07-16-1991 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE
JULY 16, 1991
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council
was held on Tuesday, July 16, 1991, at the Miami Shores
Community Center commencing at 7:34 p.m. with the following
members present:
Mayor Johnson
Robert Cook
Herb Spahn
Stephen Loffredo
Also present: Gall Macdonald
William F. Fann
Absent: Henry T. Courtney
The invocation was delivered by Dr. Harold Davenport from the
Miami Shores Community Church.
Mayor Johnson presented a Plaque of Appreciation to Ms. Patricia
Dahne, former Chairperson of the Downtown Revitalization Board.
Mr. Prospero Herrera presented a check to Miami Shores for
Christmas decorations for the Village.
Mayor Johnson acknowledged receipt of the minutes from the
Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of 6/10/91.
Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background of Phase II of the street
closure program. She presented a map designating the proposed
street closures. Ms. Macdonald reviewed crime statistics showing
that the street closures have significantly reduced crime In the
Village. She stated that Phase I was a perimeter plan while Phase
II could be thought of as a neighborhood plan. She said that 40
of the proposed closures were requested by petitions and 1
recommended by the staff. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the planned
traffic study and the timetable for Phase II of the street
closure program. Mr. Cook spoke about traffic problems and the
traffic study. He stated that all costs should be allocated
properly for Phase ll.
Mr. Jack Freeman:
Mr. JC Brown:
Mr. Dale Donleigh:
Mr. Joe Frechette:
Spoke about statistics and said figures
are misleading.
Spoke about the effect of street
Was against street closures, now in
favor of them. Concerned about 111th
Street and NE 2nd Avenue.
His street busier due to street
closures and concerned with kids going
to school.
Mr. George Frix:
Mr. Frank Galloway:
Mr. Joe Dugoni:
Mr. Frank Walker:
Ms. Janet Sylvagnl:
Ms. Eva Knight:
Mr. Robert Eustis:
Mr. Warren Bittner:
Mr. Joe Duffy:
Mr. Peter Acosta:
Mr. Roy McKillop:
Mr. Tom Lafferty:
Mr. Greg Totten:
Mr. Frank Nowlan:
Mr. Mark Stead:
Ms. Mary Goodnow:
Mr. Jim Condit:
Mr. Fred Bender:
Mr. Owen Henderson:
Ms. Alice WucJiak:
Mr. Frank Walthrop:
Mr. Steve Lawson:
Ms. Barbara Burton:
Mr. Mark Sell:
Mr. Blain Wilienborg:
Ms. Betty Knight:
Dr. Randy Atlas:
Traffic will Increase going to school
and more street closures are necessary
In the school areas.
Trip to store Is more difficult due to
street closures.
Pleased with staff's recommendations.
Not in favor of closing roads near the
recreation center.
Concerned with traffic on 100th Street
due to street closures on other
Against a street closures on 97th
Interested In a complete traffic study
for Miami Shores and slowing down
traffic on 103rs Street.
Interested In reducing crime with
street closures and closing 100th
Happy with proposal because It Is safer
for the kids In the Village.
Happy with street closures, concerned
with crime and spoke about property
values going up.
Concerned with traffic on 5th Avenue
Road and requested a closure.
Concerned with traffic on 105th Street
and allys along N. Miami Avenue.
Has a closely knit neighborhood. Wants
to reduce crime and speeders. Wants
street closures
Pleased with street closures.
His street has become a pleasure since
it has been closed.
In favor of street closures on her
Spoke about cutbacks In the Village and
the cost of street closures and the
accounting of the costs.
Concerned with moving the western
boundary of Miami Shores east of N.
Miami Avenue.
Spoke about turning in petitions late
for his street.
Happy about street closure proposed In
her area.
Spoke about trees and Is In favor of
more trees In the Village.
In favor of street closures.
Spoke about the original Phase II
proposal. Spoke about pavers to slow
down traffic.
Concerned with moving the western
border of the Village.
Not in favor of the proposal. Wants
99th Street and 2nd Avenue closed.
Spoke about street closures on NW 2nd
Spoke about crime statistics and their
reduction due to street closures.
Ms. Sally Grimn-Deborg:
Mr. Art Salow:
Mr. Mike Maxwell:
Ms. Betty Zern:
Mr. Jim Yates:
Ms. Sari Jones:
Mr. Daniel Owens:
Mr. Tom Wyman:
Mr. Doug Jacobs:
Mr. Spero Canton:
Mr. Donald Salzberg:
Mr. Jack Bailey:
Mr. Victor Donnell:
Mr. Marto Oliva:
Mr. Steve Crlsty:
Ms. Debbie Ziegler:
Mr. Brian Smith:
Mr. Arthur Taylor:
In favor of not closing 102 Street at
6th Avenue.
Something needs to be done on streets
that have gotten more traffic due to
street closures.
Citizens on streets that are getting
more traffic should be Incorporated
Into the decision process.
Council should listen to citizens whose
streets are left open.
Is In favor of closing 102 at 6th
Avenue due to crime.
In favor of street closures at 101 and
6th Avenue. Spoke about speed bumps on
103rd, 6th and 96th Street.
In favor of street closures at 102nd
and 101st at 6th Avenue.
In Favor of street closures.
Inquired about deadline for petitions.
Spoke about separating homes from
traffic with beautification projects.
