10-18-1994 Regular MeetingMiami Shores Village Regular Council Meeting October 18, 1994 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on October 18, 1994 at the Village Hall, commencing at 7:35 p.m. with the following members present: Present: Also Present: Mayor Heffernan Michael Boyle Richard Fernandez Steven Johnson Robert Cook Michael R. Couzzo, Jr. Scott W. Davis William F. Fann Mr. JD Varney, Director of Recreation, made a presentation about Halloween Howl. Anthony Oliva and Elisa Ortiz trick or treated at the Council meeting, the Council members provided the treats. Mr. Cook announced that he had to leave the meeting at 9:00 p.m. CONSIDERATIONS: ITEM *1 VILLAGE CLERK: Mr. Scott Davis A. MINUTES Mr. Boyle asked that the minutes from the 10/4/94 meeting be amended to reflect that on page 3, at the bottom, that he had offered support for the theater because the Village has an obligation to support cultural recreation as well as physical recreation. Mr. Boyle moved approval of the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting of 10/4/94 as amended. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. The Council acknowledged receipt of the minutes from the following meeting: Code Enforcement Board 10/6/94 The Village Clerk announced that item *4 has been removed from the agenda at the request of the Village Manager and will reappear on the agenda for the first meeting in November. ITEM *2 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE GARBAGE FEES OF MRS. JOAN HABERSIN. Mayor Heffernan Introduced the item and Ms. Habersin reviewed the background and history of the Item. She stated that she still owes $1,377 if the late charges are waived. Mayor Heffernan asked Mr. Fann what options does the Council have In this matter. Mr. Fann replied that the Council doesn't have the power to waive fees and that the petition is out of order. Mayor Heffernan stated to Ms. Habersin that there Is no solution to her problem other than to pay in full. He explained that the Village Attorney has advised the Council that the Council cannot waive the Tate fees. ITEM o3 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLEā€¢ ACTION CONCERNING COMMUNITY PROMOTION AND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Fernandez reviewed the background of the item and stated that he was removing this item from the agenda to be discussed at a workshop meeting so that sufficient time can be devoted to the item. ITEM *4 PRESENTATION BY DENNIS KLINEMAN, PRESIDENT OF THE GREATER MIAMI SHORES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, REGARDING A REQUEST FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE. At the request of the Village Manager this item was removed from the agenda to be considered at a future meeting. ITEM *5 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE ANNEXATION OF BEL MAR. Mr. Michael R. Couzzo, Jr., Village Manager, presented the item and asked Mr. Benton to describe the area and show the public a map of the area. Mr. Couzzo spoke about franchise fees and stated that Dade County would allow the Village to receive the Bel Mar franchise fees at the end of the franchise contracts. He stated that he will work with Dade County to see if the Village can get the fees before the end of the contracts. Mayor Heffernan stated that ad valorem taxes from Bel Mar would equal $128,509. Mr. Benton reviewed the costs that would be Involved In annexing Bel Mar. Mr. Fernandez reviewed'various scenarios to pay for Miami Shores services in Bel Mar. He suggested a Special Benefit District or a Special Taxing District. Mr. Cook spoke about the barricade program funding stopping in 1994. Mr. Fernandez stated that the Council shouldn't fix on a single issue, and that the Council should decide. If the Village wants to proceed with the protect. Mayor Heffernan asked Mr. Fann If the Village can appropriate funds for barricades. Mr. Fann replied yes. Mr. Fernandez stated that residents from Bel Mar who support annexation need to check with the rest of the residents to see If they are still interested in annexation. Mayor Heffernan stated that the Bel Mar residents should organize, and have a meeting to debate the issues, then get a petition signed with all of the resident. Mr. Fernandez stated that the Village should move forward. Mr. Johnson stated that he agrees with the Mayor and Mr. Fernandez and that the Village and residents should follow the annexation procedures. Mr. Boyle stated that he wants to have a mechanism to have the residents express opinions and he encouraged the VIIIage Manager to proceed with the project. He stated that he wants to have a believable barometer of the feeling of the residents of Bel Mar. Mayor Heffernan reviewed the procedures to proceed with annexation as laid out in Mr. Couzzo's memo to Council dated July 28, 1994. Mayor Heffernan stated that there is a consensus of council to continue with the project. ITEM *6 AN ORDINANCE OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION 2-18 (E) (2) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCE OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA; INCREASING MILAGE ALLOWANCE FOR TRAVEL IN PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLE; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE. Second Reading, The Village Clerk reviewed the background and read the caption of the ordinance. Mr. Johnson moved approval. Mr. Cook seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. ITEM *7 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Mr. Tom Benton A. REQUEST TO AWARD BID FOR SMALL AGRICULTURAL TRACTOR Mr. Benton reviewed the background and recommended awarding the bid to the low bidder which was 'Buck Tractor in the amount of $8,270. Mr. Fernandez moved approval. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. B. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE INTERLOCAL WASTE AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY Mr. Benton reviewed the background. He spoke about a threatening fetter that he received from the Dade County Manager asking him to sign an Interlocal agreement with Dade County for waste disposal. Mr. Benton spoke about a Solid Waste District. He stated that every business and homeowner would be billed a specific amount to help fund the program. Mr. Fernandez complimented Mr. Benton on his memo to council on this subJect. He spoke about the Dade League meetings on the waste Issue. He suggested that the Council not take any action until the Council can see what the Dade League will be doing. Mr. Fann stated that he concurs with Mr. Fernandez and that the Council should not sign the Interlocal agreement at this time. Mayor Heffernan complimented Mr. Benton on his memo on the subJect. ITEM *8 ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Village Clerk read the announcements. ITEM *9 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ITEM *10 COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr. Fernandez spoke about roller Mr. Boyle commended Mr. Benton presentation and the solid waste Mr. Johnson stated that he was resident of Miami Shores Village. Mayor Heffernan spoke about Halloween Howl and the sponsorship of athletic teams at the recreation Center. hockey at the recreation center. on the Job he did on the Bel Mar issue. proud to be a business owner and ITEM *11 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 p.m. Attest: Scott W, Davis Village Clerk William Mayor