07-10-1990 Public Hearing MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BARRICADE PUBLIC HEARING JULY 10, 1990 The public hearing for barricades of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, July 10, 1990 at the Community Center commencing at 7:03 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Courtney Herb Spahn Stephen Loffredo Marty Stofik Spero Canton Also present : Gail Macdonald William F . Fann. Mayor Courtney explained how the meeting would be conducted . Ms. Macdonald explained that the Council has awarded the bid for the entire Phase 1 project and outlined the schedule for construction . She spoke about statistics, property values go- ing up in the Shores and the reduction of crime In the barri- caded areas. Mayor Courtney asked for public Input . 1,. INSTALLATION OF BARRICADES EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND NORTH OF 96TH STREET. Harold Sheets: Traffic on 96th street and 12th Avenue is a problem. Arleen Dennison : Spoke about alleys and the Increase in traffic. Suggested sidewalks on 12th Ave. Barbara Burton : No additional traffic on 12th . Suggested retiming of traffic light at 96th Street . Elenore Everett : Better on 12th Avenue asked for speed bumps to slow down traffic. Mr . Canton spoke about the County approving any traffic control requests. Michael Maxwell : Spoke about safety of small children on 96th Street . Suggested narrowing of 96th Street and striping . Mr . Loffredo spoke about narrowing 96th Street using barricade tax funds. Ms. Stofik asked about drainage on 96th Street . Mr . Benton responded. Mr . Canton spoke about striping of 96th Street , Increasing the parking areas and reducing the speed limit to 25 mph to reduce speed . Edith Donaldson : Pleased with barricades. Said her property value Increased by $90,000. Emmy Pedineili : Suggested using 4 way stop signs at 96th and 12th . Bob Shlppee: Suggested a gate instead of barricades. He said - closures at the north end are a mistake. Dee Dee George: Likes the Idea of a gate that residents could use. Harriet Gilbreath : Spoke about property values going up. Christina Carrera: Likes barricades, helps stop crime. Bill Perry: Against opening up any barricades in the North end . Betty Zern : Spoke about Increased traffic on 96th Street . Suggested reducing speed limit to 20 mph to reduce speed of traffic. She also suggested a stop sign at 12th Avenue. Ralph Renick : For barricades. Suggested retiming of traffic signal and more police presence on 96th Street . Jay Stein : Suggested a median with trees for 96th Street . Mr . Canton suggested medians on the outside of the street Instead of the middle and the beautification of 96th Street . Mr . Loffredo stated that getting traffic away from homes is a great Idea. Elizabeth Price: The further cars are from the homes the better . Dick Bappert : Traffic Is worse on 10th Avenue and the barrels are bad . He said that people cut across his lawn and the alleys are bad . Mr . Loffredo suggested three Ideas to stop people from crossing Mr . Bappert 's lawn : 1 . Take barricade out and move to the . . . Boulevard . 2 . Concrete curbing 3 . No left turn at 10th from Biscayne Jim Condit : Spoke about the meeting process and emergency vehicles. Ms. Macdonald responded that she has checked with the Fire Department and the Village will be providing maps of the barricaded areas to keep In the fire trucks. Mrs. Shollberger : Stated that 96th and 12th can 't handle the volume of traffic and emergency vehicles cannot get through . She suggested a light at 96th and 12th . Ms. Stofik suggested a 5 step pian: 1 . Request the Village Manager to have the County commission a traffic study for a stop sign at 12th and 96th in the center of the street . 2 . Striping between Boulevard and 12th on 96th. 3 . Check timing of light at 10th and 96th . 4. Begin investigation of a median or wide swale on 96th . 5. Try something else in alley before using a chain . She suggested rumble strips in the allevs. Mr . Canton suggested sidewalks on 12th Avenue and a reduction of the speed limit to 20-25 mph . 2 . INSTALLATION OF BARRICADES IN THE NORTH COUNTRY CLUB AREA. Debbie Seigler : Spoke about alleys and stated that she was very happy with barricades. Gene Colson : The "NO Through Street" sign is too far down the street to be effective. Frances Goetz : Spoke about hurricanes, flooding and evacuation with regards to barricades. Mr . Canton suggested Public Works Department open alleys if there Is a hurricane warning . Mr . Spahn spoke about the Traffic Control Response Team going to the County to ask for traffic control changes including a left turn signal South on Biscayne at 96th Street . Bud Atchison : Spoke about emergency vehicles and that there is no problem regarding the barricades. Charles James: No problem with emergency vehicles . 3 . INSTALLATION OF BARRICADES ON PARK DRIVE. Maria Bryant : There is an Increase of traffic on 96th Street West of the Boulevard. Emmy Pedinelii : Too many signs and a traffic flow problem on 96th Street . Mr . Spahn suggested more police presence on 96th Street to reduce the speed of traffic during rush hour . Mr . Phil McNeil : Stated that he was adversely effected by the erection of barricades and that there is an Increase of traffic on Park Drive. Ms. Stofik suggested having the police check for speeding on Park Drive. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 pm. /ee::� . enry Courtne Mayo Attest : Gail Macdonald Clerk By: Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk