11-17-1992 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1992 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on November 17, 1992, at the Miami Shores Village Hall commencing at 7:35 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Steven Johnson Henry T. Courtney Herb Spahn Stephen Loffredo Robert Cook Also present: Gall Macdonald William F. Fann ITEM *1 MINUTES Mr. Cook moved approval of the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting of 11/3/92. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Mayor Johnson acknowledged receipt of the minutes from the following meeting: Code Enforcement Board 11/5/92 ITEM *2 REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE STORMWATER UTILITY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH DADE COUNTY. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background. She stated that the agreement Is for 5 years with 5 5 year options. Mr. Carlos Espinosa, from Dade County, In response to a question from Mr. Cook stated that the County Is currently charging $2.50 per month residential rate for stormwater utility charges. Mr. Spahn asked how the budget will be created. Ms. Macdonald replied that once the list of projects Is developed the budget will be created to determine how the protects will be completed. Mr. Loffredo asked about closing off of run off out- falls Into the bay. Mr. Espinosa described how the protects will progress. He also stated that the number one problem with pollution Is road runoff into the bay. Mr. Loffredo moved approval to grant the request for authorization to execute the stormwater utility Interlocal agreement. Mr. Spahn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *3 REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ENGAGE DAVID GRIFFITH AND ASSOCIATES TO ASSIST IN FEMA CLAIMS MANAGEMENT. Ms. Macdonald explained the background and stated that the Village has one million In claims with FEMA and has received $200,000 back from them. She stated that she Is concerned with documentation for FEMA three years In the future and that David M. Griffith (DMG) has been through a FEMA audit and has had experience with Hurricane Hugo. Ms. Macdonald stated that the contract Is for a maximum of $15,000 and asked for authorization to execute a contract with DMG to provide technical assistance for FEMA claims management. Mr. Jay Bertoch from DMG introduced himself. Mr. Courtney asked about out of pocket expense and suggested that the charges for secretarial expenses be discussed with DMG and that the amount of $19 per hour Is appropriate. Mr. Cook suggested that the administration contact Mr. Parkinson and Mr. Cliff Walters, both with the County, to get help with FEMA. Ms. Macdonald explained that Mr. Parkinson and Mr. Walters don't have the necessary experience that Miami Shores needs. Mr. Bertoch stated that one of the tasks that DMG performs is to negotiate with FEMA to get reimbursement for expenses. Mr. Loffredo moved to authorize the Village Manager to enter Into a contract with DMG to assist In FEMA claims management subject only to a provision that they renegotiate the secretarial hourly fee and with also the direction to the Village Manager that she contact Miami Shores local citizens and Involve them In the process If they are willing to be so Involved. Mr. Spahn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *4 APPOINTMENT TO MIAMI SHORES FINE ARTS COMMISSION AND THE COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD. Ms. Macdonald stated that there are 2 three year term vacancies on the Fine Arts Commission and that there are 2 applicants; Mr. Daniel Suman, who the Council has met, and Dr. Sarah Meltzoff who could not attend tonight's meeting. Mr. Spahn stated that the Council should postpone the appointment of Dr. Meltzoff. He moved to appoint Daniel Suman to the Fine Arts Commission. Mr. Courtney seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Ms. Macdonald asked to postpone the appointment to the Country Club Advisory Board to allow her to gather some additional information which Is pertinent to the appointment. ITEM *5 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY BARRICADES ON NW 95TH STREET. Ms. Macdonald explained the background and stated that staff has not found a feasible alternative to the barricade. Mr. Loffredo moved to take the Item off the table as it was tabled at a previous meeting. Mr. Courtney seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Loffredo suggested constructing a circular driveway for Mrs. Lapinsky. Ms. Macdonald stated that a new driveway would be an enhancement to Mrs. Lapinsky's property and that she Is not In favor of that solution. Mr. Spahn suggested 4 ways that Mrs. Lapinsky could alter her driving habits to solve her problem. Mr. Cook stated that we are all Inconvenienced when changes are made and that he was concerned withthe safety factor. Mayor Johnson stated that there Is no compelling reason to remove the barricade. At this time Mayor Johnson called for public Input. Mr. Ronald Nedved: Mr. Jack Bailey: Ms. Janice Alvatore: Ms. Fleurette Roy: Spoke about Inconvenience and traffic In the alley. Spoke about a petition from the residents for the barricade. Keep the barricade he said. Spoke about conversation with Mrs. Lapinsky. Things better since the barricade. People driving on her lawn due to the barricade. Mr. Salvatore: Mrs. Rita Fernandez: Spoke about Mrs. Lapinsky's driving habits. Spoke about driving in Village with barricades. Mr. Loffredo stated that it is not warranted to remove the barricade. ITEM *6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 400 OF ARTICLE IV,MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER 270, AS AMENDED; ESTABLISHING LANDSCAPING DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; PERMITTING VEGETABLE GARDENS; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. First Reading. Mayor Johnson read the caption. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the Impact of the landscape ordinance. Mr. Courtney moved approval. Mr. Spahn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. ITEM *7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBPARAGRAPHS (4) (f), (4) (g) and (4) (h) of SECTION 225 OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NUMBER 270, AS AMENDED, BY REDESIGNATING SAID SUBPARAGRAPHS TO BE SUBPARAGRAPHS (4) (g), (4) (h) and (4) (I) RESPECTIVELY; ESTABLISHING NEW SUBPARAGRAPH (4) (f) TO INCLUDE APPROVAL OF METAL OR FABRIC ROOFS FOR PORCHES, PATIOS AND CARPORTS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 1002 THEREOF BY ELIMINATING REQUIREMENT THAT NOTICE BY MAIL BE REGISTERED; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE. First Reading. Mayor Johnson read the caption and Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background of the ordinance. She recommended that notices in the future will not be sent out by registered mall. Mr. Richard Fernandez stated that the material suggested In the ordinance has been extensively Investigated. Mr. Spahn moved approval. Mr. Cook seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. ITEM *8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Johnson read the announcements. ITEM *9 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Jim Condit: Spoke about crosswalks downtown. ITEM *10 COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr. Cook spoke about the barricade program. Mr. Courtney spoke about repair of the crosswalks and the Club becoming a public club. Mr. Loffredo spoke about the N. Miami Interfaith prayer breakfast. Mayor Johnson wished the public a happy thanksgiving and stated that residents should support Miami Shores protects and activities. ITEM *11 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Steven f nson, Mayor Attest: Gall Macdonald VI 1 laQe Clerk BY: Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk