05-24-2000 Special Meeting•
A Special Meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Wednesday, May 24, 2000
at the C. Lawton McCall Community Center commencing at 7:40 PM with the following
members present:
Mayor Ulmer
Bob Blum
Al Davis
Steve Loffredo
Mary Ross Agosta
ALSO PRESENT: Tom Benton, Village Manager
Barbara Fugazzi, Village Clerk
Mayor Ulmer offered background information regarding the State's project and plans for
Biscayne Boulevard. Mayor Ulmer dispelled some of the rumors and disputed some of the
statements which have been circulating throughout the Village. For example, Mayor Ulmer
stated that the barricades will not be removed, and that the surveyors who have been in the area
are trying to determine the right-of-way boundaries. Mayor Ulmer stated that as directed by the
Council, Mr. Benton had hired a traffic engineer to analyze the submitted plans and to provide
informational data to the Council. Mayor Ulmer outlined the suggested format for the meeting
and proceeded to introduce Mr. Y'ves d'Anjou from Tinter Associates.
Mr. d'Anjou provided information regarding the DOT's plans, indicating that the old plans called
for a 100' right-of-way corridor and the current plans call for a minimum 66' right-of-way
corridor. Mr. d'Anjou reviewed the typical plan profile, explaining what the various markings on
the plans relate to, i.e. green space (median), curb & gutter, sidewalks, etc. Mr. d'Anjou stated
that the current plans call for the tightest cross section of roadway, and outlined the parameters
for a Class 7 roadway in relation to spacing of median openings, etc.
A lengthy discussion centered around the DOT's plans for a center median and its impact to the
Village residents, including the proposed width of the median and proposed traffic lanes.
Discussion also took place regarding the road closures and landscaping and the possibility was
raised as to whether or not FDOT would just resurface the roadway rather than make any
"improvements". Mr. d'Anjou stated that FDOT's goal is to improve the level of service of the
roadway and to move traffic more efficiently.
Mayor Ulmer called for a recess at 8:40 PM and reconvened the meeting at 8:50 PM.
Mayor Ulmer thanked for d'Anjou for his presentation and indicated that representatives from
the Florida Department of Transportation were present and invited them to speak. Mr. Danny
Iglesias, Senior Project Manager for FDOT came forward and introduced the various members of
the FDOT project team. Mr. Iglesias provided information on the current roadway design.
During this presentation, it was learned that FDOT, due to right-of-way boundaries, will not be
installing a center median on the south section of the project. However, sufficient right-of-way is
available north of 96th Street and therefore, FDOT continues to plan for a 20' center median in
that section of the project. FDOT representatives indicated that in order to facilitate dedicated
left turn lanes, the 20' median was necessary. Extensive discussion ensued between members of
the FDOT team, Council Members, and residents, regarding this proposed plan.
Following these discussions, Mayor Ulmer asked if Mr. Loffredo was prepared to make a
motion. Mr. Loffredo read the following resolution into the record and moved to send the
resolution to the Florida Department of Transportation.
Being that Biscayne Boulevard passes through the heart of the Village of
Miami Shores, any alterations to its design will impact the serenity of our
Village and the quality of living and safety of its residents. Therefore, the
Village Council and the residents of the Village of Miami Shores resolve to
work with the Florida Department of Transportation to maintain the
peaceful, residential environment of the Village within the common goal to
improve the condition and safety of Biscayne Boulevard. To that end, the
Village Council and the residents of the Village of Miami Shores request
that any proposed changes to Biscayne Boulevard incorporate necessary
safeguards to ensure the peace and safety of our homes, businesses, public
spaces and places of worship. These necessary safeguards should also be
incorporated into plans for a construction phase. These should include, but
may not be limited to; no or only minor encroachment into the right of way
separating homes from the Boulevard (no more than 2 5 feet East or West),
no hindrance of North-South access to our businesses, public spaces or
places of worship, and no significant decrease to the "green" barrier which
shelters our residents from the noise and traffic of the Boulevard. Further,
any proposal should provide the necessary funds to provide effective
measures that will reduce the noise, visual or safety impacts of the proposed
alterations, thus ensuring the serenity of our residents and community.
Ms. Agosta seconded the motion. Mayor Ulmer opened the floor for Public Comment.
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Boris Moroz Mr. Moroz spoke about his concern regarding the business district at the
south end of the Boulevard.
T.F. Chambers
Mr. Chambers asked if the Village might consider selling a portion of its
property on the west side of the Boulevard in order to preserve the
residential properties.
Becky Martinez Ms. Martinez spoke about the median and her concerns that a median
would encourage children to attempt to cross the busy roadway.
Chris Sais Mr. Sais indicated that medians force u -turns and asked if FDOT had
completed any safety studies or cost/benefit analysis.
Mark Juanico Mr. Juanico stated his belief that there is nothing wrong with the current
traffic flow or condition of the Boulevard. He stated that medians are not
Alice Burch Ms. Burch spoke about the need for a cross walk and traffic signal at the
Country Club/Aquatic Center.
Ruben Vicente Mr. Vicente spoke about the need for traffic calming on the roadway and
that it is more important to have landscaping between the road/sidewalk
and the house rather than in the middle of the street.
Maria Rodriguez Ms. Rodriguez spoke regarding children's safety if the roadway is five feet
closer to the homes.
Mayor Ulmer closed Public Comment.
Individual Council Members briefly summarized their thoughts on the FDOT plans. Mr. Blum
suggested the following minor amendment to Mr. Loffredo's proposed resolution:... These
should include, but may not be limited to; no or only minor encroachment into the right of way,
or additional use of the right of way separating homes from the Boulevard ... This amendment
was accepted by Mr. Loffredo and Ms. Agosta. Mayor Ulmer called for the vote which was
unanimous in favor.
The Clerk read the announcements.
Residents Mark Sais and James Dentico spoke about the FDOT plans and resident options.
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Steve Loffredo Mr. Loffredo thanked the Council, Mr. d'Anjou and FDOT representatives
for their attendance and presentations.
Mary Agosta
Ms. Agosta informed those in attendance that long-time resident, Ed
Harrigan had fallen in his home and was presently in critical condition at
the hospital.
The Special Council Meeting of Wednesday, May 24, 2000 was adjourned at 10:05 PM
0 Barbara A. Fugazzi, CMC
Village Clerk
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Mark S. Ulmer, Mayor