12-18-1990 Regular Meeting MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 18, 1990 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, December 18, 1990, at Village Hall commencing at 7:35 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Courtney Herb Spahn Spero Canton Steven J . Johnson Also present : Gall Macdonald William F. Fann Absent : Steven Loffredo The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Don Fiauchmeler from the Advent Lutheran Church. ITEM *1 MINUTES Mr . Spahn moved approval of the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting of 12/4/90. Mr . Johnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor . Mayor Courtney acknowledged receipt of the minutes from the following meetings: Pension Board 11 /14/90 Code Enforcement Board 12/6/90 Planning and Zoning 11/8/90 ITEM *2 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SELECTION OF ENGINEERING FIRM FOR SWIMMING POOL PROJECT. Ms. Macdonald explained the background stating that the total project cost is projected to be $800,000 to $830,000. She recommended that the Council authorize the Village Manager to execute the contract with H.R. Ross and Assoc. Mayor Courtney asked if H.R. Ross Is the best firm. Ms. Macdonald responded yes. Mr . Spahn asked how the engineers were selected previously and in the current project . Mr . Varney explained the selection process. Mr . Canton arrived at this time In the discussion. Mr . Spahn moved to support the administration and hire the firm of H.R. Ross Assoc. to begin work on the engineering of the pool . Mr . Johnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor . ITEM #3 REQUEST TO CLOSE ALLEY BETWEEN NE 107TH AND 108TH STREET AT NE 2ND AVENUE . Ms. Macdonald explained that she has received a petition to close the alley and recommended closing It . Mr . Canton spoke about closing alleys with devices other than chains. Mr . Canton moved to approve a closure for the alley at 2nd between 107th and 108th Streets. Mr . Spahn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor . Mr . Canton asked what other options were being considered Instead of chains for alleys. Ms. Macdonald replied that rumble strips were being considered and she would have an answer from Dade County in about 6 weeks. ITEM *4 APPOINTMENT TO THE FINE ARTS COMMISSION Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background . Mr . Canton moved to appoint Ms. Alissa Delucla to the Fine Arts Commission. Mr . Spahn seconded the motion . Mayor Courtney stated that Ms. Delucia would make an outstanding addition to the Commission. The vote was unanimous In favor . ITEM *5 REQUEST TO WAIVE BID PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE OF CURB AND GUTTERS FOR BARRICADE AT NE 91ST STREET AND NORTH MIAMI AVENUE. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and stated that there is a $7,000 to $8,000 anticipated cost . Mr . Canton moved approval . Mr . Johnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor . ITEM *6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-38 REDEFINING ACCUMULATED CONTRIBUTIONS; CHANGING DATE FOR ANNUAL CALCULATION THEREOF FROM JANUARY 1 , TO OCTOBER 1 COMMENCING AS OF OCTOBER 1 , 1990; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE . Second and final reading . Ms. Macdonald read the caption of the ordinance. She explained what the ordinance was and recommended approval . Mr . Canton moved approval . Mr . Spahn seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor . ITEM *7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 516 OF MIAMI SHORES ZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER 270 BY ADDING THERETO A BASKETBALL GOAL AS AN ACCESSORY BUILDING; DEFINING BASKETBALL GOALS AND HEIGHTS THEREOF; LIMITING NUMBER, LOCATION, DIMENSIONS, COMPOSITION AND COLOR THEREOF; REQUIRING ANCHORAGE THEREOF ; REQUIRING PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF ; REQUIRING EXISTING STRUCTURES TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITHIN THREE YEARS; EXEMPTING BASKETBALL GOALS FROM REGULATION OF ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS BEING A PART OF ARTICLE IV OF SAID ORDINANCE NUMBER 270; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE . First reading. Ms. Macdonald read the caption, explained the meaning and recommended approval of the ordinance. Mr . Spahn moved approval . Mr . Canton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor . ITEM *8 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING DEPARTMENT OF LABOR INVESTIGATION. Ms. Macdonald explained the background. She explained what actions have been taken to protect the Village In the future and recommended transferring $41 ,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to the General Fund to fund the settlement with the Department of Labor . Mr . Canton moved approval . Mr . Johnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor . ITEM *9 VILLAGE MANAGERS REPORT Ms. Macdonald spoke about portables being built at Barry University, Miami Shores participation In the D.A.R.E . program and a Traffic Control Committee update. ITEM *10 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Courtney read the announcements. ITEM *11 COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr . Johnson wished the public a happy holiday. Mr . Canton wished the public a happy holiday and complimented the Village Manager on the job that she is doing and spoke about the property values of Admiral Condit 's property. Mr . Spahn wished the public a happy holiday and spoke about the Department of Labor investigation . Mayor Courtney wished the public a happy holiday and spoke about new people moving to Miami Shores and the problem with residents speeding through the Shores. Mr . Canton spoke about large planters on 96th Street . ITEM *12 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ITEM *13 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 pm. 4HH yT. Court eyor Attest : Gall Macdonald Village Clerk By: Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk