11-13-2000 Workshop MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE
The Miami Shores Village Council conducted a Workshop Meeting on Monday, November 13,
2000 in the Village Hall Conference Room commencing at 7:04 PM with the following members
Mayor Ulmer
Bob Blum
Al Davis
Steve Loffredo
Mary Ross Agosta
ALSO PRESENT: Tom Benton, Village Manager
Barbara Fugazzi, Village Clerk
Mr. Benton introduced Dr. Larry Feldman, Director of District IV of the Miami -Dade County
Public School System. Dr. Feldman provided information to the Council regarding the process
that an Attendance Boundary Committee (ABC) follows in order to submit a plan for redrawing
school attendance boundaries. Dr. Feldman indicated that a School Level ABC had been formed
for the Miami Shores Elementary School. Residents Bekky Leonard and Mark Sell, who were
present at the Workshop, stated that they had been appointed to the School ABC, with Ms.
Leonard being elected as Chair. Mr. Benton advised the Council that he had a listing of the
members who will serve 011 the School ABC and will forward that information to the Council.
Dr. Feldman offered the Council information regarding the other effected schools, those being
Gratigny Elementary, Blanton Elementary, and Reeves Elementary. He stated that in completing
the necessary forms, the ABC's use information only from two documents: the Public School
ABC Profile Form and the Grade Level Membership Form. Dr. Feldman advised that he would
forward this information to Mr. Benton.
Specific discussions took place regarding:
1) The possible reasons for building the new Sibley Elementary School at the particular
location (was it to relieve overcrowding at M.S. Elementary as well as Gratigny?). The
Village Administration will research the issue and will report back to the Council.
2) Does the possibility of having M.S. Elementary School expanded to an ele-middle school
have anything to do with its being targeted for boundary change? Dr. Feldman indicated
that there is currently a cap on bringing any additional ele-middle schools into operation.
He stated his opinion that the ABC target has no relationship to the ele-middle possibility.
• 3) Past instances where the School Board and agency personnel have exhibited a lack of
cooperation in dealing with the Village.
Dr. Feldman stated that it was unrealistic for anyone to believe that the existing boundaries
would not be changed somewhat and that the Village, as a community, should present a plan to
the District which takes into account the factors that the Board will review. He indicated that the
School level ABC is comprised of numerous Village residents whom the Council may feel will
serve the community's best interests. If this is the case, then the Council can just monitor the
Dr. Feldman provided the Council with boundary scenarios which would not be favorably
considered by the Superintendent and ultimately the School Board. However, he stated that
there is a possibility for a "grandfathering" effect to be presented in a plan. This would provide
for fourth graders to fmish their elementary school education at M.S. Elementary rather than
changing schools for the final year prior to middle school. Dr. Feldman completed his
presentation, advising both the Council and Mr. Benton that he would be available to assist the
Village in whatever way possible.
Mayor Ulmer recessed the Workshop at 8:40 and reconvened at 8:50 PM.
Additional discussion amongst the Council ensued regarding various scenarios for boundary
changes, including the possibility of moving the Gratigny School boundary more north and
leaving the existing M.S. Elementary School boundary as is.
The Council Workshop was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Barbara A. Fugazzi, CMC
Village Clerk
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Mark S. Ulmer, Mayor