In favor of street closures on 100th
Street and N. Miami Avenue. Spoke
about fire response time.
Very pleased with street closures;
however, opposed to changing the
western boundaries.
In favor of closing 100th Street at N.
Miami Avenue.
Interested In protecting children and
street closures are right for Miami
Spoke about the division of Miami
In favor of street closures.
Spoke about traffic on main roads and
the cost of the street closure program.
Asked for a street closure on Park
Mr. Spahn suggested that the staff review the recommendations
heard at the meeting and have an additional meeting for the
Council to come to an agreement on a plan to send to the County.
Mr. Loffredo stated that he was concerned with the number of
street closures In Phase II. He spoke about narrowing 96th
Street east of 10th Avenue. He also stated that he has problems
with Phase II as It stands. Mayor Johnson stated that he was
concerned with traffic on streets that are not closed. He
suggested that the plan should go back to the staff for further
recommendations. Mr. Spahn stated that the Village could put
money aside for traffic relief if a plan Is designed. Mr.
Loffredo asked that Phase II be placed on the August 20th agenda
for a second public hearing. There was a consensus of Council to
study the Issue further before any action would be taken.
Mr. Cook reviewed the background and asked that the Intent of
the Item be placed In the minutes. He stated that the Intent is
as follows: To identify the problem area of the Village's
existing pool In a safe and usable condition and establishing
funds for such time that the existing pool is condemned and found
to be beyond feasible economical repair by a certified engineer.
Mr. Cook moved that:
a) A "Capital Improvement Fund" for the pool be established.
b) Such funds be used for the required repairs to the existing
pool so that the pool may be maintained In a safe and usable
condition. Or for a new pool when the time comes that our
existing pool be condemned and found to be beyond economic
c) Such funds may NOT be used for current pool's en-
hancement, I.e. upgraded pool apparatus.
d) The fund Is to be used for the pool and pool only; as long as
the pool remains the property of the Village of Miami Shores and
Is carried on the Village's budget.
e) Considering the dated engineers review of our current deck
problem and to eliminate the continued speculation as to the deck
area's safe life, the Council charge the Village Manager with
the task of having the pool's deck area Immediately reviewed by
an Independent certified engineer for the purpose of answering
two questions: First, an assessment of the existing deck area's
safe life as is? Second, required repairs to extend the deck's
safe life beyond time specified In the answer to the first
question and what anticipated life extension would be achieved?
Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion. Mr. Cook suggested 2/10 of a
mill per year be levied to create this fund. Mr. Spahn stated
that the motion should be part of the budget process. He said
that he has a problem with the
current engineers because they are too expensive. He suggested
filling In under the deck at a rock bottom price. Mr. Loffredo
spoke about the budget hearings and the budget process. He
stated that he was concerned with setting aside $60,000 at this
time. Mr. Loffredo stated that he agrees with the engineering
part of the motion. Mr. Loffredo withdrew his second for the
motion. Mr. Cook withdrew his motion.
Mayor Johnson passed the gavel to Mr. Cook.
CATIONS. Mayor Johnson reviewed the background. He stated that
the Village has 3 options:
Close pool
Renovate or build new pool with or without bonds
Minimum maintenance now and renovate In the future.
Mayor Johnson moved to have the Village Manager obtain fee
proposals from Seiler Keller and at least two additional
engineering firms to report on 1) estimated remaining life of
pool complex due to deck problems and 2) estimated cost of
renovation of existing pool. Mr. Spahn offered the amendment that
the engineers should be required to report on the estimated life
and the cost to extend It 5 years. Mr. Loffredo stated that he
would like to Join the consensus to get the engineering work
done. Ms. Macdonald stated that the Village cannot solicit fee
information from engineering firms. She reviewed the process to
select an engineering firm. Mayor Johnson withdrew his motion.
Mr. Spahn stated that Seller Keller already has the necessary
numbers and preliminary work done. Mr. Cook stated that the
Village should get engineers to give estimates to extend the life
of the deck with no specific time frame.
Mayor Johnson moved to have the Council direct the Village
Manager to obtain fee proposals from Seiler Keller and HJ Ross to
report on the estimated remaining life of the pool as Is and to
estimate the cost of required repairs to extend the deck safe
life beyond the time that they specified in the answer to the
first part and what anticipated life that would be and finally
to give the estimated cost of renovating the existing pool by
filling In the lower areas and reconstructing essential equipment
on the surface of the deck. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous in favor.
Mr. Cook passed the gavel back to Mayor Johnson.
REFORM. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and stated that
the Village Is split down the middle for representation. She
asked that a Council member go to the County Workshop to
represent the Village on the matter. Mr. Loffredo volunteered
and Mr. Cook stated that he would attend If he was back In town.
Mayor Johnson read the announcements.
Mr. Loffredo encouraged the citizens to attend the budget
Ms. Lillian Walls spoke about the vote on the pool bond and
suggested a mailing to the residents to give more information.
Mr. Bob Blum spoke about getting bids for renovation of the pool.
Mr. Doug Jacobs inquired about a suit regarding the driving
Mr. Brian Smith spoke about the suit regarding the driving range
and the pool Issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:24 pm.
Attest: Gall Macdonald
Village Clerk
Scott W. Davis
Deputy Village Clerk
Steven Joa so