01-07-2014 Regular Meeting• MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE • 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2207 Fax: (305) 756.8972 E-mail: EstepBeMiamiShoresViflage.com Barbara Estep, MMC Village Clerk MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING The Miami Shores Village Council held their regularly scheduled Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 in the Council Chambers of Village Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM with the following individuals present: PRESENT: Herta Holly Jesse Walters Hunt Davis Ivonne Ledesma Jim McCoy ALSO PRESENT: Tom Benton, Village Manager Barbara Estep, Village Clerk Jesus Suarez, Acting Village Attorney PRESENTATIONS Mayor Holly announced the winners of the Holiday Light Contest: Major Light Display Carlos Luzcando Children's Light Display Eklund & Jeanne Glenwood Most Creative Display Pam Marmin Daytime Light Display Peraza & Silvia Guillermo Small Light Display Jerry & Sally Pumo ABSENT: Richard Sarafan CONSIDERATIONS 1) VILLAGE CLERK Barbara A. Estep A) APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 3, 2013 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. Councilman Davis requested a minor change to the first sentence of Item 3B and then moved approval of the Minutes as amended. Councilman McCoy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. • 2) VILLAGE MANAGER Tom Benton A) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A FUND BALANCE TRANSFER FOR AQUATIC CENTER REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE. • • • Mr. Benton explained the need for repairs and maintenance on the Shipwreck Cove structure and the possible savings to the Village if we contract for all the repairs at once rather than spreading them out over 2-3 years. Mr. Benton indicated that the Administration is requesting that additional funds be allocated from the Fund Balance to offset the difference in approved Capital Project funding and the quoted cost to refurbish and repair. In response to questions posed by Councilwoman Ledesma, Mr. Benton stated that major structural work had not been done since the Center opened in 1999 and that the repairs and refurbishing would hopefully last another 10 years. Recreation Director, Jerry Estep, indicated that the original manufacturer of the structure would be the company performing the maintenance. Councilman McCoy moved to approve the Fund Balance transfer as requested in order to complete necessary repairs and maintenance at the Aquatic Center. Councilman Davis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 3) VILLAGE COUNCIL A) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION BY COUNCIL REGARDING ENDING THE REQUIREMENT THAT MIAMI THEATER CENTER HAVE A SECURITY GUARD OUTSIDE THE THEATER DURING MOVIE SCREENINGS. Vice Mayor Walters Vice Mayor Walters briefly explained the purpose of the agenda item, indicating that with the success of the Theater's film presentations and the lack of problems encountered during the movie showings at the Theater, he is proposing that the Council imposed condition of requiring a security guard be present for the movie screenings be removed from the Special Conditional Use Permit. Ms. Elaiza Irizarry, Executive Director of the Miami Theater Center was present and spoke on behalf of the Theater. Ms. Irizarry indicated that the change in conditions would provide financial relief for the Theater amounting to approximately $1,000 per month. It was confirmed that Vice Mayor Walters was not proposing any other amendments to the Permit's conditions. Councilman McCoy stated that he would like to have Ms. Irizarry appear before the Council and provide an update of the Theater's operations prior to renewal of the Special Conditional Use Permit. Ms. Estep, the Village Clerk, requested that the Council consider having the annual Permit coincide with the Village's fiscal year. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Davis moved to 1) accept the recommendation of Vice Mayor Jesse Walters to remove the requirement for the security guard to be hired for movie presentations; 2) adjust the Permit date parameters to coincide with the fiscal year (10-1 through 9-30); and 3) have a Theater representative provide the Council with an operational update prior to renewal of the Special Conditional Use Permit. Vice Mayor Walters seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SUBMISSION OF A GRANT PROPOSAL TO MIAMI DADE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING FUNDS FOR A BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN STUDY. Councilman Davis Councilman Davis summarized the request for submission of a grant application, indicating that the Council had been provided with a draft copy of the application. Councilman Davis confirmed that the funds being requested in order to conduct a study had been reduced from $80,000 (Village's allocated portion of $16,000) to $60,000 (Village's allocated portion of $12,000) and stated his belief that $60,000 is a more realistic figure for the proposed study. Discussion centered around the Council ensuring that they were committing only to funding the percentage of matching grant funds to complete a study. Following the Council's discussions, Vice Mayor Walters moved to direct staff to submit the MPO grant application for funds to be used for a pedestrian/bicycle program study. Councilman McCoy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 4) ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Estep read the announcements. • • 5) PUBLIC COMMENTS Residents John Camp, Patrice Gillespie -Smith and Alice Burch all spoke of the MPO grant and thanked the various residents that helped with the application as well as the Administration and Staff for their cooperation and assistance in compiling data for the application. 6) COUNCIL COMMENTS Hunt Davis Councilman Davis thanked the Council for their consideration of the MPO grant and wished his wife a Happy Birthday. Jim McCoy Councilman McCoy wished everyone a Happy New Year. Yvonne Ledesma Councilwoman Ledesma spoke of Marathon's bike paths, welcomed interne viewers and wished everyone Happy New Year. Jesse Walters Vice Mayor Walters announced the Chamber's Citizen of the Year nominee, Susan Ackley, who will be honored at the annual Chamber Gala in February. Herta Holly Mayor Holly spoke of the New Year and a presentation on Afghanistan by resident Michael Sheppard who is currently home on leave from his military duties. In addition, Mayor Holly advised that the Baptist Church has a new pastor, Christopher Hudson. 7) ADJOURNMENT The January 7, 2014 Council Meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM. Barbara A. Estep, MMC Village Clerk Herta Holly, Mayor