01-14-1992 Cable TV Workshop MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE CABLE TV WORKSHOP JANUARY 14, 1992 The Cable TV Workshop of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, January 14, 1992, at the Miami Shores Village Hall commencing at 7:35 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Johnson Henry T. Courtney Herb Spahn Stephen Loffredo Robert Cook Also present: Gall Macdonald William F. Fann ITEM *1 DISCUSSION REGARDING MIAMI SHORES OPERATION OF CABLE TV. Ms. Macdonald Introduced the agenda Item and reviewed the history of cable television (CATV) in Nicevllle, Florida. She Introduced Mr. John Salak, Protect Manager for Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc. Mr. Salak reviewed the experience and background of his firm. He also presented a video tape about the situation In Nlceville. Mr. Salak reviewed the advantages of city owned CATV systems including: * Community regains control of service quality and delivery. * New revenue source * Integration with other city utilities * Ancillary services from automated two-way systems * Improved emergency communications Mr. Salak described the parts of a CATV system including: antenna (satellite dish) headend (converter) amplifiers, power supplies and cable Mayor Johnson asked about the total number of channels that would be available. Mr. Salak responded up to 78 channels. Mayor Johnson asked how many municipally owned systems exist at this time. Mr. Salak stated 6. Mr. Loffredo asked about the cost of the Nicevllle system and how many subscribers they have. Mr. Salak responded 1.8 million dollars with 1600 subscribers. Mr. Spahn asked how a city can compete with an existing CATV provider. Mr. Salak replied with price and number of services and channels. Mr. Loffredo asked how many personnel are required for a 1600 subscriber system. Mr. Salak responded 2 people. Ms. Macdonald asked about the time of construction. Mr. Salak responded 4 months. Mayor Johnson asked about the space required. Mr. Salak replied 1 room, a tower and space for 2-3 satellite dishes. Mr. Courtney asked why aren't more municipalities building their own system. Mr. Salak stated that they were waiting for the Nicevllle decision. Mr. Cook asked about programming costs. Mr. Salak replied $3.20 per subscriber In Nlceville and the cost for the headend Is $250,000. Mr. Cook asked about sharing expenses and expanding to other communities. Mr. Salak responded that there were no limitations. Mr. Salak reviewed and explained the specific figures for the construction of the NIceville system. Mr. Spahn asked about the annual operating costs. Mr. Salak responded that at the NIceville level of 1600 subscribers the cost would be $500,000 to $600,000 per year. Mr. Loffredo asked what would be the basic cable charge to the subscribers. Mr. Salak responded that in NIceville the charge is $14.95 per month. Mr. Loffredo asked what the time frame is from Council decision to installation. Mr. Salak replied approximately 1 year. Mr. Courtney inquired about censorship and how has it been handled. Mr. Salak responded that In NIceville programming Is handled by a city board. Mr. Cook stated that what was Important was increasing revenue without increasing property taxes. Mr. Loffredo stated that programming Is very important to generate community Interest and spirit. ITEM *2 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Steven JO'hrr= on Mayor Attest: Gail Macdonald Village Clerk By: Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk