11-07-1989 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1989 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, November 7, 1989 at Village Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Herb Spahn Spero Canton Stephen Loffredo Marty Stofik Also present: Gall Macdonald William Fann Mr. Spahn was acting Mayor due to Mayor Courtney's absence. ITEM *1 MINUTES Ms. Stofik stated that some of the points that she had made on Item *3 at the October 17th meeting were not reported In the minutes. She also stated that maternity leave should be changed to paternity leave for males. Mr. Loffredo clarified his remarks from the October 17th meeting stating that he was In favor of a modern retail business district. Mr. Canton stated that it was Mr. Spahn who Inquired about using the old police radios for Public Works not himself at the October 17th meeting. Ms. Stofik moved approval of the minutes from the Regular Council Meeting of 10/17/89. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Spahn acknowledged the minutes from the following meetings: Mayor's Task Force on Country Club 9/21/89 Mayor's Task Force on Country Club 10/4/89 Mayor's Task Force on Country Club 10/19/89 Downtown Revitalization Board 10/04/89 Downtown Revitalization Board 10/18/89 Recreation Advisory Committee 10/16/89 Planning and Zoning Board 10/12/89 Mr. Canton asked Mr. LuBIen which Items need to go to Council from the P&Z Board. Mr. LuBten responded that Items involving alterations to buildings go before Council. ITEM *3 PRESENTATION REGARDING THE 1-95 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. Mr. Murray Bond, Director of Gold Coast Commuter Services, presented a video regarding the reconstruction. He said the construction will be from 95th to 129th, starting In two weeks and ending In 1991. Mr. Loffredo Introduced the Weeblos from Den *48. Mr. Bond encouraged using van pools or car pools to reduce traffic. Mr. Loffredo asked how the construction will affect Miami Shores streets. Mr. Bond stated that there will be no lane closures during the day. He said cross streets could be closed at anytime. He advised checking the major media to find out about specific daily information. Mr. Bond said that Miami Shores could be affected by cars getting off 1-95 and that trips should take about 50% longer. Ms. Stofik asked about construction between 95th and 58th In the future. Mr. Bond replied that there will be construction at those locations and It will affect the traffic flow. Ms. Stofik asked If it will relieve the bottleneck at 79th street. Mr. Bond said that the whole program Is designed to relieve bottle necks however there will always be problems. Mr. Spahn asked the Village Manager to write a letter to the Department of Transportation to request a sign at 1-95 for Miami Shores. ITEM *3 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF VARIANCE FOR FIBERGLASS SHINGLE ROOF. Mr. LuBien explained the background behind the request. He said that this Item is a carry over from the last meeting and that Mr. Rudnick Is In the audience tonight. Ms. Stofik asked if the shingles will match the roof on the main building. Mr. LuBien replied yes. Mr. Loffredo moved for approval. Mr. Canton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR ALTERATIONS. Mr. LuBien explained the background. Mr. Stanley Ross, Construction Manager, for Pizza Hut showed a drawing of the proposed reconstruction and explained the nature of the business that will be conducted at the location being discussed. Ms. Stofik asked what the anticipated traffic pattern will be. Mr. Ross stated that the reconstruction will use the existing curb cuts on 6th and Biscayne Boulevard. He said the number of customers that will come to the location Is a small percentage of the anticipated business at this location. Most of the pizzas will be delivered to the home he said. Mr. Canton moved for approval. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. ITEM *4 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SELECTION OF DESIGN OF BARRICADE PROTOTYPE. Ms. Macdonald reviewed her memo to the Council dated 11/3/89 "Barricades". She read the memo to the Council from Mayor Courtney dated 11/7/89 "Barricades". Ms. Macdonald also reviewed the Barricade Installation Schedule. Mr. Tom Laubenthal showed the Council drawings of the prototype barricade. He explained how the construction would be done. All construction will meet Highway Safety standards he said. Mr. Laubenthal said all bids will be on a uniform design so the Council can easily see who Is the lowest bidder. Mr. Spahn asked If all streets are going to have T turn arounds. Mr. Laubenthal replied that all streets must have T turns by County regulations. Mr. Canton asked about signs. Mr. Laubenthal replied that he has gotten the number of signs that are required lowered by the County. Mr. Canton asked about wooden fences vs hedges. Mr. Laubenthal explained why hedges were chosen over fences. Ms. Stofik asked what communication will occur with adjacent property owners. Mr. Laubenthal replied that Mr. Benton will be the conduit between the residents, the Village and the contractors. Mr. Loffredo asked about reflectors on the barricades. Mr. Laubenthal replied that reflectors will be Installed according to County Standards. Mr. Loffredo asked how long will It take to see the first finished barricade. Mr. Laubenthal replied approximately 3 months. Mr. Richard Fernandez asked about irrigation. Mr. Laubenthal replied that irrigation Is not affordable at this time and the plantings will be drought resistant. Mr. Condit asked If the contractor Is going to be responsible for the grass when it Is first planted. Mr. Laubenthal replied yes for 90 days. Mr. Canton moved to adopt the selection design of the barricade prototype that Mr. Laubenthal has Introduced to the Council. