05-08-1990 Business Development Workshop Meeting MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP MAY 8, 1990 The Council workshop for the business development of Miami Shores Village was held on May 8, 1990 at Village Hall commencing at 7:35 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Courtney Herb Spahn Spero Canton Stephen Loffredo Marty Stofik Also present : Gail Macdonald William F . Fann ITEM * 1 PRESENTATION OF SUMMARY OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT REPORT. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the Business Development Committee Work Plan Matrix Chart . She spoke about how the workshop will proceed. Mayor Courtney stated that the reason for the workshop is because those In attendance are concerned citizens and all present want what 's best for Miami Shores. ITEM *2 COUNCIL COMMENTS Mr . Spahn spoke about his past experience and what might happen to the downtown area if Miami Shores does not become business friendly. Mr . Canton spoke about wanting action and change. He also spoke about working with downtown business owners and working as partners with them. Ms. Stofik spoke about business in areas other than downtown . She said the Council cannot control many things but they should work on the things that they can change. Mr . Loffredo stated that the Village can create a favorable atmosphere for business but the Council cannot Insure any specific business success. He said there are alot of successful businesses in Miami Shores. Mayor Courtney stated that business Is bad on 2nd Avenue and It looks bad downtown . He said the Council would like it to be better . He also spoke about the Improvement since the closing of the 99 cent movie theater and other changes. Mayor Courtney said you need to spend money to make money. He also spoke about Code Enforcement In the Village and the need for more enforcement . ITEM *3 IMPLEMENTATION OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the suggestions for downtown from the Business Development Committee to be performed by Planning and Zoning . Mr . Fernandez spoke about the function of the P&Z Board, and that they take their direction from the mandate to keep Miami Shores a single family residential community. He Introduced the other members of the P&Z Board. Mr . Fernandez stated that radical changes downtown will have radical changes In the surrounding areas. He spoke about the buildable foot print of the downtown area. Mr . Tom Laubenthal stated that the Village should move forward to a full occupancy level downtown . He also spoke about a base plan for the entire downtown area. Mr . Canton stated that drastic zoning changes are not needed. He said subtle changes would be sufficient . Mr . Fernandez spoke about retail vs service for downtown. He reviewed the work plan matrix and P&Z 's position on each Item. He also said a marketing change is necessary for the short term and zoning changes would be for the long term. Mr . Robert Cook spoke about being business friendly. He spoke about what market downtown is trying to attract . He said that areas that do not have a tourist trade mostly have professional type of businesses. Mr . Cook spoke about developing a budget for projects to redevelop downtown . Mr . Canton spoke about the Council finding money for worthwhile projects. He also spoke about a magnet business to draw people downtown . Mr . Canton spoke about a business recruitment committee and the difficulty of opening a business in Miami Shores. Mr . Larry McClure stated that we need to know where we stand downtown so we can plan where we want to go. Mr . Loffredo stated that we as a community are not willing to sink money in the downtown area except for minimal types of things. Mr . Fernandez stated that projects take time. He said that Indecision Is causing problems and P&Z will come back with a recommendation on sewers very soon. Ms. Barbara Witte reviewed the recommended Downtown Revitalization Board's action Items as suggested by the Business Development Committee. She spoke about a street scape. Ms. Katie Salow and Ms. Witte showed a drawing of Ideas for the future of downtown. Ms. Witte reviewed In detail the drawing . She also spoke about adding lighting on side streets and Improving lighting on 2nd Avenue. Ms. Pat Dahne stated that the Ideas on the list from the Business Development Committee are items that the DRB has been working on for the past few years. She spoke about the survey that was distributed by the DRB and how it shows what the residents want downtown. Ms. Dahne stated that if a major step is to be taken downtown a professional planner Is necessary. Ms. Stofik clarified the charge of the Business Development Committee to the DRB. ITEM *4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RECOMMENDATIONS. Mr . Owen Henderson spoke about the Chamber 's concern that the Chamber of Commerce and the DRB need to be unified in their efforts to help Miami Shores. He said he likes the Idea of being business friendly and that sewers are not a practical solution for the short term problems although he said he likes the Idea of sewers and the total community should share In the cost of the sewers. Mr . Henderson said that there is a need to attract new professional businesses. He spoke about businesses that draw customers from all over the County, that the lighting needs to be Improved especially on the side streets and the speed of the traffic. Mr . Spahn asked how the public sector can help businesses. Mr . Henderson stated that tax incentives would encourage Improvements to the buildings. He also stated that some businesses fall no matter where they are and that most people shop In the malls. Ms. Bobble Scott spoke about crime and additional lighting on the side streets. Ms. Peggy Rente spoke about Indecision on projects for 2nd Avenue and better lighting. Mayor Courtney called for a recess at 9:40 p.m. The Meeting was reconvened at 9:49 p.m. Ms. Stofik stated that the Village needs to create a healthy business climate. She stated that she was disappointed with the Sunfest program and that she was concerned with possible problems if major zoning changes are Implemented. Ms. Stofik stated that no one thing will solve the problems, It has to be many small things. She suggested picking a recommendation from the Business Development Committee and putting a time frame on it and complete the project . Dr . Jay Stein spoke about the lack of upgrading of the downtown area in the past , the need to attract people downtown, the need to be business friendly and the lack of public relations for Miami Shores. He suggested changing the name of 2nd Avenue, and creating a dinner theater to attract tourists. Mr . Art Taylor spoke about lighting, repair of parking lots, security and publicizing Miami Shores. Mr . Jack Weissman stated that he was happy with the Shores and that his business is improving . ,Mr . Fernandez spoke about marketing of the Shores and creating an identity for downtown . He said retail is dead in downtown except for specialty Items. Ms. Betty Wu stated that retail Is not dead and that downtown is more convenient than the malls. Ms. Witte stated that the quality of the business Is Important not just filling up the buildings. Mr . Spahn stated that the Village needs zoning changes because Miami Shores is not business friendly. Mr . Fernandez spoke about the reasons for denial of the yogurt shop to operate in the Shores. Mr . Terrell Chambers spoke about the sidewalks downtown. ITEM *5 DISCUSSION REGARDING EXECUTIVE RELOCATION Mr . Richard Colangelo spoke about executive relocation packets and that the executive relocation program needs funding. Ms. Stofik suggested formally adopting the Business Development Committee recommendations, get moving on zoning changes and procedures to get Miami Shores business friendly, start the budget process to fund projects and to Improve the lighting downtown. Mr . Canton stated he would like the administration to set deadlines and specific time frames for recommendations from the Business Development Committee. He suggested a 60 to 90 day time frame on zoning changes. Mayor Courtney asked those who had Ideas to submit written reports in order to better facilitate completion of the suggested projects. ITEM *6 ANNOUNCEMENTS ITEM *7 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 p.m. erirT. Courtney' t Mayor if By : Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk Attest : Gail Macdonald Village Clerk