08-06-1992 Regular Meeting• • • CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING August 6, 1992 A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Code Enforcement Board. was held on August 6, 1992 at 7;30 P.M, at the Miami Shores Village Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Asmus, Chairman, with the following members present; Barry K Asmus, Chairman Margaret Burch Thomas J. Caldwell Owen Henderson, 111 Daniel B. Owens John L, Patnik, Jr. John L. Stokesberry Also present; Pierre RocheA& Richard Trumble, Code Enforcement Inspectors. Absent; Frank LuBien, Code Enforcement Director 1, MINUTES JULY 2, 1992 The minutes of the meeting of July 2, 1992 were approved, as written, by a motion made by Mrs, Burch, seconded by Mr, Stokesberry, and passed by unanimous vote, Mr, Roche and Mr, Trumhle were sworn in for testimony of the evening, 2. REQUEST FOR RELIEF, CASE #0.Q2519 BUSINESS FROM RESIDENCE SEVERE DELVA, 8 NW 93rd ST, Mrs, De.lva was sworn in, Members of the Board reviewed pictures of the violation, A`tr, Roche,, interpreted for ,Nits, Debra, She .said she did not correct the violation earlier because she neither reads nor speaks "English_ and ignored the. mail, Also she was in Haiti part of the time, Mr, Roche stated that he had previous conversation with Airs.. Delve and made it clear what, the violation was, and the consequence of not, correcting the Violation. Mr. Henderson made a motion to deny the appeal, seconded by Mr. Stokesberry, and passed unanimously, 3, REQUEST FOR RELIEF, CASE NO, 002655 INOPERABLE VEHICLE ON PREMISES EDITH. FERNANDEZ, 148 NW 96th ST, Mrs, Fernandez daughter, Monica appeared for her mother and was sworn in, Pictures of the inoperable vehicle were viewed by the Members. The vehicle belongs to Monica and she has had a tow truck move it, She was advised to bring in her receipt from the towing company and advise Members when the violation was corrected, Mr. Stokesberry madea motion that the appeal he denied at this time, and that she bring in her receipt and reappeal in September, The motion was seconded by Mrs, Burch and passed by unanimous roll call vote, • • CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MTG. -2.. 8/6/92 4. HEARING, CASE NO. 002692 UNSIGHTLY FASCIA, SOFFIT, HOUSE EXTERIOR REBECCA J. MOORE, 9118 NE 5th AVE Kenneth J. Nichols was present and sworn in,. Mt. Jr, Trurnhle reported that 1�7r, Nichols is in compliance as of today. He had previously given him a 3Q day extension, Mr. Nichols stated, in response to query, that he did not correct the violation sooner because he is a procrastinator, Mr. Henderson made a motion to dismiss the case, Mrs. Burch seconded the motion, and it passed by a 6/1 vote, Mr. Stokesberry voted no, 5. HEARING, CASE NO, 002759 UNSIGHTLY, FASCIA, SOFFIT, HOUSE EXTERIOR CHARLES RICHTER, JR., 21 NW 101st ST The case. was presented by Nr, Roche who also stated that he has had no contact with. Mr, Richter, Mr. Richter was sworn in, He stated he moved out after living in the house for 31 years, His mother will.be returning to live in the house, Mr. Richter has not received any of the mail,, He has engaged a yard man, fumigator, and a roofer and wants:to correct all the violations and will do so with an extension of time, Also he needs to attend a Planning & Zoning Board meeting bedause of the shingle. roof an the house.. Mt. Henderson made a motion to allow 90 days; for Mr, Eichter to come into compliance., seconded by Mr, Stokesberry, and passed unanimously, 6. HEARING, CASE NO, _ 00278a. UNLATd1FUL SIGN ON P S $ JANE DENTICO, 928Q BISCAYNE.BLVD Jane Dentico was sworn in, Mr. Trumble presented. the case, as Members viewed pictures of the violation, Mrs, Dentico quoted from another section of the code, which: she believes ib the charge, Also that such shouldpermit her to have the existing sign. There was much discussion on the two codes. Nr. Stokesberry moved to suspend action until they receive an opinion from the Village Attorney, Mr. Fann, and Mr. Frank LuBien. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Burch, and passed unanimously. 7, HEARING,.CASE NO, 002797 GENERAL UNSIGHTLINESS 560 N.:E, 103rd ST, JACQUES LORENCEAU Richard Trumble stated that Mrs Laschhas the listing but he has had no contact with her. Mr, Stokesberry made"a motion.for Finding of Fact that a violation does exist, Conclusion of Law this is a violation of Sec 10,1 of the Miami Shores Village Code of Ordinances, ordered that a_.$.110,0Q Administrative fee be assessed and $25,00 per day after 30 days, if the violation is not corrected. The motion was seconded by Mr, Henderson, and passed unanimously, CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MTC • The meeting adjourned at 8;20 P,M, • • r/ -14,4d 8/6/92