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *5 REQUEST TO WAIVE BID PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLATION OF PROTOTYPE BARRICADE. Ms. Stofik so moved. Mr. Canton seconded the motion. Mr. Loffredo asked how much the prototype will cost. Mr. Laubenthal replied $4000. The vote was unanimous in favor. ITEM *6 REQUEST TO WAIVE BID PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE WALL BARRICADES ALONG NW 95TH STREET AT 2ND COURT AND 2ND PLACE. Mr. Tom Benton stated residents would rather see a continuation of walls that are In the area. He said that the construction company that the staff recommends has been the low bidder In the last three protects. Mr. Benton said it will be a 5 foot concrete wall that will tie Into the existing concrete that is there. It will be stuccoed and painted white. Mr. Canton asked about having grass In front of the walls. Mr. Laubenthal replied DOT will require grass. Mr. Canton asked how will Public Works deal with kids and spray paint. Mr. Benton replied that special paint will be used that will resist spray paint. Mr. Loffredo moved to waive bid procedures and Install the concrete wall barricades as Mr. Benton has laid out In the proposal. Mr. Canton seconded the motion. Ms. Stofik asked if plant material would reduce the chance of graffiti. Mr. Benton stated that a hedge would Interfere with the sidewalk. Mr. Laubenthal stated that the walls make the area unique and recommended that It would be cheaper to pursue the walls. He also said that the walls could be recessed with hedges In front. Mr. Canton proposed that the Council approve the measure and send out notices to the home owners In the affected area advising them on the configuration of the barricades and giving them a chance to respond with feedback. Mr. Spahn stated that after a week or 10 days the Council can revisit the Issue. Mr. Canton offered an amendment to the motion on the floor that approval to waive the bid procedure be pending the notification of the neighbors and minimal feedback from that plan and let the Council know the results within a week or so. Mr. Loffredo accepted the amendment. Mr. Condit stated that people will not be able to get out on 95th Street they will have to go around the wall. Mr. Scott Benton suggested moving the monuments and putting up the same barricades that the rest of the Shores has. The vote was unanimous In favor of the motion. Mr. Loffredo moved to Instruct Ms. Macdonald to withdraw the barricade at 91st Street and N. Miami Avenue from the bid procedure and Instruct the staff to come back to Council with a proposal for a customized design for that intersection. Mr. Canton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Loffredo stated that he would like to see extensive temporary testing before permanent barricades are Installed. Mr. Spahn asked Ms. Macdonald about bidding for the barricade protect. Ms. Macdonald replied that If the program was bid as one whole project we could see if economies of scale would offset the cost of borrowing funds to Implement the protect. Ms. Stofik stated that additional materials would have to be purchased for temporaries If the whole protect was completed at one time. Mr. Canton stated that the residents want the barricades as soon as possible and a 3 month test period for the temporaries would be sufficient. Mr. Canton moved that the Council approve taking bids on 25 barricades and on 67 barricades and given the feedback the staff receives, they do the program In the most efficient way so the Village can get the best numbers and protections that can be gotten in making the final determination on which will save the Village money. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion. Ms. Barbara Burton stated that it is Important to get barricades In on the main thoroughfare so the Mayor's Task Force can start to look at other needs of the Village. Admiral Condit asked Mr. Laubenthal about barricades In relation to fire hydrants. Mr. Laubenthal replied that all public utilities will remain in place. Ms. Austin stated that residents in the community are eager to continue with Phase 1 as quickly as possible to improve safety and to Increase property values. The vote was unanimous In favor for the motion on the floor. Mr. Spahn called for a recess at 9:51 pm. The meeting was reconvened at 10:00 pm. ITEM *7 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING RECYCLING. Ms. Macdonald reviewed her memo to the Council dated 11/3/89 "Recycling Protect". She also read a memo from Mayor Courtney dated 11/7/89 "Recycling". Ms. Macdonald reviewed the recycling schedule. Mr. Spahn asked If the program could be In the alleys for most of the Shores and In the front where the alleys are Impossible. Mr. Benton showed a picture of how the equipment fits in the alleys and said that it would be necessary to do the whole Village In the front. Mr. Canton moved to accept staff recommendations for curbside service for recycling. