03-05-1992 Regular Meeting• CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING March. 5, 1992 A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Code Enforcement Board was held on March 5, 1992 at 7:35 P.M.'at the Miami Shores'Village Hall, The meeting was called to order. by John Stokesberry, Vice Chairman, with the following members present: Barry. K. Asmus, Chairman (Arrived at 7:45 PM) John L. Stokesberry, Vice Chairman Margaret Burch. Thomas J. Caldwell John L, Patnik, Jr, Daniel B, Owens Absent; Owen D, Henderson Also present: Frank LuBien., Director of Code Enforcement Pierre Roche, Code Enforcement Inspector Richard Trumble, Code Enforcement Inspector 1. MINUTES -, FEBRUARY 6, 1992 The minutes of the meeting of February 6tb, 1992 were approved by a motion made by Mrs. Burch, seconded by Mr. Owens, and carried unanimously. 2. HEARING, CASE NO. 002377 UNSIGHTLY FASCIA, SOFFIT, HOUSE EXTERIOR 9600 North Miami Avenue OWNER: CARLOS 14, SANCHEZ Included in Members" packet regarding the case were the Hearings as discussed in the minutes of 11/7/91 and 1,2/92, Sworn in were Carlos Sanchez, Mr. LuBien, Mr, Roche, & Mr. Trumble. Mr. LuBien stated the work on the addition has stopped. Nr. Carlos Sanchez noted, the good news is that the house is now inhis name, He still does not have the funds to complete all he wants to do but, is expecting an income tax refund soon and will be able to at least complete the outside of the house, He estimates he can complete the work in a month or two. Mr, Sanchez stated, the case began approximately December 1991, it is a two bedroom house. He has '.taken in a room mate. He tried, but was un- able to sell the house, he replied to query. Members reviewed pictures of the violation. After further discussion, Mrs, Burch moved totable the hearing to the May meeting, seconded by Mr. Patnik, The motion failed by a 3/2 vote. Mr, Caldwell made a motion for Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law a violation exists to Sec 12-133, Ordered an Administrative fee of $110.00 be assessed, and 90 days granted for compliance, after which $25.00 per day fine will be levied, Nr Caldwell further noted all permits Must be obtained and it is unacceptable for the house to look like this in Miami Shores. The motion was seconded by Mrs, Burch, and carried by a ro],l call vote of 5. Nr. Asmus refrained from voting, as he arrived during the discussion. 3, HEARING, CASE NO. 002535 UNSIGHTLY FASCIA, SOFFIT, HOUSE EXTERIOR 1201 N, E, 100th. ST OWNER: ELVA A. PACHECO Mr. Trumble in introducing the case, stated the violation has been corrected, Mr. Caldwell made a motion to dismiss the case, seconded by Mrs, Burch, the motion passed unanimously. • CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REG MTG -2- 3/5/92 4. HEARING, CASE NO. 002515 PET LIMITATION AND CONTROL 160 N. E. 102nd STREET OWNER: FREDERICA MACERA In presenting the case, Mr, Roche stated compliance ia not met, there are still numerous cats at this residence, Mr. & firs. Macera were sworn in, Mrs. Macera read a statement testifying as to how she had.belped Gail Macdonald. She noted they were not aware of the code, Mrs, Macera further stated the violation complaints are racially motivated and that the ten cats are well taken care of and all operated on. Mrs, Macera also noted others in Miami Shores have morecats than allowed by code, She was informed that not being aware of the code does not change the code, it is still a violation,. Alsoshe was informedshe.migbt talk to Ms Macdonald about.having Real. Estate people give new residents a copy of the codes. She also was told that these others she reported, who:have too many cats, would be checked.if she would just give the address toIMr, LuBien, Mr. Stokesberry moved for Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law a violation exists to Sec 5--22. Ordered that $110..00 Administrative fee be assessed, and if the violation is not corrected in thirty days, a fine of $25.00 per day will become effective, The motion was seconded by Mrs. Burch. Mr. Daniel Owens noted that in some previous cases compassion was shown to new owners by waiving the $110.00 Administrative fee, and offered an amend- ment to this effect, This was accepted by Mr. Stokesberry and Mrs, Burch, the vote was called and the motion passed unanimously, Mr.. Asmus explained the Boards action for Mr. & Mrs, Macera, 5. HEARING, CASE N0. 002542 UNLAWFUL ROOFING MATERIALS 1276 N. E, 93rd STREET OWNER: SARAH C. SHEPHERD Mr. Trumble presented the facts, stating there are still no tiles on the roof, Members reviewed pictures of the violation, Mr, Shepher&was sworn in, He stated the roofer who began the work left town. He called another roofer who informed him to call an exterminator. Truly Nolen will be tinting the house for termites, He:,bas obtained financing to complete. .the work, but now needs to secure the services of a roofer, Following discussion, Mr, Owens moved for Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law a violation exists to Sec 225 of Miami Shores Village Code. Ordered an Administrative fee of $110,OO.be assessed, and $25;00 per day fine be levied if not corrected in 60 days. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Burch, and carried unanimously. 6, HEARING, CASE NO.. 002549 UNSIGHTLY FASCIA, SOFFIT, HOUSE EXTERIOR 1110 N;. E,. _104th STREET OWNER: GREGORY MARBURCH TENANT:..DOMINIC NICOLAU 2i'r, LuBien introduced:the. case giving some: background information, He stated. Mr, Marburgh.wrote.,a letter that hecould not attend this meeting, be- cause he will be out of the country, Mr, Nicolau is renting with the option to buy, and he is trying to have'him evicted because of a poor record of main- taining the property. • • • • CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REG MTG -3- 3/5/92 Mrs. Burch made a .motion for Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law, a violation exists to Sec 12-133, ordered that an Administrative fee of $110.00 be assessed, and $25.00 per day if the violation is not corrected in 30 days, Mr. Stokesberry seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 7. HEARING CASE NO 002555 FAILURE TO OBTAIN AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 9628 N. E. 2nd AVE, #E OWNER: TRAVELAND, INC Mr. Roche reported an occupational license still has not been obtained. No one was present to represent Traveland, Inc, Mr. Stokesberry made a motion for Finding of Fact and Conclusion of Law there is a violation to Sec 14-17, Ordered that an Administrative fee of $110.00 be assessed and if a license is not obtained in 30 days a fine of $25.00 per day will become effective. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caldwell and carried unanimously. 8. HEARING, CASE NO, 002552 FAILURE TO OBTAIN AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 9301 N. E. 6th AVE #C317 OWNER: MELVIN GLASS Mr. Trumble reported that Mr. Glass has obtained an Occupational License, and also paid the delinquency charge. Mrs. Burch moved to dismiss the case, seconded by Mr. Stokesberry the motion carried. unanimously, 9. HEARING, CASE NO. 002578 UNLAWFUL OUTDOORS USE 104 N. W. 102nd STREET OWNER: MATHiIEU LEVY DESIR Mr..Roche noted the violation has been corrected, but after the date of 2/25/92. Members reviewed pictures, Mr, LuBien noted Mathieu Levy Desir is technically in..compliance, but there is another violation, Mrs. Burch.made a motion that an Administrative fee of $110,00 be assessed, seconded by Mr. Patnik the motion carried unanimously, i The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM, cre ary Approved Barry