violations issued therein and that, in each case, the offending party shall correct the
violation within the time period specified by the staff in the Staff recommendations for
these hearings, and shall immediately notify the Code Enforcement Officer when the
property is brought into compliance. In each such case, if the violation is not brought
into compliance within such time period, the Code Enforcement Officer may report this
back to the Board in accordance with the Board's rules and Regulations at which time a
fine is hereby authorized to be automatically assessed against the violator in the
respective daily amounts specified in Staff s recommendations for tonight's hearing,
retroactive to the original compliance deadline, which will constitute a lien on the
property of the violator. Further, with respect to each case, costs in the amounts specified
in Staffs recommendations for tonight's hearings are hereby assessed in order to recoup
the Village's expenses in prosecuting the violations to date. Mr. Buenconsejo seconded
the motion. Motion passed 7-0.
Case: 2005-05516
Owner: Nicolle Guillet
Address: 25 NE 103rd St
The property owner, Nicolle Guillet, was there to present the case. Mrs. Guillet made an
offer of $100.00.Mr. Guillet stated that the items were removed from the property. After
brief discussion, Mr. Quiroga made a motion to remove the fines and to pay the
administrative fee of $30.00, to be paid within 30 days or it will reverse to original
amount. Mr. Buenconsejo seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-2. (Mr. Asmus and
Chairman Perl voting no.)
Case# 2003-04743, 4741, 4742
Owner: Joseph and Ketly Telcine.
Address: 9426 NW 2nd Ave
The property owner, Ketly Telcine was there to present the cases. The property owners
made an offer of $1,500.00. Mr. Telcine stated that they have completed all the
violations. Mr. Berg presented pictures to the boar and explained that the property had
several rooms for rental. After discussion from the board Mr. Asmus made a motion to
deny the offer of $1,500.00. Mr. Quiroga seconded. Motion passed 7-0. Chairman Perl
explained that the property owner could come back at another meeting with a new offer.
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Case: 2003-04366
Owner: Nancy Sullivan
Address: 270 NE 100 St.
The property owner, Nancy Sullivan and her attorney Richard Goldman. were there to
present the case. Mrs. Sullivan made an offer of $100.00 to release the lien. Mr. Goldman
stated that her client had complied on time. He also stated that she tried to contact the
officer several times. After a brief discussion, Mr. Quiroga made a motion to accept
the staff recommendation of 200.00 to be paid within 10 days or it will reverse to
original amount. Mr. Buenconsejo seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-2. (Mr.
Asmus and Mr. Patnik voted no.)
Case: 2004-05256
Owner: Bruno Libonatti
Address: 10401 NE 6 Ave
The property owner, Bruno Libonatti was there to present the case. Mr. Libonatti made
an offer of $100.00 to release the lien. Mr. Libonatti stated that after he had applied for a
permit he was under the impression that he had more time, due that the permit expired in
six months. After a brief discussion, Mr. Quiroga made a motion to accept the staff
recommendation of $250.00 to be paid in 5days or it will reverse to original amount.
Mr. Patnik seconded the motion. Motion passed 6-1. Mr. Asmus voted no.
Case# 2000-01941,1081, 3319
Owner: Jean & Elvia Romelus
Address: 201 NW 91 ST
The property owner, Elvia Romelus was there to present the cases. Officer Orta testified
that he wrote up for the same violation for the doors and windows. Mrs. Romelus stated
that she wasn't aware of the violation. After brief discussion from the Board, Mr.
Asmus made a motion to deny the request. Mr. Patnick seconded. Motion passed
6-1. (Mr. Busta voted no). Chairman Perl explained that the property owner could come
back at another meeting with a new offer.
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1. A) April , 2005 MINUTES:
Mr. Quiroga made a motion to approve the April 7, 2005 minutes with amended
corrections. Mr. Buenconsejo seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor.
The next meeting will be on June 2, 2005
Mr. Busta made a motion for adjournment. Mr. Quiroga seconded the motion. Motion
passed 7-0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM
Emilia Palmer, Recording Secretary Barry Perl, Chairman
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