07-17-1990 Regular Meeting MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 17, 1990 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, July 17, 1990 at Village Hail commencing at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present : Herb Spahn Stephen Loffredo Marty Stofik Spero Canton Absent : Mayor Courtney Also present : Gail Macdonald William F. Fann. Mr . Spahn was Acting Mayor due to Mayor Courtney's absence. Mr . Spahn presented a proclamation for "National Night Out" to Candy Larson . ITEM *1 MINUTES Mr . Loffredo moved approval of the minutes from the Regular Council meeting of 7/3/90. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor . Mr . Spahn acknowledged receipt of the following minutes: Downtown Revitalization Board 6/6/90 Recreation Advisory Committee 6/11/90 Code Enforcement Board 7/5/90 Planning and Zoning Board 6/28/90 Mr . Canton and Mr . Loffredo spoke about the Planning and Zoning Board Item regarding Publix's remodeling . Mr . Fernandez discussed P&Z's position regarding the request . ITEM *2 REQUEST TO ENGAGE AUDITING FIRM Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background stating that 6 firms responded to the request for proposal . She said Rachlin and Cohen 's final proposal Is $16,000 per year for three years and recommended approval . Mr . Canton so moved and Ms. Stofik seconded the motion . Mr . Loffredo spoke about losses in the past and the role of the Village's previous auditors. The vote was unanimous In favor . ITEM *3 PRESENTATION OF BARRICADE STATISTIC REPORT Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and Introduced Dr . Randall Atlas Ph .D. Dr . Atlas spoke about barricades and how they relate to crime in various parts of Miami Shores. He reviewed the Incidence of different types of crimes before barricades were Installed and after their Installation. He said that an additional effect of barricades has been to mobilize the community. Dr . Atlas • advised the Council to be very careful where barricades are placed and determine what the desired effect for each location is before barricades are Installed. Ms. Stofik spoke about comparing crime statistics by population rather than geographical location . Mr . Spahn spoke about the overall reduction of crime and that crime is not moving to the non-barricaded areas. Mr . Canton asked what the Village can do for the border areas that are experiencing more crime. Dr . Atlas replied that the Village could annex the County areas at the borders or put up large fences. Dr . Atlas also stated as a response from a question from the audience that Mobile Patrol should concentrate on the border areas. DUE TO A MISTAKE IN NUMBERING THERE WAS NO ITEM *4 & *5 ON THE AGENDA. ITEM *6 APPOINTMENT TO THE ADVISORY BOARD ON HANDICAPPED SERVICES. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background. Ms. Stephanie Messana reviewed her background for the Council . The vote by written ballot is as follows: Canton : Messana Steinmeyer Loffredo: Messana Steinmeyer Stofik : Messana Steinmeyer Spahn : Messana Ms. Messana was appointed to the term ending in July 1992, and Mr . Jon Steinmeyer was appointed to the term ending September 1990. ITEM *7 REQUEST TO APPROVE ASSIGNMENT OF COUNTRY CLUB FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and conveyed Mayor Courtney's endorsement of the assignment of the food service to Total Food Service Direction . Ms. Stofik moved approval and Mr . Canton seconded the motion. Mr . Loffredo asked what the term would be for the sublease. Mr . Hart replied that It would equal the length of the term of the lease of the Country Club to PCM but that the sublease on the food service has a 30 day cancellation clause. The vote was as follows: Canton - Yes Stofik - Yes Spahn - Yes Loffredo - No ITEM *8 PRESENTATION OF MIAMI SHORES PAY AND CLASSIFICATION STUDY. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and Introduced Mr . Pellegrino, Senior Partner with Cody and Associates. Mr . Pellegrino reviewed the process to perform the study and the results. He spoke about how the new pay structure will help in the ability of the Village to hire new employees and the effect It will have on current employees. Ms. Stofik asked about the ranking of the Library staff In the Pay and Classification structure. Mr . Pellegrino replied that the market dictates at what rate a specific Job is classified. Mr . Canton asked about wages in the Public Works Department and will the new structure help to get quality employees. Mr . Pellegrino replied yes. ITEM *9 REQUEST TO APPROPRIATE $7,400 FOR POLICE RADIO PURCHASE. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and recommended approval . Mr . Canton moved approval and Ms. Stofik seconded the motion . Chief Zoovas stated the radios will be for additional officers and spare radios while others are being repaired . The vote was unanimous in favor . ITEM *10 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO CLOSE THE SOUTH END OF "T" ALLEY BETWEEN NE 91ST STREET AND NE 92ND STREET AT THE EAST END OF MIAMI AVENUE . Ms. Macdonald reviewed the background and stated that Staff has studied the situation. She recommended approval . Mr . Loffredo so moved and Mr . Canton seconded the motion . Mr . Frank Now!an stated that neighbors concur that the proposed configuration is the best way to close the alley. He explained the route of the garbage trucks In the area. After some discussion as to the placement of the closure in the alley the vote was taken and was unanimous in favor . ITEM *11 RESOLUTION REGARDING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Mr . Loffredo suggested a request be sent to the School Board rather than a Resolution. He stated that the request would be for the School Board to purchase additional properties in the middle of the block for parking . ITEM *12 REQUEST TO APPOINT CITIZENS COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC. Ms. Stofik explained the background stating she Is not looking for the creation of a committee rather she suggested inviting 3 residents who live on 96th Street to meet with the Traffic Response Team to develop solutions to the traffic problems on that street . Mr . Spahn stated that the committee should look at the Ideas generated at the barricade public hearing then bring the results to all of the residents on 96th Street . Mr . Canton stated that he supports Ms. Stofik 's Idea. He said that bringing 96th Street residents in in the Initial phase would Insure "buy in" of the residents right from the beginning . Mr . Loffredo stated that cost is not a consideration and that the Council has a commitment to the residents. He said that there will be sources of revenues to do the work on 96th Street from the barricade revenues. Mr . Loffredo suggested 3 homeowners to come in with suggestions. Mr . Canton stated that the Council has a commitment to the residents on every main thoroughfare. Chief Zoovas spoke about the recommendations that came from the public hearing and Village-wide traffic enforcement . Ms. Stofik said the Council should let the residents be a part of the answer rather than the Council have to sell the answer to them. She suggested the following for the committee: Betty Hatch Betty Zern Michael Maxwell Mr . Loffredo suggested Mr . Condit be Included on the list . He also stated that residents should select among themselves who the representatives should be. Mr . Condit stated that he would be glad to help and will get a list of names of residents to meet with the Traffic Response Team. Mr . Canton suggested 4 residents. ITEM *13 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr . Spahn read the announcements. ITEM *14 COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr . Canton spoke about letters to the editor in the Neighbors section of the paper with regards to annexation of the Bel Mar area. Mr . Loffredo spoke about the plans for a new pool and his desire for a bond Issue to finance it . Mr . Spahn spoke about the upcoming Budget Hearings. ITEM *15 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr . Nowian spoke about the "NO OUTLET" sign on 91st . Mr . Terrell Chambers spoke about the "Jail & Ball " for MDA. ITEM *16 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm. I-TerTry- tourtney Mayor /-/ Attest : Gail Macdonald Village Clerk By. S Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk