04-07-2009 Regular Meeting• Barbara Estep, MMC VILLAGE' CLERK MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE Office of the Village Clerk 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2207 Fax: (305) 756.8972 E-mail: EstepB aeMiamiShoresVillaae.com • • MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING The Miami Shores Village Council heldtheir regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 in the Council Chambers of Village Hall. The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM with the following Council Members present: PRESENT: Herta Holly Steve Loffredo Hunt Davis Prospero Herrera JC Rodriguez ALSO PRESENT: Tom Benton, Village Manager Barbara Estep, Village Clerk Richard Sarafan, Village Attorney CONSIDERATIONS 1) PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT David Dacquisto A) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING AMENDING THE VILLAGE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES, ZONING APPENDIX SECTION 523.1, TO PERMIT CHICKEES IN THE VILLAGE. Mr. Dacquisto summarizedthe background information regarding the chickee matter, indicating that the Council had instructed the Planning & Zoning Board to review the current ordinance to consider an amendment which would allow chickee huts. The Planning & Zoning Boardheld meetings/public hearings and recommends that the code not be amended. Mr. Dacquisto indicated that the Staff Report provides that if the Council wants to allow chickees, restrictions and provisions are containedin his report. Mr. Loffredo moved approval of proposed ordinance as submitted in the Staff Reportwith the stipulation of a size limitation of 300 square feet. Mr. I-rrera seconded the motion. Council discussion centered upon various provisions which were included in the Staff Report's proposed ordinance, including a stipulation for insurance, and for pest control. After a short discussion, Mr. Loffredo amended his motion to approve the proposed ordinance as submitted in the Staff Report but delete the included insurance provision containedin the proposed ordinance. Mr. Herrera acceptedthe amendment and seconded the amended motion. Prior to Mayor Holly calling for a vote on the motion, Ms. Estep andMr. Sarafan confirmedthat the item would come back to the Council, in formal ordnance format, for two readings and the required public hearings. Mayor Holly called the question for which there was a unanimous vote in favor of the motion. 2) VILLAGE CLERK Barbara A. Estep A) APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 17, 2009 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. Mr. Rodriguez moved approval of the March 17, 2009 Council Meeting Minutes. Mr. Lofted) seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. B) A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL TO CO -DESIGNATE N.E. 2ND AVENUE FROM N.E. 94TH STREET TO N.E. 101ST STREET AS "VILLAGE PLACE AVENUE". Ms. Estep read the caption of the Resolution into the record indicating that the Resolution formalizes the action taken by the Council during the March 17, 2009 Council Meeting. Mr. Rothguez moved approval of the Resolution. Mr. Herrera seconded the motion. Mr. Davis reiteratedhis concern regarding spending funds on new street signs with the current revenue reductions. The vote, when taken, was 4 to 1 in favor of the motion with Mr. Davis dissenting. C) A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL AFFIRMING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD TO CO -DESIGNATE BISCAYNE BOULEVARD WITHIN THE VILLAGE AS "HUGH ANDERSON BOULEVARD" AND URGING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COMMISSION MEMBERS AND MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO RECOGNIZE AND SUPPORT THE VILLAGE'S REQUEST TO HONOR ONE OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD'S INITIATORS AND MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE'S FOUNDING FATHERS. Ms. Estep read the caption of the Resolution into the record Mr. Loffredo moved approval of the Resolution as submitted. Mr. Herrera seconded the motion andthe vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. D) A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL AFFIRMING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD TO CO -DESIGNATE NORTHEAST 6TH AVENUE WITHIN THE VILLAGE AS "ELLEN SPEARS HARRIS AVENUE" AND URING MIAMI DADE COUNTY COMMISSION MEMBERS AND MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO RECOGNIZE AND SUPPORT THE VILLAGE'S REQUEST TO HONOR ONE OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE'S FOUNDERS. Ms. Estep read the caption of the Resolution into the record Mayor Holly offered her opinion that N.E. 6th Avenue should be named after Bessemer rather than Ellen Spears Harris. As this was something that hadnot come up previously, Mr. Loffrecb suggested whether it would be appropriate to defer the item. Mayor Holly indicated that she felt it important to recognize an indvidual who resurrected the Shores following the stock market crash. Mr. Davis movedto table the item. Mr. Rodriguez seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. • • • • 3) VILLAGE MANAGER/FINANCE DEPARTMENT A) AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH ADVANTAGE NETWORKING, INC., SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE VILLAGE MANAGER AND VILLAGE ATTORNEY. Mr. Benton outlined the information containedin the cover memo, indicating that the Village would be consolidating IT services for the various cbpartments and that there would be a cost savings on the general base services. Mr. Davis movedto authorize entering into a contract wth Advantage Networking subject to approval by the Manager andAttorney. Mr. Herrera seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 4) VILLAGE COUNCIL Stephen Loffredo A) PRESENTATION ON SOLAR POWER. Mr. Loffredo offered information regarding solar power, knowing that there is no funding to retrofit any existing buildings or construct the new motor pool building utilizing solar power due to the high costs currently associatedwith alternative power sources. However, Mr. Loffredo hopes that when economic times are better, the Village will be able to take advantage of the new technologies that are being developed. 5) ANNOUNCEMENTS Ms. Estep readthe announcements. 6) PUBLIC COMMENTS Alice Burch Ms. Burch spoke of Mayor Holly's tenure as Mayor andthanked her for her service. Bekky Leonard Ms. Leonard also thanked Mayor Holly, along with the remainder of the Council, the Manager, Attorney and Clerk. 7) COUNCIL COMMENTS JC Rodriguez Mr. Rodriguez spoke of his four years on Council, indcating he had enjoyed serving. He commended Mr. Loffredo for his futuristic thinking. Prospero Herrera Mr. Herrera thanked Mr. Benton for the work of introducing the newly annexed area into the Village. Suggestedthat residents spend Holy week with their friends and families. Hunt Davis Mr. Davis spoke of the importance of resicbnts sending the letter contained on the Village's website to the State Legislators. Mr. Davis thanked Mayor Holly for her two years of leadership and for the support of the residents. Steve Loffredo Mr. Loffredo spoke of serving on seven different Council, indicating that he has had the best experience with the current Council, an experience he will always treasure. Herta Holly Mayor Holly stated that she has enjoyed being the Mayor and serving the residents. She urged people to continue to support the Village. 8) ADJOURNMENT • The April 7, 2009 Council Meeting Inas adjourned at 8:25 PM. Barbara A. Estep, MMC Village Clerk • • Herta Holly, Mayor