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and said that there Is an advantage in doing the entire community curbside due to consistency. The vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Loffredo stated that the Village Is going to have to do some heavy promotion for recycling. ITEM *8 REQUEST TO WAIVE BID PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE OF RECYCLING CONTAINERS AND TRAILER. Mr. Benton stated that the containers will cost $22,000 and $19,000 for the trailer. Mr. Canton asked how the wind will affect the paper In the containers. Mr. Benton replied that the paper will be below the top of the 18 gallon containers. He said that residents will be asked to put papers on the bottom of the container. Ms. Stofik moved to accept staff recommendation, waive the bid procedure and proceed with the purchase of the recycling containers and trailer under the requirements of the State grant. Mr. Canton seconded the motion. Mr. Loffredo asked what type of trailer is being discussed. Mr. Benton replied the trailer will be hydraulic and dump the material into a roll off container. He said the trailer is 24 feet long 8 feet wide and 5 feet high. Mr. Benton said that the trailer and truck are cheaper than 1 unit. The vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Canton moved to Instruct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance dealing with recycling. Ms. Stofik seconded that motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Loffredo spoke about a burner to eliminate trash. ITEM *9 RATIFICATION OF PBA CONTRACT. Ms. Macdonald explained the background behind the agenda Item and recommended approval of ratification. Mr. Canton so moved. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *10 RATIFICATION OF FPE CONTRACT. Ms. Stofik moved approval. Mr. Canton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *11 APPOINTMENT TO THE PENSION BOARD (EMPLOYEE SEAT), FINE ARTS COMMISSION AND THE COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD. Mr. Canton moved approval of Jean Bryant to serve as the employee representative on the Pension Board. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor Mr. Joseph Obermeyer explained why he would like to be on the Country Club Advisory Board. The roll call vote was as follows: Stofik: Obermeyer Canton: Obermeyer Loffredo: Obermeyer Spahn: Obermeyer Mr. Obermeyer was appointed to the board. Ms. Stofik moved to reschedule the vote on the Fine Arts Commission until the following meeting. Mr. Canton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *12 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE CITIES AMIGOS PROGRAM. Ms. Stofik reviewed the program. She said that It Is a chance for Miami Shores to learn alot from another community. She said that it Is like the sister cities program but it Is Intra state. Ms. Stofik suggested having the Mayor's Task force pursue the matter. There was a consensus of Council to have the Mayor's Task Force pursue the matter. ITEM *13 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING MEETING WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD AND MIAMI SHORES PARENTS. Mr. Canton stated that no one from the Shores goes to Edison High School and we are paying taxes for the school. He stated that he would like to have a meeting with the parents to get together and put down In writing what their frustrations are and what they would like to accomplish. Then go to the School Board with a plan of action. He suggested the 2nd week in December at the community center for the meeting. Mr. Canton stated that a list of needs would be presented to the School Board and If those needs were not acted on a class action sult would be initiated. Ms. Stofik stated that the big problem that the Council Is dancing around Is that people are not real happy In sending a 14 year old white child to that neighborhood. She said that the School Board cannot change the Inner city. Ms. Stofik went on to say that the proposed meeting needs a focus as to what to accomplish. Mr. Spahn stated that the Issue should be limited to education and not racial Issues. Mr. Loffredo stated that the problem with public schools Is lack of supervision. Ms. Stoflk stated that the goal of the meeting Is Important and the agenda needs to be made to only address the specific goals. She suggested waiting until after the Holidays to have the meeting which will give Mr. Canton time to gather Information from the local schools. ITEM *14 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Spahn read the announcements. ITEM *15 COUNCIL COMMENTS Ms. Stofik spoke about Halloween Howl and classes at Horace Mann School. ITEM *16 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ITEM *17 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 pm. Attest: Gail Macdonald Village Clerk By: Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk 6nry . Courtn Mayor/