12-03-2013 Regular MeetingBarbara Estep, MMC Village Clerk IVliami Shores Viiiage Office of the Village Clerk 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2207 Fax: (305) 756.8972 E-mail: EstepB@MiamiShoresVillage.com MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING The Miami Shores Village Council held their regularly scheduled Council Meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 in the Council Chambers of Village Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM with the following members present: PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: Herta Holly Jesse Walters Hunt Davis Ivonne Ledesma Jim McCoy Tom Benton, Village Manager Barbara Estep, Village Clerk Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney CONSIDERATIONS 1) VILLAGE CLERK Barbara A. Estep A) APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 19, 2013 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. Councilman Davis moved approval of the November 19, 2013 Council Meeting Minutes. Vice Mayor Walters seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 2) VILLAGE MANAGER Tom Benton A) RATIFICATION OF FPE CONTRACT. Mr. Benton advised the Council that the FPE members had voted to approve the new contract which includes the Cost of Living Adjustment and for some individuals, the salary adjustment which was outlined in the recently completed compensation study. Councilman McCoy moved to ratify the FPE Union contract. Councilman Davis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING LIVE STREAMING VIDEO OF COUNCIL MEETINGS ON THE VILLAGE WEBSITE. Mr. Benton reviewed cost information relating to providing live streaming video and archiving of Council Meetings on the Village's website. Council Members spoke of their reasons for wanting the Council Meetings to be available via the website, siting accessibility as a major purpose. Following the discussions, Councilman Davis moved to instruct the Village Manager to implement the live streaming video program and install the system as soon as practicable. Councilman McCoy seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 3) VILLAGE COUNCIL A) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING UPDATING OUR RECYCLING PROGRAM WITH THE USE OF RECYCLING CARTS INSTEAD OF RECYCLING BINS. Ivonne Ledesma Councilwoman Ledesma introduced the item, indicating her reasons for proposing the use of recycling carts rather than the current recycling bin system. Councilwoman Ledesma cited difficulty in handling the bins and carrying them to the curb for smaller stature individuals, and the elderly or physically challenged, the fact that the carts would have a larger capacity for recycling materials and the perception that people care more about recycling because the container would be approximately the same size as a garbage can. Ms. Ledesma stated that she would like the Village Administration to study the issue and report back to the Council. Council Members expressed their views regarding the request, including the fact that the Village had looked into changing over to the carts and the associated recycling trucks that would be required to utilize the larger carts versus the bins, the need to have pick-up at the curb rather than in the alleys, and the large capital investment needed to make such a change. Mr. Benton offered a brief history of the Village's recycling program and indicated that just as is the case with the regular garbage pick-up, if a resident requires assistance with their garbage cans, the Village can assist them with their recycling bin as well. Councilwoman Ledesma stated that she would like to be able to look at real numbers with respect to costs and long-term savings. Following the discussions, Vice Mayor Walters moved to ask the Village Manager to conduct a study regarding the use of recycling carts. Ms. Ledesma seconded the motion. The vote was two to three in favor of the motion and therefore the motion failed. B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING FUNDING FOR A BIKE/PEDESTRIAN STUDY GRANT. Hunt Davis Councilman Davis introduced the item, stating that there is a group of interested individuals that would like the Village to submit a grant application to the County for the purpose of conducting a study on bicycle and pedestrian issues. Councilman Davis indicated that he is looking to see whether or not the Council would be willing to fund the required percentage match should the grant application be approved. Council members expressed a number of concerns with the proposal but were generally in favor of the grant application. It was clarified that although a number of residents have volunteered to complete the application, the Village would need to endorse and submit the application. The application deadline date was discussed and the need to re - agenda the item for the January 7, 2014 Council Meeting. At the conclusion of the discussions, the consensus of the Council was to review the completed application and determine whether committing the required match would be appropriate at that time. 4) ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Estep read the announcements. Mayor Holly advised that the Miami Dade League of Cities was asking for an alternate representative to be named and asked for a Council colleague to volunteer to represent the Village in case she was unable to attend functions. Councilman McCoy volunteered and it was the consensus of the Council to name Councilman McCoy as the alternate director for the League. 5) PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comment was offered. • j • 6) COUNCIL COMMENTS • Ivonne Ledesma Councilwoman Ledesma wished everyone Happy Holidays and that she is looking forward to a great 2014. She thanked the Village's employees and volunteers for their work on behalf of the Village. Jesse Walters Vice Mayor Walters recognized the El Portal Councilman that was in the audience and extended a thank you to the County, and especially Commission Edmonson, for paving N.E. 2nd Avenue from 103`d Street north. Jim McCoy Councilman McCoy wished everyone a Happy Holiday. Hunt Davis Councilman Davis wished everyone a Happy and safe Holiday season. Herta Holly Mayor Holly spoke of the Mayor's Gala and thanked the Gala Chair and Committee. Wished everyone a safe and Happy Holiday. 7) ADJOURNMENT The Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Council Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Barbara A. Estep, MMC Village Clerk